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Star Wars Combine

I've signed up and created a character (Jerekh Carnelian) but I just don't 'get it' - do I have to e-mail someone to get a job or what? I don't really do ORPGs at all (though I love your normal PC RPGs) - what's the deal here? I haven't the faintest idea what I'm expected to do. Can anyone tell me something to zap up my enthusiasm because I can see it's a big thing - I'm just somewhat nonplussed.
GenghisK said:
Anyone else from Storm Sec here?

Polymath: Go to the RPG Center (under Community, in the upper right), and post a message in the Seeking Work Forum.
polymath: You can check the classifieds to see what work is available. The link is at the bottom of the menu bar when you log in.

Or, if you're a pilot, you can go here and follow the instructions to sign up for Blue Sabre Transportation. ;) We're highly active, you'll learn what it's all about in no time. :)
Carl von Hessik. And I'm still on my starting planet. :mad:

On the plus side, I'm now level 2, just walking back and forth in my city. :)
You want a ride cro?
I just joined as a medical/repair character. He is an Alderaanian named Erik Antilles. I joined up with the Liberty Medical Center faction. They seem to be pretty nice folks. We'll see how it works out. I just hope they come get me off of Alderaan before you-know-what stops in for a visit.

P.S. Has anyone figured out how to change their character portrait yet? My guy still looks like that Alderaanian senator from episode II.
Hmm, I'm looking at the OoC and the Character page and I can't find an option to change the portrait anywhere. Clicking on the portrait itself doesn't seem to do anything. What am I missing?

P.S. Nevermind. I may have spoken too soon. I think I found it. I'm dowloading somehting called an image pack now.
Actually it's in the Character, not OOC Profile.
Character>Edit your profile
You can enter your description, and URL to your avatar.


  • Image1.jpg
    68.4 KB · Views: 160
Ah ha. Thanks. Any tips on where to find a good picture of a nerdy medic/scientist guy?
I drew this pic in paint of what my character looks like, but I guess that won't work. They need a URL. I'll have to find something online I guess.


  • scientist pic.bmp
    119.3 KB · Views: 224
If you want, I've got plenty of webspace free if you want somewhere to host it. Just email it to me. :)

And while we're sharing avatars, mine looks like this:

To truly understand this picture, you have to have checked out my factions boards. ;)
Hi sentinent beings of the galaxy, my name is Zorran Black the owner of the Myorzo Corporation www.myorzo.com I own and run 4 factions with in the Star Wars combine and am a vetran of the game with more then 3 years experience. Not only can the Myorzo Corporation offer you all the things you need in the galaxy, a regular pay check a ship assigned to you for your own use, we will also pick you up from anywhere in the galaxy you need to go.

We offer a fun and active environment with a mix of vetrans and new players, if anyone needs any help with the game, is looking for a more active factions or just has any questions feel free to message me in game "Zorran Black" or post your questions here.

OOC: I completely stumbled accross this message board and was suprised to see the Starwars combine listed amongst it
Hi there, I can see it's your first post, so I guess you've found this thread using google, but welcome anyway :)
Well it's not that surprising I started the thread, since the combine is quite a large community and still growing larger.
I'm working for the Storm Securities already, sorry, but maybe the new members will be interested in your offer.
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