[Vanilla] Sold it - Aspyr doing a bad job


Aug 17, 2016
I was tired of waiting for news from Aspyr on the possibility of having both extensions offered for the Nintendo Switch version of Civ 6. So I sold the game.
Yeah I don’t blame you it’s already been long enough a simple yes or no from either the Civilization Team or Aspyr would’ve been nice to hear. I’ve been tweeting them for weeks now and I’ve gotten nothing not even a simple response. I submitted a support ticket on their website and they don’t even have Civilization IV for the switch label under their games. So I filed my ticket under Civilization IV on PC and told them about the production bug and asked if the expansions are coming and all I got was can I screenshot the bug and how exactly was the bug accruing in game. As for the expansions they simply said that it wasn’t planned on coming to the switch. From what I’m hearing form other people is that Aspyr is slow at updating any of the games so even if the expansions are planned I highly doubt we’ll see them anytime soon. I haven’t touched the game since the end of February and I just loaded in the game today. We are no longer on 1.0.2 but that’s only because PC players can port their saves over to the switch so I doubt the update fixed any bugs. Although with PC now able to port over their saves it might be a clear indication that the expansions are coming otherwise how would PC players be able to port a save with the expansions on it meaning currently they can only port vanilla saves I’m guessing. Sad to see a player leave but I can say I don’t blame you. Let’s just hope with PC players being able to port their saves that maybe the Civilization Team will get on Aspyr about adding the expansions to the switch. With borderlands coming out who knows how long it’ll take.

(Sorry for any type-os I was in a rush hopefully it’ll make sense either way)
Sorry to hear that Boccages, but I certainly understand. Communication from the publisher is the lifeblood of a game like this; if it doesn't happen, users tend to figure the publishers isn't really invested in it and hence may follow suit. I honestly don't see myself touching the Switch version again unless/until the expansions arrive for it, but for the time being at least I'll hold onto my copy in the fading hope that we'll see something announced, perhaps around E3 or whenever Firaxis themselves makes another round of formal announcements for various projects.
It's mind-boggling that Firaxis and 2K Games are still relying on Aspyr for macOS, iOS and console ports. This could all be done in-house (as Paradox Interactive has been doing for the last 6 years or so) and we would all be better off for it.
I don't blame you. I have extremely little faith that we are going to be receiving the expansions on the Switch any time soon. You think we would have heard something by now and it's just radio silence.
Not only complete radio silence but the one patch we do get is for PC it ain’t even for us which is really sad.
Not a word. Maybe around E3 or later when Firaxis makes any sort of major announcement for the PC version, perhaps. But given how they just announced their big June update, I wouldn't hold my breath. Hate to say it, but it doesn't look good; communication from either Firaxis or Aspyr has been nonexistent since launch. Seriously makes you wonder why they bothered with a Switch port in the first place if they never believed in the project enough to support the game and the community post-launch.
Civ 6 is on sale for Switch again, but I'm still not buying it until the expansions are available
I doubt there will be an expansion. I still use it vanilla and its really time consuming. I've been on it for days.
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