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stMinionNES2: Bigger, Better, Betterer

From Etruria
To Rome

See that point between the Northernmost border of Rome and the Southernmost border of Etruria? What say you that no Etruscan pass farther South while no Roman march farther North?

Map made by Sardis of surrounding area

Sardis was a tireless worker. For a day and two nights he worked on a perfect map of the Anatolian Peninsula, showing every detail and every feature he could manage to fit on his parchment map paper.

When he was finally done, Sardis displayed the work to his advisors. Over several meetings, they decided that the best way to harness the strengths of the Lydian person and economy was to grab as much of the coastland of Anatolia as possible.

And as much of the islands as well.

- increase economy by beginning a fishing industry

- expand north, south, and east. Hug the coats as much as possible and take the little islands between Greece and Turkey

- try to establish contact with Cyprus expedition
Orders needed from:

Majapahit - Plexus
Norway - Amirsan
Xia - sheep2

Update every 2 days, so tomorrow is the next one.

The dawn for the Irish civilization had occured. The old men near the Dublin area, in Boyne Valley had gathered together and decided that Ireland should have one clan leading them. Other clans? They would be destroyed..

And an imporant job was taken by these men in the Boyne Valley. "Newgrange". The legendary mausoleum for Irish leader coming out from the Boyne clan. It would be one of the first wonders seen by mankind! And it would represent the Boyne clan's victory over evil barbarians.. and what do you know! Since it was started, people quickly started to join Erie's army..

-Grow army
-Smash the other Irish clans in both north and south
-Start a wonder, "Newgrance", a stone-made mausoleum for dead clan leaders (should increase culture and army size)
The Temple was going smoothly, and soon the people would be judged and those who were unwilling would be cast out. In the meantime, the King had heard stories of a great sea. One that would allow the people bountiful food and lots of trade. If his people were to prosper, then they would need to reach the sea, because the hungle was lacking in resources, and if an alternative source of food was not found, the Khmer people would soon falter.

However, one thing the kind could do was allow people to receive food more easily. He could have workers clear paths through the jungle so food would bew readily available to all those who needed it. Hopefully, it would hold up the people until they reached the sea.

Grow economy by clearing pathways through the jungle to allow faster travel and trade
Continue wonder
Continue expansion towards the sea with 1500 men
500 men protect currently owned territory

The chief of Germany was very pleased. He had a huge army, a growing population, and lots of land. In fact he had so large of a population that he needed more food. So he intervened in his peoples lives. He took many people who were jobless and set up farms for them to run in the newly conquered land. He told all of them to spend 2/3 of their land on growing wheat. He then said the last 1/3 could be used in whatever they wanted.

The local farmers followed his plan and discovered many good things. The first thing many of them experimented with was a strange tree that grew strange red fruit. These could be eaten, and proved to taste very good. They decided to call the fruit apples. These would be a great crop.

Some farmers began experimenting in domesticating a purple berry that tribes south of them had shown them. These grew fairly well in the summer months and tasted great! The minor tribes to the south of them called them grapes. These would bring a larger variety to German food!

Some farmers somehow discovered that through a certain process they could use a fungus called yeast to make a strange but wonderful liquid from their crops. It brought happiness to the drinkers (even though this happiness may only be temporary). The farmers who made it were so pleased they brought the chief himself down to sample some! He loved it of course and made sure to spread the recipe. What a good way to keep the people happy with the kingdom! He thought.

These great new and organized farms produced an incredible amount of crops. They could even be considered a wonder of the world!

In the military sector of the tribe great things were occurring. The military was extremely motivated by the great things happening at home! The men had received this new liquid, called beer, in their rations. The moral soared.

There also was a new General rising in the armed forces. He was known as William Wallenhiem. He was loved and respected by all of the troops. He was a great organizer. He split the army up into 10 divisions of 200 people each. He armed 25 people in each of these divisions with bows and arrows. He then armed the rest of the people with a mix of spears, and a light sort of spear that was thrown for great effectiveness called Javelins. Every man besides the archers got a large shield. These would be effective in formation as the men interlock their shields to protect them while the archers would be behind the shields launching volleys, and the javelin throwers would throw their javelins. The spearmen would stick their spears through gaps in the shields. This was extremely effective, especially against the tribes that they had encountered so far who just used disorganized masses to fight. They had no chance.

The army was set to go out and use these new tactics to conquer vast landscapes around them! Half of the 2000 man army continued expanding west. While the other half began expanding from Brandenburg to the Southeast. They hoped to be able to travel fast by awing the tribesmen with their organization and technology. They also would share the wonderful technology of beer with any who surrendered and joined them peacefully ;)

grow economy with new crops
expand SE with 1000 men and west with 1000 men
Begin grand farming Wonder(+2 econ)
Abraham had traveled from the east. He has defamed the idols of old and had brought forth the trust of God. He had made a covenant with God and he taught his people God's word. The Israelis quickly became Jews and they set up in the city of Jerusalam. The people liked money so they decided to grow the economy.


Expand some
Grow Economy
I might write story tomorrow. I had a good one but it got deleted when my dumbass computer froze again.
Polish Orders:
Increase Army.
Use the entire army to continue expanding north. Once they reach the coast, build a new city (Gdansk) there.
Well the update is completely done, so whenever Plexus posts orders I guess.

Thus Majapahit was formed-- the gods smiled upon the peoples of Java, and the Majapahit were the greatest of the tribes of Java. Soon the Majapahit would have complete control of Java then Bali then Sumatra, who knows what might lie after that... King Raden Vijaya knew, he sat in his palace, strategizing, planning.

Grow Economy by building road system throughout realm.
Expand along the coast twords Bali and Sumatra.

OOC: My apologies for the delay.
Update 2 - 3800 B.C.

In Java, the Majapahit nation is forged as a series of minor tribes come together under one ruler; Hayam Wuruk. Under his guidance they expnad along the coast of the barbarian infested island.

In Japan, a combined Mori-Japanese army marches towards the rumored Mori clan in Western Honshu. After many years of expeditions, the Mori are finally found and engaged in battle. The first few Mori villages fall easily, and the rest seem ready to follow. The Japanese allies, the Tokugawa are now the second most powerful group on the island. Kyoto is now the most glorious city in the world.

In Egypt, the Upper Egyptians expansions eclipse those of their Northern neighbors. The Nomarch Mery even starts a great wonder in the recently founded city of Luxor. The city is very close to the capital, but most people don't care. Still some call for a road to be built between the two cities.

On Greece, a great army marches South from Athens to conquer the city state known as Sparta. They meet them just south of the recently established town of Corinth, where a fierce battle occurs. The Spartans are soundly defeated and forced to flee. Their spirits flying high after the victory, the Athenians occupy most of the Spartan lands, but the city itself lays in Spartan controls and is heavily defended. To the North the Macedonians make their presence known.

In the lands of the Mauryan Empire, war rages. While the Northernmost tribe agreed to join without hesitation, the other two weren't so easy to annex into the empire. After the deaths of several hundred men, the Southern tribe was subdued. However, the Eastern tribe had launched an offensive that has pierced deep into Mauryan territory.

In Thrace, great expansion are undertaken, along with a wonder. The King begins to try to explain how to live off of newly conquered land to his soldiers, but it seems like it will take many years before he sees the effect of his troubles. To the West, the Macedonians greet them, while scouts to the Southeast report seeing a large landmass on the other side of a strait.

In Babylon, the armies expand Northwest. Those with a keen eye say they see Assyrian soldiers marching a bit farther North.

In Italia, a large battle occurs between the Romans and the rival city state of Naples. The Romans lose some 200 men but capture the city. Enthusiastic citizens build a road between Rome and Naples, on which some legions march North to expand to the border agreed upon with the Etruscans. In Rome they meet up with the inaugural class of the Roman military academy and head to the determined border. The Etruscans aren't there, but some hear that they are having trouble of their own in the North.

In Anatolia, the Lydians become master fishermen, colonizing much of the coast and the surrounding islands. The newfound popularity of this ancient tradition even increases the economy. Also of note, a strange looking galley arrived at Sardis one year and claimed they were from the ancient Cyprus expedition! They said that they had colonized half the island for their country, but the other half was held by a foreign folk called Phoenicians.

In the land known as Erie, the Irish are united behind a new leader, Brian Boru. Picking up his sword and taking as many able-bodied Irishmen as he could, Boru charged against the surrounding clans. After years of fighting he controls all of the Tara region. The rest of Ireland is just various unorginized barbarian clans.

In Southeast Asia, the Khmer grow accustomed to the jungle that surrounds them and use it to their advantage. Expansion South has yet to reach the sea, but they are so close that many adventurers say that have seen it. To the North, a series of barbarian tribes begin to appear.

In Germany, the world first record of alcohol is found in the form of a primitive beer. The Germans become known as heavy drinkers in a stereotype that lingers for millenia to come. They expand Southeast and encounter the Bohemians and Polish.

In Israel, a prophet named Abraham arrives from the East and sets up goverment in the land. Through his wise rule, the Israelis expand and become wealthy. They also meet the Northern people called Phoenicians.

The Polish, as mentioned, have made contact with the Germans. As they can't understand what the hell these foreigners are saying, they name them Niemcy and continue along in their own Northward Expansions. They reach a great sea and establish a city, Gdansk there. Many Poles, tired of forested Poznan leave for the new settlement.

New leadership takes root in Norway, a tiny kingdom surrounded by barbarian tribes. Nowray expands in all directions, driving the barbarians back, while domestically focusing on the economy, even starting a wonder for it. The fishing town of Alesund is found in the Southwest.


From Macedonia
To Athens

We greet you, our fellow Hellenes. Would you agree to an exchange of ambassadors and mutual protection pact?

From Macedonia
To Thrace

Greetings... I say none of us expand past the point between our two nations.

From Phoenicia
To Lydia

Greetings fellow seafarers!

From Bohemia
To Germany


From Phoenicia
To Israel

Would you be interested in a trade route in the near future.

3800 B.C.


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To Etruria
From Rome

What is the problem my friend? We will come to your aid if you ask it of us.

OOC- Muwahahaha, I have the highest culture.
From Etruria
To Rome

Our northern borders are being hassled by Lombardian raiding parties.
Jashko looked at his men. More then 1500 Mauryan soldiers had gathered at the open field. Most were armed with swords or axes but some were armed with bows. These men had just conquered the southern barbarian tribes, when they got to order to return to Pataliputra. The eastern tribes had invaded the Empire and the King was in danger. Immediately the army moved back home. Only a minor group of 100 men under Jashko´s eldest son was ordered to take control of the subdued tribes.
Jashko had let his men marsh at day and at night and after one week his men stood between Pataliputra and the barbarians. But a big piece of productiv farm-land had been burned down by the maurading hordes. They would have to pay with blood for the damage they had done.
The battle plans were easy. Jashko had no idea, how big the enemy army was. His scouts had reported, that they were gathering in a small devasted village. 500 Mauryan soldiers had sneaked in the back of the enemy army, and they were waiting for the signal. The rest of the army would storm in the village and then suddenly the barbarians would hear the battle cries of the other 500 Mauryans behind them. They would be smashed and their blood would stream in the small trench, which had been dug by the villagers. Then Jashko would bring his King the head of this barbarian band and the King would be pleased.
At last Jashko would lead his army back to the barbarian tribes and then he would finaly subdue them.

Meanwhile the King didn´t realy bothered about the bloodshed in the east. He looked at his capitol and he was not very happy with it´s appearence. The streets were muddy and dirty and after every heavy rain mudflows damaged the buildings of Pataliputra and especialy the Marketplace. The King decided, that he had to fortify all roads of his city and he called his workers, to finish this job before the next rain. Soon other citys of the Empire adapted these methods and soon long roads connected the citys and villages of the empire.

-grow economy by buildign fortyfied roads
-fith the invading barbarians, push them out of my lands and conquer their lands
-continue wonder (3/5)
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