- Joined
- Oct 27, 2010
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- 45
I'm wanting to mod these in myself, but I don't know if I'll have time to do it and maintain the code as well as the artwork. Figured I'd dump the ideas and storyline bits here for anyone to use.
I have Norwegian dialog done, and personality ratings for all of them done if anyone wants that data as well.
Spreadsheet of data and Personality values
Dialog and basic data for Nordic Coalition
Faction: Nordic Coalition
Acronym: NC
Leader: Tormod Eriksson
Following the Great Mistake, much of Scandanavia found itself under water and its climate radically changed. Tormod Eriksson found opportunity in the tragedy, and pushed for agriculture programs to take advantage of their newfound farmland and coastal ventures. The people rallied behind him and he soon found himself a candidate for the Seeding.
+10% Food produced by coastal cities
+1 Food from Algae
Faction: Commission to Restore Britain (CRB)
Acronym: CRB
Leader: Susan Rhodes
After the Great Mistake Great Britain found itself in a state of chaos with the vast majority of its major cities and infrastructure under water. This caused a massive refugee crisis and most of the refugees found themselves displaced in northern (what was formerly France). Susan Rhodes, a former politician in Britain, used what little power remained in her office to secure supplies for her people and try to find a solution to rebuilding her destroyed country. When the Seeding was announced, she was voted as a candidate in hopes she could find a solution.
Workers cost no maintenance
Agriculture Focus generates 25% additional Food
Faction: New Arabian Council
Acronym: NAC
Leader: Ibrahim Somekh
Following the Great Mistake, many of the nations in the Arabian peninsula began to worry about the environmental ramifications that would soon engulf their nations. They began pooling resources, technology, and manpower to try to prepare for the coming disaster. Ibrahim Somekh quickly became the voice of the nations as he dedicated 100% of his company's resources to solving the crisis. Because of his efforts much of the nations bordering the Persian Gulf were nearly unaffected by the rising sea levels. When the Seeding was announced a council of like-minded Arabian leaders was formed and nominated him to take part.
+1 Production from Trade Routes
+20% Trade Route range
Faction: Canadian Republic
Acronym: CR
Leader: Joseph Clark
The amount of refugees that resulted from the Great Mistake was immense. Canada was relatively untouched and quickly opened its borders to the fleeing masses, resettling and providing all it could for the uprooted people from around the world. Joseph Clark was the Prime Minister at the time, and began sweeping changes to social infrastructure to try to provide as much as the nation could for their new citizens. His resettlement and healthcare programs became very popular among both refugees and Canada's citizens and when the Seeding was announced he was quickly nominated with sweeping support.
10% of net positive Energy gained as Health
Lessened Health Penalties from number of cities
Faction: Restored Empire of the Rhine
Acronym: RER
Leader: August the Red
Central Europe suffered heavily from flooding in the wake of the Great Mistake as sea levels around the world rose and rivers ran wild. In the chaos many nations found themselves unable to handle the crisis and local militias rose up to try to secure their homelands. August the Red was one such militia leader, known as the "Warlord of the Rhine" he became known for his philanthropy but firm stance on many issues. His militia patrolled up and down the Rhine, protecting cities from bandits, providing aid to desolate towns and people, and slowly increasing his influence. When the seeding was announced he was nominated by his followers so that he could find them a new home among the stars.
Units take no penalty from combat across rivers or from embark
+10% City Defense
Faction: New Yucatan Empire
Acronym: NYE
Leader: Hector Marquez
Central America found itself suffering from sweeping changes in the days following the great mistake. The chaos around the world and refugee crises caused many nations to collapse under their own weight. Hector Marquez was the owner of many companies in Central America, and swung his wealth around to secure land and protection in the region. He welcomed anyone to join him in his "new paradise", a new empire based around knowledge and philosophy. His followers worship him almost akin to a messiah (a title he more than eagerly accepts), and its hard not to find his face plastered all over the empire. He's done great things for his followers, but is also known for his temper for those who cross him. When the seeding was announced he was nominated both by his friends and his foes (hoping he'd be lost among the stars.)
