[submod] RFC Dawn of Civilization - Aeons - Version 1.1

I wanna mention that 1.1 added some changes to Civ spawns that I didn’t mention in this thread.

Firstly, “independence civs” (eg. New world civs, Byzantium and France), won’t spawn if your stability is stable, (had to be solid before, it’s now more lenient.)

Secondly, some civs now only spawn under certain conditions.

- HRE requires France to conquer or control a city in Lower Germany, Rome additionally needs to be dead.
- Moors and Spain both require Arabia to take a city in Iberia (AI Arabia now gets conquerors here.)
It seems there are now two active modmodmod's for the large map DoC!

We seem to have been doing a lot of the same changes but with different interpretations - although you now have a lot more Migration Age civs in your mod than I do in mine. I will have to take a look at Aeons when I have a moment.
It would be cool to merge them
It would be cool to merge them
Although my general lack of GitHub knowledge means I can’t “merge” them immediately, I’d be willing to incorporate some of Crossphazer’s civs and other ideas if he’s okay with the proposition.

I’d probably make some minor changes to adapt for the new map, and also due to the fact that I personally prefer to make UHV’s at an easier level than Crossphazer’s ones so I might nerf the UHVs.

I obviously won’t add Armenia, Macedon, Parthia, Minoa and one other civ which has already been added in the next update, but if he’s not against the idea, I can add the other civs.
Not sure what your plans are for future additions, but some ideas for more more minor classical era civs, and resources I've seen.

I don't know how playable they'd be given they only have around 500 years before getting crushed by Rome (unless maybe you turtle up in northwest Spain), but they'd add something to Iberia. If I remember correctly, you can give leaders an attribute that makes them ameniable to easily join wars, I think it'd make sense for the Celtiberians to represent their role as mercenaries. The Greek states could fight them or pay them to attack Carthage, same for Carthage with Rome.
A few leaderheads for (the Lusitanian) Viriatus exist, but the only working one I could find is here.

Again, their fate is to get crushed by Rome, but they've a long history fighting against the Macedonians and with or against the vairous Greek city states. Records of them fighting the Celts and Etruscans too amongst others, and obviously the Romans. A lot of broken links when looking for resources, but here are two that should work: Queen Tueta, Illyria Civ.

Probably the most playable given their timespan, location and history involving trade makes it easy to think of trade related UHVs. I've seen a screenshot of the Queen of Sheba on a thread but no links, but they exist in this RFC Classical++ mod as a full civ with their own leader, though I think the leader is actually from the later Himyarites.
1SDANi also made Yemen + Oman if they were to be reborn later, here.

Don't think they really fit on the map, but they exist in a couple of mods including RFC of the Greek World. Would force Rome to fight out of Italy and with the addition of the other civs turn them into serial civ eradicators. RFC Greek

Not sure adding Colchis really adds anything to the game given their small size. But if there are still free slots they're probably more interesting and longlasting enough to interact with for other civs in the region compared with just having a generic indie city. A leaderhead exists in this pack (though it's Aeetes from Greek Mythology)

The same Novator pack with Aeetes also has leaderheads for other civs including Dacia (and RFC classic has it as a civ) and Thrace, but I'm not sure they fit the mod. There's also the Xiongnu in the 1SDANi mod.

This is minor, but there's also a Troy civ with a UB (and maybe UU) that could be given to the Indy city of Wilusa.
Not sure what your plans are for future additions, but some ideas for more more minor classical era civs, and resources I've seen.

I don't know how playable they'd be given they only have around 500 years before getting crushed by Rome (unless maybe you turtle up in northwest Spain), but they'd add something to Iberia. If I remember correctly, you can give leaders an attribute that makes them ameniable to easily join wars, I think it'd make sense for the Celtiberians to represent their role as mercenaries. The Greek states could fight them or pay them to attack Carthage, same for Carthage with Rome.
A few leaderheads for (the Lusitanian) Viriatus exist, but the only working one I could find is here.

Again, their fate is to get crushed by Rome, but they've a long history fighting against the Macedonians and with or against the vairous Greek city states. Records of them fighting the Celts and Etruscans too amongst others, and obviously the Romans. A lot of broken links when looking for resources, but here are two that should work: Queen Tueta, Illyria Civ.

Probably the most playable given their timespan, location and history involving trade makes it easy to think of trade related UHVs. I've seen a screenshot of the Queen of Sheba on a thread but no links, but they exist in this RFC Classical++ mod as a full civ with their own leader, though I think the leader is actually from the later Himyarites.
1SDANi also made Yemen + Oman if they were to be reborn later, here.

Don't think they really fit on the map, but they exist in a couple of mods including RFC of the Greek World. Would force Rome to fight out of Italy and with the addition of the other civs turn them into serial civ eradicators. RFC Greek

Not sure adding Colchis really adds anything to the game given their small size. But if there are still free slots they're probably more interesting and longlasting enough to interact with for other civs in the region compared with just having a generic indie city. A leaderhead exists in this pack (though it's Aeetes from Greek Mythology)

The same Novator pack with Aeetes also has leaderheads for other civs including Dacia (and RFC classic has it as a civ) and Thrace, but I'm not sure they fit the mod. There's also the Xiongnu in the 1SDANi mod.

This is minor, but there's also a Troy civ with a UB (and maybe UU) that could be given to the Indy city of Wilusa.
The upcoming update isn’t going to be focusing on the classical era, (it’s a different “Aeon”, if you will.) but with the expansion of the classical era, I do really feel like we’re missing out on some of these civs. The Etruscans and Troy into particular have stuck onto me a bit, as I feel Rome could be a lot more interesting if the Etruscans were an early target.

Many of these civs are for consideration, but considering I might not return to the ancient world for a while, I guess they’re not immediately on the list. There are some good leaderheads for them out there, so I do think adding them eventually would be a good idea.
On reflection, I think Dacia could work if they got an earlier start as the Getae.

If you do end up adding some of the civs, it might be an idea to make civs in Romes traditional empire unlikely or unwilling to vassalize to AI Rome. It would prevent them living a protracted existence as small rump states, and some of them may impede Rome's proper expansion if they're vassals
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