Switch mode between maps in TOT.


Any feedback?

May be the reason why you haven´t received an answer is, that you didn´t formulate a question but a statement. So for answering one first has to guess what you really want. If it is a confirmation that your statement is true or false, I think the answer belongs to the kind of event that produces units that can connect the different maps by building the proper teleporters or by techs allowing units the direct movement between the terrain of those maps.

In the case when using the 'Original Extended Events' for connecting the random maps, I think the answer for your statement is 'true' (and in this case you should use a version of Civ 2 ToT that is patched to version 1.1). If I remember correctly, the only setting that allows a direct connection between random maps from start, is a connection from a standard random map to an underground random map via the gates of Hel and unfortunately this connection can be pillaged (but my experiences with connecting different random maps are about twenty years in the past).

In preset maps you can preplace teleporters with the correct settings for a connection of different maps on locations of those preset maps, too - but you need those preplaced teleporters with the correct values and locations on each of the fixed maps that should be connected. Another way would be to have cities on those preplaced maps that contain the building for a direct connection between cities on different maps (not to be mixed up with the airport building).

The easiest way is to use units that are allowed to move directly between the connected maps (and here you have to take into account that sea units can only move to sea-terrain and landunits can only move to land terrain in all of the connected maps).
May be the reason why you haven´t received an answer is, that you didn´t formulate a question but a statement. So for answering one first has to guess what you really want. If it is a confirmation that your statement is true or false, I think the answer belongs to the kind of event that produces units that can connect the different maps by building the proper teleporters or by techs allowing units the direct movement between the terrain of those maps.

In the case when using the 'Original Extended Events' for connecting the random maps, I think the answer for your statement is 'true' (and in this case you should use a version of Civ 2 ToT that is patched to version 1.1). If I remember correctly, the only setting that allows a direct connection between random maps from start, is a connection from a standard random map to an underground random map via the gates of Hel and unfortunately this connection can be pillaged (but my experiences with connecting different random maps are about twenty years in the past).

In preset maps you can preplace teleporters with the correct settings for a connection of different maps on locations of those preset maps, too - but you need those preplaced teleporters with the correct values and locations on each of the fixed maps that should be connected. Another way would be to have cities on those preplaced maps that contain the building for a direct connection between cities on different maps (not to be mixed up with the airport building).

The easiest way is to use units that are allowed to move directly between the connected maps (and here you have to take into account that sea units can only move to sea-terrain and landunits can only move to land terrain in all of the connected maps).

Ok, sorry maybe I didn't explain myself correctly, what I want is to start an original extended game with 4 maps instead of 2, and my question is if it's possible and if the game will work the same as when it has only 2 maps, which is when I get to alpha centauri I get to teleport to the other maps because the spaceship will only land on one of the planets.
Rui_TNV, I think this is possible, but the events file to create units on all the other additional maps (and among them units that can create teleporters from your starting map to those additional maps) must be massively enlarged. Here you cannot operate with the blanc original extended events file.

Additionally to the secondary maps settings (that was explained to you some posts above), units must be created that can exist on those additional maps, the starting locations for those event created units must be set for each map (the last number in the coordinates signs the map) and among those units there must be units that can perform the construction of teleporters to your starting map and you need at least one of those units on your starting map to construct such a teleporter to each of those additional maps, too.

This said, I never did such a construction using the arrival at AC event. I mostly connected two standard maps (number 6 maps, if remembering well).
Rui_TNV, I think this is possible, but the events file to create units on all the other additional maps (and among them units that can create teleporters from your starting map to those additional maps) must be massively enlarged. Here you cannot operate with the blanc original extended events file.

Additionally to the secondary maps settings (that was explained to you some posts above), units must be created that can exist on those additional maps, the starting locations for those event created units must be set for each map (the last number in the coordinates signs the map) and among those units there must be units that can perform the construction of teleporters to your starting map and you need at least one of those units on your starting map to construct such a teleporter to each of those additional maps, too.

This said, I never did such a construction using the arrival at AC event. I mostly connected two standard maps (number 6 maps, if remembering well).

Wow... i don't know I got the skills for all of that...
can someone tell me about this situation in the game played a game in the extended version of the test of time, played for aliens and I got the whole map all alone. at the end of the game, I fully developed and built a spaceship, successfully flew to alpha centauri and that's the end, one asks what is the point of the game?
I can’t build a teleport in this addition of technologies that would allow it, no, alien units were all given from the very beginning, only ordinary units were added with development
with the help of cheating, I opened another, ordinary map of the land where AI players develop, I can’t communicate with them either, the result of the game is not comforting, it’s not interesting to develop alone
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