Is there any way to make the text on the screen larger while leaving the map, improvements, units the same size?
Is there any way to make the text on the screen larger while leaving the map, improvements, units the same size?
Yeah 2 things i mentioned before
1. Map huge is not really that huge....its about as half as big as a civ 6 huge map
I really hope some one mods some bigger maps......seems like an easy fix?
2. Yeah I really wish they would make a year 2 turns instead of suxs your leaders die too soon IMO
I'm not sure what you want exactly in terms of relative sizes, but there are options to modify the size of GUI elements in options->UI
Disclaimer : I've been playing the game for a quite short amount of time yet, but I'm in love with it, I think like I've not been in love with a 4X since my first games 25 years ago. You can call me a fan boy: although I'm not a boy anymore, I'm definitly a fan. Enough that I'm exiting lurk mode, here and elsewhere.
1) the maps are actually quite sizeable, and the game is defintly not Civ so I'm not sure if the comparison (in terms of tile number ?) is relevant.
There are a lot of differences between the games that make the map feel completly different to me, I didn't think to try and list why before but here goes:
2) While of course we feel the loss of strong leaders, I think this actually is a good thing. You inevitably grow quite attached to your leaders and doubling their life would make the game into a RPG (well character building instead of empire building). I think this is a testament on how succesful the game is in involving you in the life of your characters and their stories.
- The predefined city sites and ability to reserve them means competition for space is completly different
- You don't have part of the map gated beyond the ability to cross oceans
- units can go through each other so funnel/strongpoint dynamics are completly different (a mountain pass for example)
- the way unit vision is handled, really in the end restricting real exploration capability to scout unit
On the other hand, I have no doubts that enough people want more of the that we will see mods doing just that pretty much immediately if this is not the case already. Old world is/will be immensely modable, and that should be pretty simple to do.
I'm not sure what you want exactly in terms of relative sizes, but there are options to modify the size of GUI elements in options->UI
Disclaimer : I've been playing the game for a quite short amount of time yet, but I'm in love with it, I think like I've not been in love with a 4X since my first games 25 years ago. You can call me a fan boy: although I'm not a boy anymore, I'm definitly a fan. Enough that I'm exiting lurk mode, here and elsewhere.
1) the maps are actually quite sizeable, and the game is defintly not Civ so I'm not sure if the comparison (in terms of tile number ?) is relevant.
There are a lot of differences between the games that make the map feel completly different to me, I didn't think to try and list why before but here goes:
2) While of course we feel the loss of strong leaders, I think this actually is a good thing. You inevitably grow quite attached to your leaders and doubling their life would make the game into a RPG (well character building instead of empire building). I think this is a testament on how succesful the game is in involving you in the life of your characters and their stories.
- The predefined city sites and ability to reserve them means competition for space is completly different
- You don't have part of the map gated beyond the ability to cross oceans
- units can go through each other so funnel/strongpoint dynamics are completly different (a mountain pass for example)
- the way unit vision is handled, really in the end restricting real exploration capability to scout unit
On the other hand, I have no doubts that enough people want more of the that we will see mods doing just that pretty much immediately if this is not the case already. Old world is/will be immensely modable, and that should be pretty simple to do.
ayers seem to like
1.Yeah most Civ players seem to like smaller maps, its simply a matter of taste, I guess im a anomaly liking really big maps.....I base this on my many multi-player games and everyone hosts smaller maps////Im the only one yelling make the map bigger right or wrong just a taste thing
2. Yeah I hate putting a lot of work into leaders, get them where they want, then they die....suxs IMO......I don't see your arqument it takes away from the Civ aspect....but again no right or wrong just an opinon
I'm playing a Carthage game on the latest release patch, and it's starting to chug a bit. But I have really been enjoying playing it today, and I feel this is the best I've been at it - but I know I still have a lot to learn. I do get really into it, too - I was building my daughter up to take over from me and then she goes and dies (typical...), so when my leader died, he got replaced by a six year-old.
One thing that makes me chuckle - I've mentioned it here, and on Discord - is just how many characters are gay. I'm openly LGBTQ+ myself, but when all four Tribes are lead by people with the 'Gay' trait, I just... fell about laughing. Then one died and was replaced by another gay character, and my gay daughter became pregnant before marriage - so the fact the trait really isn't working properly or in any real context is absolutely hilarious to me.
Would also like to point out that you can make the event system a little unhappy if you pick a Law before doing the event (e.g. Slavery or Freedom). I've done it twice now.
