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Star Wars Combine

You may need to delete your cookies to register.I had to for some reason.

How is everybody doing?..clean up at the X-Mas games?...I won a V35 and a JM 5000 in raffles but nothing in the actual games.

I know Sovarn won a big prize.

btw...I was executed and am currently awaiting respawn.....
hah, who executed you?

Last year I couldn't attend half of them, so I didn't bother with them this year.

And you're screen reloading when you're trying to login usually means you've typed an incorrect password. Try using the Lost Password feature. If it doesn't, come onto the swc irc server and goto #swc-help. :)
FF.Assisted suicide of sorts.

I really dropped the ball in character creation.Not terribly surprising as it is a touch vague.

What really hurt was lack of understanding on how the level up worked.I thought you'd get more than 1 skill point as you leveled up.WRONG..1 point per no matter what level.

So,basically,I was stuck for years and years with almost no useable skills.Just piloting which meant I was sitting around waiting for people to join.A very unuseful faction member.

So I made the ultimate sacrifice and lose 3 weeks but will gain years when creating with a MUCH better understanding of the combine.
Smash I have a quick question for you.

When you died what happened to all your money and CP points?

Do you get to keep them for the new character you create?
I only had like 8000 credits,a JM 5000 and V-35.I made them over to another player before I died.I may throw them in the Jan newbie draw if I repawn in time..eta 13 days.

As mentioned,CPs are no problem for the dead.You can still log in and do your banner clicking(CP Master is on my "to buy" list).You can still donate.Can't have site support stop.

All I can do now is see room events and actually send room messages.Been having a little fun "haunting" the facility in which I met my demise.Send messages like "....tap...tap...tap...." :D

Being the selfless,generous soul in the hive of scum and villiany that I am,I sent $500US to SWC.Vey says this only covers servers cost for a mere 2 months unfortunately
meh..its only money.Money won from a straight chaser that can't lay down a hand.

2 fold motivation-support the combine.They operate on a shoestring budget so I'm sure they can use it.

Combine Points-500,000=fast track to trading career.Hafta to wait for respawn obviously,but I am really waiting to see CP ship changes.Allready Teniel Djo is offering minimum 15 mil for a Y-Head..so prolly more like 20>25 mil
I've left CCBST and am currently freelance. To be honest, I haven't played since I left.
What race are you folks?...I have an important decision upcoming..assuming the Combine ever returns ;).

I see only 2 choices really-Duros or Falleen.

I'm leaning to Falleen right now.They have good starting bonus which should get me at least level 4 in Trade,Leadership and Comp Ops

Duros gets level 3 Fighter/freighter as a bonus but I see no way to get 4 in trade and leadership with them
I'm human, bred to be a pilot.
I was Lt. Ian Faust on Genesis Fleet. It was a rather boring existence, to be honest, carting minerals from one planet to the other, and it started taking up most of my free time as well. My best days were in the 1st Fleet.
Its up again..hooray..and I'm still dead...boo..hiss.

I see 1 "new" freighter added.YT 1210...prolly old news.I think there is a new race as well.
I have been reborn as a Falleen handyman,Xavze Zavan.

my new skills:

Trading 4
Leadership 4
Computer Operation 4
Starfighter-freighter Piloting 4
Capital Ship Piloting 2
Speeder Piloting 3
Perception 3
Stealth 1
Projectile Weap. Efficiency 2
Space Command 3

MUCH better than my first character.Grabbed myself a YT-2000 before it was too late and I'm off...again.
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