Meteor Man
Cylindropuntia imbricata
Absolute tip top! Glad you are still working on this!
Some posts back you were toying with the idea of Yuuzhan Vong wars, still thinking about that? I know (especially with the unit models readily available) I was thinking of making a Galactic war scenario (taking much from Episodes I, II & III). . . If I ever have enough spare time.
FYI, the download for TMA 1.11 (top link on your first post) takes you to the TMA1.10 download. The other TMA 1.11 download lower down in the post works fine though).
Still thinking about it, yeah, but the problem is how tedious it is to make units. Ain't nobody got time for that, unfortunately.
I do think a Clone Wars scenario (which is what I assume you mean by Episodes I, II, & III) would be a lot of fun and I made the barebones of such a scenario a couple of years ago. Haven't done much work on it since. Most of my modding energy has been spent on the OVERLORD mod the past few years.
I do expect to come back to this at some point whenever I get back into Star Wars again. It's just that making units, at least the way I used to do it, takes a lot of time and energy.
Thanks for notifying me about the download link; I just fixed it.