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Star Wars: The Mod Awakens

Star Wars: The Mod Awakens 1.11

Absolute tip top! Glad you are still working on this!

Some posts back you were toying with the idea of Yuuzhan Vong wars, still thinking about that? I know (especially with the unit models readily available) I was thinking of making a Galactic war scenario (taking much from Episodes I, II & III). . . If I ever have enough spare time.

FYI, the download for TMA 1.11 (top link on your first post) takes you to the TMA1.10 download. The other TMA 1.11 download lower down in the post works fine though).

Still thinking about it, yeah, but the problem is how tedious it is to make units. Ain't nobody got time for that, unfortunately.

I do think a Clone Wars scenario (which is what I assume you mean by Episodes I, II, & III) would be a lot of fun and I made the barebones of such a scenario a couple of years ago. Haven't done much work on it since. Most of my modding energy has been spent on the OVERLORD mod the past few years.

I do expect to come back to this at some point whenever I get back into Star Wars again. It's just that making units, at least the way I used to do it, takes a lot of time and energy.

Thanks for notifying me about the download link; I just fixed it.
Whilst we are on suggestions, again I love the gating of construction of ships based on shipyards levels. I would submit for discussion though the ability to build fighters and bombers as now, dedicating a shipyward to them seems somewhat of a waste vs. building any type of vessels.
Could there be a building that would require either Factory worlds or Fighter manufacture for instance, but short of a shipyward allowing to broaden a bit the scope of fighters / bombers production?
Thinking out loud, why not expand the auto-production of fighters (already in-game) and bombers to allow larger fleets of these units without sacrificing production of larger units? Maybe this would also create the least stress on mechanics of production.
Interesting suggestions, I know I'll try to add something like this to a major update of the 'Epic' version of TMA.

Speaking of which, I'm thinking about a massive update with new factions. . . anyone have a tutorial for static leader heads? I'm spending way way too much time on this :(
Massive update sounds good 🤑
Unfortunately beyond tinkering around the edges with the scenario editor I am useless.
Interesting suggestions, I know I'll try to add something like this to a major update of the 'Epic' version of TMA.

Speaking of which, I'm thinking about a massive update with new factions. . . anyone have a tutorial for static leader heads? I'm spending way way too much time on this :(
Vuldacon has a great tutorial for static leader heads here.

Vuldacon has a great tutorial for static leader heads here.

Thank so much!
Whist we are on suggestions would it be possible to beef up a bit the pirates 🏴‍☠️
They tend to bite less than a mosquito and with most of civs having some starting heavy units having pirates with some CR90 / Marauder and other units would make them at least a nuisance worth sweeping. Ideally if we could make them a recurring thing that would be even better for players who might become complacent and have units like constructors or troop transports left unprotected far from their front lines 😈
Whist we are on suggestions would it be possible to beef up a bit the pirates 🏴‍☠️
They tend to bite less than a mosquito and with most of civs having some starting heavy units having pirates with some CR90 / Marauder and other units would make them at least a nuisance worth sweeping. Ideally if we could make them a recurring thing that would be even better for players who might become complacent and have units like constructors or troop transports left unprotected far from their front lines 😈
There were a lot more pirates in earlier versions, but they actually slow down turn times a substantial amount. I can try beefing them up and see if I can find a balance.
There were a lot more pirates in earlier versions, but they actually slow down turn times a substantial amount. I can try beefing them up and see if I can find a balance.
This has been my experience as well.

For the "EPIC" version of the game, pirates are more or less speed bumps to slow the progress of certain factions from going in one direction vs another. . . also, other than the factions already in existence most pirates/ terrorists/ bandits were exactly as mentioned "mosquitos" in the Star Wars universe, of little to no threat (when thinking on a galactic level). However, I'm getting a new (much needed) laptop, so if I can keep turn times below 5min consistently I'll look into including them (have a pirate version and non pirate version). . . woe to those who have less powerful systems.

Speaking of "EPIC" version, there will be another update. . . no idea on when as I'm simply out of time these days, but it will be a significant update using many more features of the C3X: EXE Mod by Flintlock, has more factions, more units, more techs, more complexity. . . more economic hardships. . . lots of fun stuff (a teaser sample is added).


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This has been my experience as well.

For the "EPIC" version of the game, pirates are more or less speed bumps to slow the progress of certain factions from going in one direction vs another. . . also, other than the factions already in existence most pirates/ terrorists/ bandits were exactly as mentioned "mosquitos" in the Star Wars universe, of little to no threat (when thinking on a galactic level). However, I'm getting a new (much needed) laptop, so if I can keep turn times below 5min consistently I'll look into including them (have a pirate version and non pirate version). . . woe to those who have less powerful systems.

Speaking of "EPIC" version, there will be another update. . . no idea on when as I'm simply out of time these days, but it will be a significant update using many more features of the C3X: EXE Mod by Flintlock, has more factions, more units, more techs, more complexity. . . more economic hardships. . . lots of fun stuff (a teaser sample is added).

Looks awesome! :thumbsup:
Hold on. I also noticed the Snowtrooper (super bonus when fighting in cold climates and malus or inability to fight in hot ones)? :)
Hold on. I also noticed the Snowtrooper (super bonus when fighting in cold climates and malus or inability to fight in hot ones)? :)
I wish that was possible (or if it is I have no idea how to implement that). There should be much interesting additions to the "EPIC" version :D
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