The space elevator says "it can only be built at maximum latitude of 30 degrees"
What the hell does that mean?
What the hell does that mean?

Genv [FP];7246704 said:It confuses me why you can't build it close to the North pole of the planet.
The optimal path to a SS win involves the internet and/or tech teft and it is basically a fusion beeline
Besides that, your path is pretty good. I would go first to plastics before superconductors and I would not mind doing the casings that fast, because it can cost you the space race ( they slow the ships down and you may need to launch a hasty and fast ships to try to get earlier than the AI ship ). And I would give more priority to genetics....
In reality a space elevator would have to be on the planet's equator, as the centre of mass has to be in geosynchronous orbit. You couldn't for instance build it anywhere near 30 degrees north or south, as it would be in nothing like geosynchronous orbit, and so would just collapse or break apart.
That's just an easy way of making sure you can always build granaries. I think everything except the space elevator has the same max latitude. I don't know why it's 90 specifically, but they've got to pick something.wait, question:
If the maps only have 60 of latitude why in the buildinfos.xml files does it say graneries etc. can be built at max latitude of 90?