Steam Strategy Fest Starts Monday!

More sales and giveaways..

The_J has just posted about King's Bounty The Legend being free on GoG..

It along with all it's addons and standalone spin offs and even the new sequel are all massively on sale on steam too..

Which then makes me think of other Heroes of Might & Magic clones.. The_J has already posted about Songs of Conquest, but there's also the Disciples series too which is mega on sale..
D3 (the fixed up one):
New Disciples Lib:

Oh and I guess I should look at Heroes of Might & Magic itself... HoMM3 HD, 5 and 7 are on sale.. 6 is getting ignored.. 1, 2 & 4 aren't on steam but they are on sale on GoG!
H3 complete:
H3 HD:
H5 & 7:
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