Access to the map branch


Blue Period
Retired Moderator
Aug 23, 2009
I have been a little more open about granting access to the map branch recently, but it seems like I need to clarify/reiterate a few expectations around the purpose of that access.

I give access only to facilitate looking at the contents that have been added to the mod instead of having to ask me or wait for screenshots etc. This is in particular in relation to the map itself and new and changed civilizations and assets. I am using this branch for development. It does not exist for you to play on, much less do playtesting, send me bug reports and report other game issues, or really any unsolicited reports about what happened to you while you were poking around in it.

This means:
  • You should expect bugs, unfinished content, or the game being entirely broken
  • You should be able to use git to rollback to previous commits if that happens - or wait until it gets resolved
  • Do not use it to play the game
  • Do not send me feedback about what happens during gameplay unless I specifically ask for it
As I outlined in the roadmap thread, when the branch is at a state to be played on and when I am ready to receive and act on feedback, I will merge it into the develop branch and make it accessible to everyone. Thank you.
My reply to this post: Oops. :lol:

Apologies for any inconvenience, i have been hyped for this change since its first announcement which has been a journey
Hello leoreth,
First of all i want to congratulate you for your titanic and glorious work on this mod., really amazing stuff.
i was wondering, if you are kind enough, if i can solicitate acces to the new map, i would really check it on to see the new resources and map design. Besides i want to contribute in the project if i may with wathever is needed.
Thank you in advance.
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Sure, please let me know your github username. It can be in a private message if you prefer.
Sure, please let me know your github username. It can be in a private message if you prefer.
Uaches, the same as here.
thank you greatly.
i would like to know how to help to further contribution in the developing patch if u require assistance in anything.
Playing feedback will become valuable once the new map is shared on the develop branch. I will make a big post that contains both an (attempted) summary of all relevant changes, and additional information of what kind of feedback is valuable (and which issues should be ignored for now) at that point in time.

(Edit: I have added you.)
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Is there any scheduled time for the release of the new map if i may ask?
You may ask and the answer is no.
Playing feedback will become valuable once the new map is shared on the develop branch. I will make a big post that contains both an (attempted) summary of all relevant changes, and additional information of what kind of feedback is valuable (and which issues should be ignored for now) at that point in time.

(Edit: I have added you.)
Good i have it, is there any way to open or see it? i mean to check the map.
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You can follow the exact same steps as for the public repository.
It does.
Yeah - I haven't paid much attention to music for now because aesthetic concerns come last in the process.
Hello Mighty Leoreth, I'm back to check in on DoC after a while.

I take back my earlier skepticism of the big map (and preference to stay on the small map). The new map looks gorgeous! Moreover, I now have a new computer that should be very capable of running DoC on the large map. The new civ designs look very fascinating, too! As a nature lover, I like how several of them are tied to geography/terrain. Edit: In particular, I look forward to boosting America's population and happiness by building forest preserves.

I request access to the map branch. My Github username: LikeNothing. I don't expect to have much time playing in 2024 but will offer feedback based on history/geography/amateurish coding knowledge. :)

Bravo Maestro, Bravo! It's still scarcely believable that big map DoC is happening. In a world that is increasingly changing unpredictably, it is very comforting to have a consistent, familiar good to come back to. Thank you for maintaining this beautiful pocket universe for this many years (decades?).
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Hello Mighty Leoreth, I'm back to check in on DoC after a while.

I take back my earlier skepticism of the big map (and preference to stay on the small map). The new map looks gorgeous! Moreover, I now have a new computer that should be very capable of running DoC on the large map. The new civ designs look very fascinating, too! As a nature lover, I like how several of them are tied to geography/terrain. Edit: In particular, I look forward to boosting America's population and happiness by building forest preserves.

I request access to the map branch. My Github username: LikeNothing. I don't expect to have much time playing in 2024 but will offer feedback based on history/geography/amateurish coding knowledge. :)

Bravo Maestro, Bravo! It's still scarcely believable that big map DoC is happening. In a world that is increasingly changing unpredictably, it is very comforting to have a consistent, familiar good to come back to. Thank you for maintaining this beautiful pocket universe for this many years (decades?).
Great to hear, welcome back! You should have access to the private repo.
I am a bit confused. Should I be seeing it as a branch under the DoC repositary? The most recently update branch after develop I see is victory2, which is 2 years old. My excuse is that it's been a few years since I played with programming tools, and I have been doing a mind-numbing boring job in the mean time so my brain probably atrophied. :(

Edit: Got it! Yay! Thank you Leoreth & Happy Pi Day. This is like going to Jurassic Park for me. :D


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I gave you access to a separate repository that has the branch.
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