So I'm looking for ways to get Civ 5 to run properly


Oct 17, 2010
I don't know where to put this, so I'll post it here. I think it's tech-related...

So CiV crashes randomly on my laptop (Win7 64mb, i7 720, ATI 4670, 4GBs RAM). The crashes always occur during different moments, between turns, at end of turn, at the beginning of turns, etc., so I'm starting to suspect something memory-related. All new drivers that I could find are installed, and I've been looking for other ways to improve performance. Which leads me to the few questions I have for you guys:

1. It says here to "change the value in the config(ini) file "HideOutOfVRamWarning" to 1". Yet, I can't find that value in my config file (it's the one in the C:\Users\(...)\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5 folder, right?). Since the article was posted during patch (I think), was it removed/changed in subsequent patches?

2. In the GraphicsSettingsDX9/GraphicsSettingsDX11 ini files (in the C:\Users\(...)\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5 folder), there's a line that goes:
; Use more advanced GPU features which can cause some drivers to crash
TerrainUseAdvancedGPU = 0
What does that do?
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