I am going to have to do some more trick-shuffling. Trimming down as many military units as possible to a single tech prerequisite is leading to a couple of techs slipping into the "red zone" of viability.
First is
Military Science. Removing the
Ironclad and
Iron Frigate from this tech leaves it with a trick count of only 2: the
Military Academy (requiring a Great General to build) and the
Commando/Blitz promotions. This is not a good thing. I think the problem here is the amount of overlap between Military Science/Military Tradition/Grand War.
I could make a case of moving any of the following to Military Science:
- Light Cavalry. I originally assigned this unit to Military Tradition to give MT one unit of its own. Its other units (Cavalry, Elephant Cavalry) required both MT and Rifling. Now that Rifling is Industrial Era, MT was redundant. Moving the Light Cav up to Military Science consolidates the final round of Mounted units all in the Industrial Era.
- Junta. I want to distinguish government by professional soldiers from government by the merely biggest and strongest -- that's Warlords. Military juntas seem to fairly modern so an Industrial Era placement might be better.
- Volunteer Army. The all-volunteer army, like the Junta, seems to be a fairly modern concept. An army of long-term officers mixed with recent conscripts falls under Standing Army. The primary game effect of Volunteer Army is its starting +3 XP, making it the easiest path to 5 XP and thus 2 promotions when coupled with a +2 XP military building (Garrison), so it does need to be somewhere before the Military Base. Putting VA after Military Tradition also makes Brandenburg Gate's +1 XP more meaningful, as it + Warrior Caste/Mercenaries + Garrison gives 5 XP.
I think what I am going to do here is move the Light Cavalry, the Volunteer Army civic, and the
Recruiting Center. That will give Military Science a healthy 5 tricks. Junta can stay with Military Tradition.
Second is
Robotics. The problem here is that three units require both Robotics and
Stealth: Stealth Bomber, Stealth Destroyer, and Nighthawk. I also want to split off Modern Armor.
The only thing I can think of to do here is to move the
Great Engineer from
Seismology to Robotics. Seismology has enough tricks to spare one. I contemplated moving
Technocracy but I don't think I want to make that available earlier.