pretend the impossible
Hi all,
currently I'm working on a "Unit-Sandbox" , a Dialog Window, with which you can predefine promotions and names of Units.
These units are stored and appear on the city production list and you can build them. ( I will post this thing into the mod components forum)
Well, this is one of the preliminaries I want to make for my really concern.
I want to make a SpaceMod for Civ4 and I have a quite big set of ideas, which dammed since my civ3's SpaceMod bogged down because of the few possibilities of changing civ's rules...
But since Civ4 came out with python and my experience with the Sandbox-Tool I'm very optimistic to transform my ideas to a real good mod
In this thread I write down my ideas in the first posts and you are free to make proposals or to say, what might be not good. I even haven't
thought of all features, so if you have a good idea I will take them into the following descrtiption of the SpaceMod. Also it will make me
really happy if somebody wants to help me to realize this great SpaceMod !
currently I'm working on a "Unit-Sandbox" , a Dialog Window, with which you can predefine promotions and names of Units.
These units are stored and appear on the city production list and you can build them. ( I will post this thing into the mod components forum)

Well, this is one of the preliminaries I want to make for my really concern.
I want to make a SpaceMod for Civ4 and I have a quite big set of ideas, which dammed since my civ3's SpaceMod bogged down because of the few possibilities of changing civ's rules...
But since Civ4 came out with python and my experience with the Sandbox-Tool I'm very optimistic to transform my ideas to a real good mod

In this thread I write down my ideas in the first posts and you are free to make proposals or to say, what might be not good. I even haven't
thought of all features, so if you have a good idea I will take them into the following descrtiption of the SpaceMod. Also it will make me
really happy if somebody wants to help me to realize this great SpaceMod !