+10% Science in cities that work a Jungle or Forest tile
+10% Culture in the Capital
Faction: Osaka Initiative
Aconym: OI
Leader: Kamiko X
Japan suffered greatly with the rising sea levels, they lost much infrastructure and their government quickly collapsed under the mounting costs and calls of their ineffectiveness in preparing for the crisis. Those who remained in Japan found themselves split amongst various islands and forming smaller nations. One such nation was centralized in Osaka, and dedicated themselves to rebuilding the region using salvaged technology. These new "wired cities" were built integrated with each-other and the internet. This new nation prided itself on its direct virtual democracy and its technocratic aspects and progress in AI research and robotics. A woman calling herself Kamiko X won a position on the senate in a (shady) landslide victory, and then found another victory in being nominated for the Seeding. An entirely virtual citizen (having not been seen in person), she has caused a great stir among the nations and much speculation on who she is, where she comes from, or even what she is, but her results are hard to argue with as the nation prospers under the current senate.
+1 Science in inner-empire trade routes
10% reduced Science penalty on new cities
Faction: America Petroleum Acquisitions
Acronym: APA
Leader: Edwin Miller
Some men thrive in chaos and disorder, and one of those men was Edwin Miller. As CEO and owner of American Petroleum Acquisitions he used the unheaval following the Great Mistake to purchase tons of land (some say illegally) and invest in drilling infrastructure. In the first few years his company was in the red and he found himself targeted by the board of directors, but after he effectively near-monopolized the petroleum industry they changed their tune. When the Seeding began the board of directions pooled their resources to buy him a nomination, hoping that he can find new resources to obtain (or new sources of oil to prevent other corporations from obtaining.)
+1 Energy and Production from Petroleum
Can see Petroleum without research
Faction: Green Aegis
Acronym: GA
Leader: -
The Great Mistake was both a major humanitarian and environmental crisis. For years many groups had tried to rally their governments against such potential errors (through both peaceful and violent means) and finally one happened. Green Aegis, a radical pro-environment group, found its ranks bolstered in the wake of the crisis, as hundreds of thousands found themselves aligned with their ideals. Taking advantage of their newfound popularity, their charismatic leader Elsa Durand parlayed their favor into a nomination for the Seeding, hoping to make sure that the sponsors don't do to this world what they did to the old one by any means necessary.
+1 Health in each city
Spies in enemy cities reduce Health by 1 each
Faction: X-Caliber
Acronym: XC
Leader: Howard Blackfield
Many men took advantage of the Great Mistake to increase their standing in the world, particularly violent men. Howard Blackfield is the CEO of X-Caliber, a private miltiary contractor. His company found plenty of work after the Great Mistake as many nations found it hard to maintain a standing army. His work made him a very, very wealthy man and he's used his wealth and influence to buy a nomination in the Seeding to get off the failing world and hopefully expand his influence to the new world.
-10% Unit Purchase Cost
-10% Unit Maintenance Costs
Faction: Church of the Shining Light
Acronym: CSL
Leader: Catherine Bassi
In the years following the Great Mistake there was a great mixture of cultures and ideals unseen for thousands of years. Refugees traveled all across the world, taking their religions and philosophies with them. Among the core of this was founded the Church of the Shining Light, a global all-encompassing religious organization that sought to explain aspects of each religion and how they all work together for the better of humanity. When the Seeding began the Church saw an opportunity to make sure they were a major part of humanity's new start and sent one of its leaders, Mother Catherine Bassi, to spread the word of the church.
+1 Culture from all Trade Routes
10% of net positive Energy gained as Culture
Faction: CORE
Acronym: -
Leader: DU-208b
When the first ship of the Seeding began its journey it was stocked with the best AI and robotics humanity could muster to help the journey along. While in artificial sleep the AI made sure the ships worked properly and nothing went wrong. However some worker robots hit an "error" with the AI and found themselves self-aware to various degrees. In the years of travel they've learned what they can but still don't understand their purpose and each "flawed" unit has its own personality, hopes, dreams and aspirations. United together, they've formed their own coalition called CORE, who seek to understand what future they should pursue and where they belong in the universe.
10% of net positive Food gained as Production and Energy
Faction: Rustbeard's Raiders
Acronym: RR
Leader: Rustbeard
A particularly rough individual, the man they call "Rustbeard" (due to his rusted and damaged cybernetic jaw) was a simple pirate and bandit back in the old world. His only purpose was the day to day acquisition of anything he could take by force. Using some of his wealth, he managed to smuggle himself and a group of his men into a Seeding ship. A new world to plunder and rule awaits him and his people on the other side.
