Star Gate unit: Asgard Mothership

Ah, people criticized you enough. So, I don't need to. :mischief:

Ah whatever. Here's your results.

DragonBird said:
Hey, I'm a Star-Gate Fanatic, could someone repost some of the previous units, If some one would do that it would be awsome.:goodjob: Keep an eye :scan: out for my new School Uprising scenario towards the end of the school-year
Stargate search results
seriously, when you noobies do this, It is really annoying, ONLY BRING UP OLD POST IF THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE, PRACTICAL, EMERGENCY, OR AN UPDATE!

and dont forget my Atlantis unit, found on my Sig, by clicking it.

Use the edit button next time. Posts merged -- Chieftess
Way to Blanantly Advertise your unit, RL. Real Used Car Salesman like.
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