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SVN 'upgrade' question - ini files

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Nov 16, 2005
Hi All,

Something just occurred to me with regards to pulling the SVN version. So I pull down the SVN version to a separate folder, then use the 'Export' option on the folders, which works fine. But as we have discussed the Export option is not available for files. So I've been manually copying over the ini files... but silly me, that would over-write the preferences I have set using Ctrl-Alt-O, right?

How would I 'merge' in any changes to the ini files (such as a new variable being added) while maintaining my existing preferences? Am I just totally missing the bus on this? :confused:
Hi All,

Something just occurred to me with regards to pulling the SVN version. So I pull down the SVN version to a separate folder, then use the 'Export' option on the folders, which works fine. But as we have discussed the Export option is not available for files. So I've been manually copying over the ini files... but silly me, that would over-write the preferences I have set using Ctrl-Alt-O, right?

How would I 'merge' in any changes to the ini files (such as a new variable being added) while maintaining my existing preferences? Am I just totally missing the bus on this? :confused:

I think you have to open the two ini files with a text editor and copy the preferences from the old one to the next one. The BUG Mod.ini file is very simple, and all the options are well explained inside it with full comments.

But anyway, I don't think that this will be quicker than changing the options using the in-game BUG Option Screen, in particular now that the naming conventions have been moved to another file.

In any case, I suggest to overwrite your BUG Mod.ini file with the one of the last SVN version only if it has been changed (you can see it looking at the SVN log), because it is not changed frequently.
In any case, I suggest to overwrite your BUG Mod.ini file with the one of the last SVN version only if it has been changed (you can see it looking at the SVN log), because it is not changed frequently.

Ah, that is an excellent point (and good to know that it doesn't change often). Thanks!
Use Defaults for New Options

The other thing you can do is first try the game without the new INI file. Any new options will get default values. The only time that this won't work is if we add a new [Section] to the INI file, which we rarely do.

If it isn't going to work, it should fail when you try to close the options screen IIRC. In that case, you can compare the two INI files and just look for the new [Section]s and copy them from the new INI file to your existing one.

Let SVN Merge Them

The other method that takes a little more discipline is to copy your INI file over the one in the folder where you do "SVN Update" before updating. When you update, SVN will merge your changes in with our changes. Usually this will work without conflicts. If you get a message about conflicts, just delete the file and update again and use the above method.

See What Changed

You also can right-click the INI file and select "SVN : Show log" to see all the changes to that file. Select any two versions (click one and ctrl-click the second), right-click either and select "Compare Revisions" to see exactly what changed.
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