Why did they use William of Orange as the Dutch leader, when he is more famous as the king of Britain and Ireland from 1689-1702? Yes, I know that he was originally Dutch, but it would be like using Hitler as the leader of Austria. William the Silent (great-grandfather of William of Orange) would have been a better choice, IMHO.
William of Orange
William the Silent
Civ 3's William - clearly William of Orange, even though they straightened both his hair and his nose, looks far more like William of Orange than like William the Silent, even his clothes look inspired by the painting of William of Orange.
Were they originally planning to use this leaderhead for Early Modern England in some scenario that got scrapped early in development?

William of Orange

William the Silent
Civ 3's William - clearly William of Orange, even though they straightened both his hair and his nose, looks far more like William of Orange than like William the Silent, even his clothes look inspired by the painting of William of Orange.
Were they originally planning to use this leaderhead for Early Modern England in some scenario that got scrapped early in development?