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Succession Ballot 2 (Turn 30) Deadline: May 19th 2:00pm UTC


Hail to the King Baby -DN
Jun 26, 2009
Castle Merlot
Official Succession Ballot Request

Nobles must cast a ballot before May 19th 2:00pm UTC

Ballot 2 | Turn 30 | 2880BC​
Please do not reply with "vote for me" or other campaigning. Anyone that does is unknowledgable in the ways of the nobility, and obviously not ordained to take the throne!​

All team Merlot players may send 1 private message to the Administrator (that's me) in the next 48 hours (from the time of this post). Only your first ballot is considered; you cannot change your ballot.

Who can I support?
Any new candidates must solicit your support through private messages. The current King isn't restricted to private messages; he can campaign through the forums. Assume that you can cast a ballot for the current King even if there is no campaigning.

How do I choose a King?
Are you having fun? Are you involved at the level you want to be? Is there a plan for backup turn players? Are we using a strategy that leads to victory? Ask any questions to candidates through private messages and pick the candidate that best represents how you want the game played.

How do I Become King Then?
So you want to become King then? Oh, very nice. Convince the most people to cast their ballot for you and you will be crowned King! It is important that you use private messages to solicit support otherwise the current King will see your rabble rousing and silence you! Realistically you should gain your support well ahead of the 48 hour succession ballot - not in the 48 hours after the ballot is announced. This ballot occurs every 15 turns.

How do I cast my ballot?
Send the Administrator (thats me, Ash88) a private message within 48 hours from the time of this posting. You cannot change your ballot! If your ballot is unclear the Administrator cannot be held responsible for how he interprets it, or discounts it. In order to be clear it should say:

"I claim the throne." OR "I support <name> in his claim for the throne."

Why don't we just post campaigning in this thread?
A skilled forum warrior is not the same as a good King. Getting a flock of annonymous people to side with you by making them think everyone already is while throwing in a little humour is too easily done, but being a King is going to take some solid Civ4 and people skills. Pick a King that is going to win!

Why should I cast a ballot?
If you do not send your ballot then your support is not assumed. If the current King has your support you would do well to support him in the case that someone else has quietly gained a few ballots and would take the throne because of your inaction! This is also how we get a sense of who the active players are - so if you are not supporting anyone a quick PM to say you are lurking would be appreciated :)

Now... to the King! :king:

In the year 2880 Lord mgsmuhammad stood up in the great council chamber, before the assembled court, and defiantly proclaimed, "I claim the throne. It is mine by the divine hand of the Almighty!"

There was a silence over the hall.

Lord Caledorn and Lord Umarth were the first to regain a sense. They both quickly rallied to King Indiansmoke. Following their example Lord Winston Hughes, Lord Ronnie1, Lord Tboy and Lord Mongus all did likewise.

Lord Tic0, maybe still confused by this happening said, "I support Lord Indiansnake." Realizing his own mistake he corrected himself mumbling about how the recently discovered river was flowing like a snake, but from that day forward the nickname for the King stuck amongst the ungreatful common folk (particularly the warriors stationed East of the city).

Lord Aivoturso and Lord Fktor also stood and supported King Indiansmoke.

At the end of it Lord mgsmuhammad stood alone, gritting his teeth. Submitting to the will of the Lords, but with an eye to the throne. With no gained support amongst the Lords many wondered whether this was an attempt at the throne, or simply an announcement of intent.

See you on turn 45! :)
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