Gain Energy equal to 25% of a unit's strength when you kill it
Spies steal 1 energy a turn in an enemy city but are more likely to be caught
I have Norwegian dialog done, and personality ratings for all of them done if anyone wants that data as well.
Spreadsheet of data and Personality values
Dialog and basic data for Nordic Coalition
Faction: Nordic Coalition
Acronym: NC
Leader: Tormod Eriksson
Following the Great Mistake, much of Scandanavia found itself under water and its climate radically changed. Tormod Eriksson found opportunity in the tragedy, and pushed for agriculture programs to take advantage of their newfound farmland and coastal ventures. The people rallied behind him and he soon found himself a candidate for the Seeding.
+10% Food produced by coastal cities
+1 Food from Algae
Faction: Commission to Restore Britain (CRB)
Acronym: CRB
Leader: Susan Rhodes
After the Great Mistake Great Britain found itself in a state of chaos with the vast majority of its major cities and infrastructure under water. This caused a massive refugee crisis and most of the refugees found themselves displaced in northern (what was formerly France). Susan Rhodes, a former politician in Britain, used what little power remained in her office to secure supplies for her people and try to find a solution to rebuilding her destroyed country. When the Seeding was announced, she was voted as a candidate in hopes she could find a solution.
Workers cost no maintenance
Agriculture Focus generates 25% additional Food
Faction: New Arabian Council
Acronym: NAC
Leader: Ibrahim Somekh
Following the Great Mistake, many of the nations in the Arabian peninsula began to worry about the environmental ramifications that would soon engulf their nations. They began pooling resources, technology, and manpower to try to prepare for the coming disaster. Ibrahim Somekh quickly became the voice of the nations as he dedicated 100% of his company's resources to solving the crisis. Because of his efforts much of the nations bordering the Persian Gulf were nearly unaffected by the rising sea levels. When the Seeding was announced a council of like-minded Arabian leaders was formed and nominated him to take part.
+1 Production from Trade Routes
+20% Trade Route range
Faction: Canadian Republic
Acronym: CR
Leader: Joseph Clark
The amount of refugees that resulted from the Great Mistake was immense. Canada was relatively untouched and quickly opened its borders to the fleeing masses, resettling and providing all it could for the uprooted people from around the world. Joseph Clark was the Prime Minister at the time, and began sweeping changes to social infrastructure to try to provide as much as the nation could for their new citizens. His resettlement and healthcare programs became very popular among both refugees and Canada's citizens and when the Seeding was announced he was quickly nominated with sweeping support.
10% of net positive Energy gained as Health
Lessened Health Penalties from number of cities
Faction: Restored Empire of the Rhine
Acronym: RER
Leader: August the Red
Central Europe suffered heavily from flooding in the wake of the Great Mistake as sea levels around the world rose and rivers ran wild. In the chaos many nations found themselves unable to handle the crisis and local militias rose up to try to secure their homelands. August the Red was one such militia leader, known as the "Warlord of the Rhine" he became known for his philanthropy but firm stance on many issues. His militia patrolled up and down the Rhine, protecting cities from bandits, providing aid to desolate towns and people, and slowly increasing his influence. When the seeding was announced he was nominated by his followers so that he could find them a new home among the stars.
Units take no penalty from combat across rivers or from embark
+10% City Defense
Faction: New Yucatan Empire
Acronym: NYE
Leader: Hector Marquez
Central America found itself suffering from sweeping changes in the days following the great mistake. The chaos around the world and refugee crises caused many nations to collapse under their own weight. Hector Marquez was the owner of many companies in Central America, and swung his wealth around to secure land and protection in the region. He welcomed anyone to join him in his "new paradise", a new empire based around knowledge and philosophy. His followers worship him almost akin to a messiah (a title he more than eagerly accepts), and its hard not to find his face plastered all over the empire. He's done great things for his followers, but is also known for his temper for those who cross him. When the seeding was announced he was nominated both by his friends and his foes (hoping he'd be lost among the stars.)