Disclaimer : I've been playing the game for a quite short amount of time yet, but I'm in love with it, I think like I've not been in love with a 4X since my first games 25 years ago. You can call me a fan boy: although I'm not a boy anymore, I'm definitly a fan. Enough that I'm exiting lurk mode, here and elsewhere.
1) the maps are actually quite sizeable, and the game is defintly not Civ so I'm not sure if the comparison (in terms of tile number ?) is relevant.
There are a lot of differences between the games that make the map feel completly different to me, I didn't think to try and list why before but here goes:
2) While of course we feel the loss of strong leaders, I think this actually is a good thing. You inevitably grow quite attached to your leaders and doubling their life would make the game into a RPG (well character building instead of empire building). I think this is a testament on how succesful the game is in involving you in the life of your characters and their stories.
- The predefined city sites and ability to reserve them means competition for space is completly different
- You don't have part of the map gated beyond the ability to cross oceans
- units can go through each other so funnel/strongpoint dynamics are completly different (a mountain pass for example)
- the way unit vision is handled, really in the end restricting real exploration capability to scout unit
On the other hand, I have no doubts that enough people want more of the that we will see mods doing just that pretty much immediately if this is not the case already. Old world is/will be immensely modable, and that should be pretty simple to do.
I agree with this - I think huge maps would be extremely tedious. I think the game gets a tad tedious towards the end (the inevitable problem with all 4Xs) because of all the units and stuff you have to do manually, and also the snowball effect. I think 10 cities is already a major handful (assigning workers, building roads, building a line of troops to protect major ones) and could not imagine dealing with 25 cities. But of course, if it's an option and it floats someone's boat, ok
I also think smaller maps fit the theme better. It's Old World, not colonization or world exploration which is more Civ. They didn't explore the same amount as later ages did (I think?). They were in crowded spaces. It generates tension much more quickly which I like, and feels like the classical era.
I also agree leaders dying is good. It helps mix things up and keep you on your toes. Frankly, I wish they had more events that threaten the life of the leader based on certain conditions - I don't even think you should be able to count on every leader dying of old age (so far all my leaders die of old age except on case where i bypassed heirs to see what would happen and they assassinated me). Not like totally random events - but tied to things.
I think it's better to accept that this game isn't civ , it helps when you start from that framework. Because it'll never be civ (gigantic maps, ability to found 40 cities, immortal leaders, etc).
hmmm as far as a Civ like game i think the graphics are great, I wish only they put more effort into certain units (some units are way better then others IMO).......remember people IMO, DONT play Civ and Civ clones for the graphics....its the concepts
The graphics in this game are simply gorgeous. Just about the most beautiful I have ever seen. As for differences in units, don't forget that the game is in Early Access. There already have been improvements since the game was released.
I also disagree strongly that graphics make no difference. I hate the graphics in Civ 6. It is impossible to tell whether a tile is a hill or not. On top of that they love to use monochrome. The Fog of War in shades of brown. The loyalty screen uses some sort of grey-blue with arrows pointing all over it.
Then there's the UI. Civ reached its peak in this regard somewhere between III and IV. V and VI were serious steps backwards. OW takes it to a whole new level. Everything, aside the events, is on the main screen. It's brilliant.
Oh, I mean the overall fidelity of the graphics. Like the lighting and textures. Even on high settings on my machine they just look standard compared to some youtubers.
Well, my computer is 1920x1080 with good, but not great, graphics. I willing to bet that just about all youtubers have systems which are at least as good. Many of them are 4K. We are playing back of a recording of what these top-notch systems did over an Internet which transmit it in real-time. This whole system is limited by my 1080p computer's ability to play the recording. Software can VASTLY improve the appearance of high-resolution recording over lower-resolution playback devices. Remember that this is all you are doing when you see something on the Internet. You are watching a recording.Oh, I mean the overall fidelity of the graphics. Like the lighting and textures. Even on high settings on my machine they just look standard compared to some youtubers.
Who TF are you? Do you actually work for Mohawk? Everyone there seems to be so nice. And why do you have a need to laugh at people?Yeah we made a special super-high-resolution-16k-adaptive graphics version just for twitch and YTer's.
If I had an employee who treated a customer like this, I would fire him on the spot. And, no, I would not be kidding.
Who TF are you? Do you actually work for Mohawk? Everyone there seems to be so nice. And why do you have a need to laugh at people?
If I had an employee who treated a customer like this, I would fire him on the spot. And, no, I would not be kidding.
BTW, Dale one of the many things which annoys me about you is your tagline. Because you clearly don't want to bring happiness into another people's lives. You far prefer to laugh at them.
Just to bring the point out: your avatar is not about happiness either.