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Start from Play Now testing phase

Playing as Arabs, Mexica Peoples spawn at 1140AD Zoroastrian and ruled by Khosrow I. A few turns later Italians spawned ruled by Alexander... something is up.
This would however make for great Sci-Fi- Zoroaster reincarnating in the New World I would watch the movie.
America also initially appeared in diplomacy a turn before their actual spawn with a Turkic leaderhead in one of my games, it fixed itself when America spawned proper. I'm guessing diplomatic connections are regained a turn too early.
This would however make for great Sci-Fi- Zoroaster reincarnating in the New World I would watch the movie.
Unfortunately, checking the World Builder, they didn't appear to spawn anywhere. They showed up in the civ list, at war and very angry with me but nowhere to be found. I think it was resolved when the Aztecs actually spawned a turn or so later, similarly to the situation described by 1SDAN.
America also initially appeared in diplomacy a turn before their actual spawn with a Turkic leaderhead in one of my games, it fixed itself when America spawned proper. I'm guessing diplomatic connections are regained a turn too early.
Can't immediately tell what would be causing this from just the code. If someone encounters this as well, can you please upload a save?
Can't immediately tell what would be causing this from just the code. If someone encounters this as well, can you please upload a save?
I haven't played any new games but it happened with seemingly every spawning civ for the game I uploaded the save for. They would spawn with the wrong leaderhead and it would rectify after a few turns. Also, when I hit retire at some point most of the civs on the replay map displayed the wrong colour throughout the replay, though they never displayed the wrong colour in the game itself.
I am specifically referring to the fact that you can contact a civilization before it properly spawns. The starting leader should have already been fixed with a recent commit. Please still upload a save for this situation because only then can I be sure I am working with the same circumstances that a bug is reported for.

About the replay map, I am aware of the problem. I am actually not sure if that's possible to fix, and since it's not too critical I will only look into it at a later time.
Does German UHV usually require you control all cities directly (not through vassal) including all independent cities within the 5 territories in Play Now version? Seems before I never had to conquer ALL of Russia, either vassalizing worked or conquering the core and waiting for the Far East cities to collapse to independent. But I don't remember.
It used to be like that, but it has been changed since then. Before the Play Now approach was introduced.
I don't know why but I'm just not able to make git versions of this phase work. All 3000BC games start with some python exceptions and generate a flat map of grassland. Starting 600AD instead just closes the game.
Can you show the Python exception? If logging is enabled, you can also find it in PythonErr.log. What version of Windows are you using?
Can you show the Python exception? If logging is enabled, you can also find it in PythonErr.log. What version of Windows are you using?
I'm on Windows 11 and playing the Steam version of Civ4 (rolled back to a prior version which was recommended somewhere here on the DoC forums). Here's PythonErr.log from a 3000BC start, 600AD didn't give one;
Spoiler :
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "Dawn_of_Civilization", line 70, in getGridSize

File "Dawn_of_Civilization", line 60, in prepareMap

File "Parsers", line 15, in parseScenarioMap

File "MapParser", line 42, in read

IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument
ERR: Python function getGridSize failed, module Dawn_of_Civilization
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "Dawn_of_Civilization", line 77, in beforeGeneration

NameError: global name 'PARSER' is not defined
ERR: Python function beforeGeneration failed, module Dawn_of_Civilization
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "Dawn_of_Civilization", line 80, in generateRandomMap

NameError: global name 'PARSER' is not defined
ERR: Python function generateRandomMap failed, module Dawn_of_Civilization
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "Dawn_of_Civilization", line 90, in addRivers

NameError: global name 'PARSER' is not defined
ERR: Python function addRivers failed, module Dawn_of_Civilization
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "Dawn_of_Civilization", line 84, in addFeatures

NameError: global name 'PARSER' is not defined
ERR: Python function addFeatures failed, module Dawn_of_Civilization
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "Dawn_of_Civilization", line 87, in addBonuses

NameError: global name 'PARSER' is not defined
ERR: Python function addBonuses failed, module Dawn_of_Civilization
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "Dawn_of_Civilization", line 103, in afterGeneration

NameError: global name 'PARSER' is not defined
ERR: Python function afterGeneration failed, module Dawn_of_Civilization
Can you try a small edit to the MapParser.py file? You find it at Assets/Python/pyWB/MapParser.py. In (what should be) line 28 there should be:
f = file(fileName + ext, "r")
Can you replace "file" with "open" so that the line is:
f = open(fileName + ext, "r")
and see if that changes anything?
Too bad. What happens if you open Civ4 as administrator? For Steam, I am not sure how to accomplish that via the client, but you should be able to go to your local files (properties -> local files) and then right click CivBeyondSword.exe and choose "run as administrator".
Okay, more drastic measure: Using Notepad++, you can try to open e.g. RFC_3000BC.txt in the PrivateMaps folder, and then go into replace mode (Ctrl+H). There, make sure to enable "Extended" in the "Search Mode" radio button menu, and then search "\n" and replace with "\r\n" and click "replace all":
Spoiler :
Screenshot 2022-07-03 141529.png

Then try launching the 3000 BC scenario again.
That's no bueno either, with the MapParser.py change or not. Is the problem exclusive to the Steam version?
I don't know. Is anyone else affected?
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