Tech Tree

Good point. We don't want to unbalance the game by having some civs get unique techs and others not, but we might be able to fix this by making the UTs expensive enough that their bonus is compensated by the inability to research anything else for a while.
I don't think equal techs for every civ is necessary. We can also just combine some techs for groups of civs:
  • construction available to Gondor and the first or first two are also available to Numenor
  • Shaft mining/expert mining for both Khazad races, but only mithril smithing for Longbeards (maybe something else for the others or not)
  • Rohirrim & Haradrim & Easterlings get all the first special horse tech (Horse mastery maybe) and then the Rohirrim receive 2 more horse related techs, the Haradrim only get this one and a Mumakil one and a piracy one and the easterlings only get the first one and the second one for the chariots maybe. Chariots can also be done in multiple units (chariot with one horse, better version with two horses called war chariot or something like that).
  • Maybe combine some of the techs for ships for Numenor and Teleri (but providing different UUs).
The idea of doing it like this is that we limit the amount of techs we add because we cluster it to groups of civs, while still making them feel unique, by combining them or even having some special ones for really one civ. I think really trying to give a equal number to all is not neccessary if we balance this properly with how long it takes to research them and where they are in the tech tree and what they actually give as benefits.
Yes that is exactly what I mean. I will try to give an example: say we have a tech called advanced sailling. It is something available to both Teleri and Numenor. It can unlock things for both, maybe something like a shipyard and maybe some common unit, but the tech can also be required to build two UUs like for example a swan sailship (UU for Teleri) and a heavy warship (UU for Numenor). This way it is one tech and common thinks can be here but even different things can be made available also through this tech. That will limit the techs we have to add to the tree.
Hopefully this clears it up?
I don't think equal techs for every civ is necessary. We can also just combine some techs for groups of civs:
  • construction available to Gondor and the first or first two are also available to Numenor
  • Shaft mining/expert mining for both Khazad races, but only mithril smithing for Longbeards (maybe something else for the others or not)
  • Rohirrim & Haradrim & Easterlings get all the first special horse tech (Horse mastery maybe) and then the Rohirrim receive 2 more horse related techs, the Haradrim only get this one and a Mumakil one and a piracy one and the easterlings only get the first one and the second one for the chariots maybe. Chariots can also be done in multiple units (chariot with one horse, better version with two horses called war chariot or something like that).
  • Maybe combine some of the techs for ships for Numenor and Teleri (but providing different UUs).
The idea of doing it like this is that we limit the amount of techs we add because we cluster it to groups of civs, while still making them feel unique, by combining them or even having some special ones for really one civ. I think really trying to give a equal number to all is not neccessary if we balance this properly with how long it takes to research them and where they are in the tech tree and what they actually give as benefits.

This is what I had in mind as well.
Okay some names and in what order:
  • Stoneworking/?? --> Advanced Constuctions --> Multilevel Construction
  • Advanced Sailing/Great travels --> