Strange problem with trying to install


Sep 24, 2003
I have the sid meiers version of Civ3 I reinstalled it earlier played a bit and then went toi get the demo of conquests to try.I was told i needed to have Civ 3 by mark someone or something or soe other versaion of Civ 3 to play the ex. pk. and then below that was a full trail version of Civ3,this was at Gamespot I am fairly certain,and so I tried their vrsion,I know there was a gold version,PTW version and mine which just said something likew game of the year on the boxing.Yes its legal and bought from Costco 8 mo.s ago or so and the whole problem seems to be if you have certain other versions of Civ3 like me,they are not compatable with the new Conquests ex. pk.? Is this correct and if so how hard is it to patch my version with the new Conquests in order to play it if I go buy it,and of course,the main question does it play well on XP Pro and is it worth it? I know thats alot but i have asked alot of this elsewhere and got no responses.Btw,I d/l'ed their Civ3 full trial version just to test and it then let me d/l and try for 3 hr.s the Conquests trial it looked like a great improvement and much more to choose from as far as Civ.s and their specific features.
Any help is very appreciated!
I'm sorry, but I'm not entirly sure that i understand you. I believe the answer you are looking for is conquest will work with any regionally similar CIV III (French with French, for example) but does need to be patched to the latest, 1.29, patch before it will work properly.
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