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Star Wars Combine

Originally posted by Dell19
No the email specifically said that apparently freeserve addresses are free, maybe they don't realise its an ISP?

You have a point there. I think they need to also know it is an account provided by an ISP to prevent adolescents from joking around with the Combine.
I'm walking around on Tatooine right now, my name is Maximillian Quarterilian.

If you can contact me, please do cause I really understand what this game is all about right now. :)
Hey I'm in your Clan Genghis

I'm just promoted captain and am in charge of a ship the SS Trigun 3.

Now I'm waiting on Tatooine for people to pick me up.

promoted captain in one day, I must have talent :D
I think I stumbled apon the perfect CMG.

They gave me a 250k joining bonus, 50k paycheck, assignment of a cap ship, and I walked into the chat at the right time & someone just happend to have a spare junker so she gave it to me. Boo Yea, free ship! :lol:

If I'm still playing in another month I get a 500k bonus & a month after that I get a Y-Tie 2000.

They sure bought my membership.:lol:
Drunk Master:

Be carefull there on Tatooine. The Imperials have quarentined the Tatoo system but so far no ships have shown up.

Gengis Khan:

What CMG did you join to have all those gifts showered upon you? :eek:
Two hours to walk a couple of feet? :ack:

Should I talk to some people first off?
I'm in Novatech Security Corp.

In fairness, although it happened in the Nova chat, it was a non-member who hooked me up with the ship so I don't know if that counts. If anyone needs a ride I'll hook em up once I track down my boat.:lol:
Hehe, I've juse been promoted Captain-Ltnt. Commanding a R41s squadron :)
Hey drunk master, hope you'll join our capital ship in tatooine soon. Plus Isoldor Storm, my cap ship commander is Force sensitive, on his Jedi training.. That should be great.

Also, slipping off topic a bit, but still talking about SW. Have a look here. Star Wars Revelations, an amateur movie that looks pretty good, as good as Episode I, no kidding ;)
Nice work GenghisK, I think I'll see you soon when that ship picks me up from Tatooine. I'm getting pretty bored here, there is really nothing to do in this town where I am now(Palace Compound).

I spoke Isoldor on Irc yesterday, I'm glad to be in this clan. Hope I will learn a lot.

What is this about Tatooine being quarentined? Does it mean no ship can land there, I certainly hope that's not the case :)
I heard about that rumour (? only a rumor?) too. Not sure. But if the Imperial fleet quarantined the planet, mm it's gonna be tough to smuggle you out. But since I prefer much more Rebellion than the Empire, we'll do anything we can to get you, dude. Waiting for another CFC player to board and we go to Tat.
I sure hope it´s only a rumour too. But I´m not going anywhere for a while so take your time :)
Our clan has a pretty large fleet though, I'm sure you can find a way to get around these guys.

ps. You got my msn right, feel free to contact me anytime
Actually, it was an official Imperial communique:

**Imperial Executor Vodo approaches the podium**

I will keep this short and sweet.

A portion of the Tatoo system is now a restricted Imperial military zone.

The Carrack cruiser "Entropy" has already penetrated the zone and was given a warning. The Carrack Cruiser peacefully acknowledged the instructions and departed.

**looks up from his notes**

I will take one question.

**A report stands and begins to speak**

Reporter: What exactly is an Imperial military zone?

Vodo: I have no comment on that. I can tell you, that the Emperor will comment on the situation within a week. No further questions.

**Executor Vodo steps down from the podium**

Though I am not sure if a part of the system means Tatooine.
Another message from Vodo was posted.

Looks like he plans on sending a victory class stardestroyer to the system if it is not all ready there. There may be Imperial AT-AT walkers stationed on Tatooine as well.

Doesn't look good if you need to get to/from Tattooine!
Mmmh, that sounds pretty serious.

But still, my faction leader says I got nothing to worry about so I will just what he says and wait untill I'm picked up. Maybe he's made a deal with the empire or something, or he'll just use some stealty manouvres and fly in below radar.

I don't know, I put all my fait in my great leader :D
Victory Star Destroyer I
Length: 900 m

Hull: 5,600
Deflector Shields: 4,400
Ionic Capacitance: 2,800

Hyperspeed: 3
Sublight Speed: 1
Maneuverability: 1
Max passengers: 1,600
Weight: 1,150,000.000 T
Volume: 23,000,000.000 m³
Weight cap: 17,000.000 T
Volume cap: 0.000 m³
Landing capacity: no

Sensors: 8
ECM: 0

Turbolasers: 120
Tractor Beams: 10
Proton-Torpedo Launchers: 20

Special Characteristics:
- Docking Bay
- Escape Pods: 11

That's gonna take a lot of firepower to bring down that baby! :crazyeye:
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