Hellenism Salesman
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Are you sure you can you can use alcazars to pillage flip? I know that unique tile improvements from Civs ( like ziggurats) definitly get removed when a city flips or gets conquered, and while I can't say I am 100% sure about city state tiles I believe those disapear aswell when a city flipsT3: More good news - Original Warrior meets Granada in time for a free envoy. That will speed the Builder, and Granada is a top notch CS for this strategy, as we can eventually spam Alcazars on flatland tiles for more pillaging! Their quest is to build a Holy Site. Meanwhile our Scout finds another hut quickly, but gets a Military Training inspiration, which is pretty marginal as this one is easy to earn organically.
Boosts: Military Training
T4: Original Warrior finds a third hut.
T5: Borders expand onto Wheat, which will allow us to actually grow in a reasonable amount of time (we were working a one-food wonder tile before). Our Scout also finds ANOTHER hut. Original Warrior pops the third hut, which is another dud with a Bronze Working boost, again something we probably could have picked up naturally.
Boosts: Bronze Working
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The science scales poorly though, in the sense that early on, a single pillage can yield several turns worth of tech research, while in the late game (typically when you have 1000 science per turn yourself), a single pillage might not even be remotely close to shave a single turn off a tech. You can however pillage more mines per turn to compensate, but personally I was a little disappointed in the yields when I attempted a Norway SV pillage strategy myself. I personally relied on pillaging early on to catch up, while the gold yields were more important later on, as these still scaled nicely.Glad the images work! But I have to say pillaging does not scale poorly at all. Quite the opposite. By the end of the game with Raid you can pillage >100s and >400g from a single mine!
This you need to be careful of. If you intend to flip, I found that being in a normal or dark age worked the best, because if you get a golden age and the target gets a dark age, you can lose out on a lot of pillaging as the "flip time" becomes longer due to loyalty issues. Also dont underestimate light cavalry for pillaging, they are rather efficient for pillaging in the limited time you have before the city flips back.Our first Viking Longship pops, securing a Golden Age
By the end of the game techs cost about 2,5k science but gold pillages are worth around 650gold since norways science from a mine pillage is about 30% of the gold value so rounded up about 200 science. A single pillage flip city with only 10 mines produces 13k gold and 2k science every 2 turns and because of that insane gold it is very easy to set up a lot of pillage flip cities, easily 5, by that point of the game, netting on average 5k science per turn. No Civ building campuses for their science can keep up with norway using this op strat (all of these numbers are with the raid card in mind)The science scales poorly though, in the sense that early on, a single pillage can yield several turns worth of tech research, while in the late game (typically when you have 1000 science per turn yourself), a single pillage might not even be remotely close to shave a single turn off a tech. You can however pillage more mines per turn to compensate, but personally I was a little disappointed in the yields when I attempted a Norway SV pillage strategy myself. I personally relied on pillaging early on to catch up, while the gold yields were more important later on, as these still scaled nicely.
Either way, hope you can pull it off, and it will especially interesting to see how you solve it in the last half of the game when techs start getting expensive.![]()