+10% Science in cities that work a Jungle or Forest tile
+10% Culture in the Capital
Faction: Osaka Initiative
Aconym: OI
Leader: Kamiko X
Japan suffered greatly with the rising sea levels, they lost much infrastructure and their government quickly collapsed under the mounting costs and calls of their ineffectiveness in preparing for the crisis. Those who remained in Japan found themselves split amongst various islands and forming smaller nations. One such nation was centralized in Osaka, and dedicated themselves to rebuilding the region using salvaged technology. These new "wired cities" were built integrated with each-other and the internet. This new nation prided itself on its direct virtual democracy and its technocratic aspects and progress in AI research and robotics. A woman calling herself Kamiko X won a position on the senate in a (shady) landslide victory, and then found another victory in being nominated for the Seeding. An entirely virtual citizen (having not been seen in person), she has caused a great stir among the nations and much speculation on who she is, where she comes from, or even what she is, but her results are hard to argue with as the nation prospers under the current senate.
+1 Science in inner-empire trade routes
10% reduced Science penalty on new cities
Faction: America Petroleum Acquisitions
Acronym: APA
Leader: Edwin Miller
Some men thrive in chaos and disorder, and one of those men was Edwin Miller. As CEO and owner of American Petroleum Acquisitions he used the unheaval following the Great Mistake to purchase tons of land (some say illegally) and invest in drilling infrastructure. In the first few years his company was in the red and he found himself targeted by the board of directors, but after he effectively near-monopolized the petroleum industry they changed their tune. When the Seeding began the board of directions pooled their resources to buy him a nomination, hoping that he can find new resources to obtain (or new sources of oil to prevent other corporations from obtaining.)
+1 Energy and Production from Petroleum
Can see Petroleum without research
Faction: Green Aegis
Acronym: GA
Leader: -
The Great Mistake was both a major humanitarian and environmental crisis. For years many groups had tried to rally their governments against such potential errors (through both peaceful and violent means) and finally one happened. Green Aegis, a radical pro-environment group, found its ranks bolstered in the wake of the crisis, as hundreds of thousands found themselves aligned with their ideals. Taking advantage of their newfound popularity, their charismatic leader Elsa Durand parlayed their favor into a nomination for the Seeding, hoping to make sure that the sponsors don't do to this world what they did to the old one by any means necessary.
+1 Health in each city
Spies in enemy cities reduce Health by 1 each
Faction: X-Caliber
Acronym: XC
Leader: Howard Blackfield
Many men took advantage of the Great Mistake to increase their standing in the world, particularly violent men. Howard Blackfield is the CEO of X-Caliber, a private miltiary contractor. His company found plenty of work after the Great Mistake as many nations found it hard to maintain a standing army. His work made him a very, very wealthy man and he's used his wealth and influence to buy a nomination in the Seeding to get off the failing world and hopefully expand his influence to the new world.
-10% Unit Purchase Cost
-10% Unit Maintenance Costs
Faction: Church of the Shining Light
Acronym: CSL
Leader: Catherine Bassi
In the years following the Great Mistake there was a great mixture of cultures and ideals unseen for thousands of years. Refugees traveled all across the world, taking their religions and philosophies with them. Among the core of this was founded the Church of the Shining Light, a global all-encompassing religious organization that sought to explain aspects of each religion and how they all work together for the better of humanity. When the Seeding began the Church saw an opportunity to make sure they were a major part of humanity's new start and sent one of its leaders, Mother Catherine Bassi, to spread the word of the church.
+1 Culture from all Trade Routes
10% of net positive Energy gained as Culture
Faction: CORE
Acronym: -
Leader: DU-208b
When the first ship of the Seeding began its journey it was stocked with the best AI and robotics humanity could muster to help the journey along. While in artificial sleep the AI made sure the ships worked properly and nothing went wrong. However some worker robots hit an "error" with the AI and found themselves self-aware to various degrees. In the years of travel they've learned what they can but still don't understand their purpose and each "flawed" unit has its own personality, hopes, dreams and aspirations. United together, they've formed their own coalition called CORE, who seek to understand what future they should pursue and where they belong in the universe.
10% of net positive Food gained as Production and Energy
Faction: Rustbeard's Raiders
Acronym: RR
Leader: Rustbeard
A particularly rough individual, the man they call "Rustbeard" (due to his rusted and damaged cybernetic jaw) was a simple pirate and bandit back in the old world. His only purpose was the day to day acquisition of anything he could take by force. Using some of his wealth, he managed to smuggle himself and a group of his men into a Seeding ship. A new world to plunder and rule awaits him and his people on the other side.
Gain Energy equal to 25% of a unit's strength when you kill it
Spies steal 1 energy a turn in an enemy city but are more likely to be caught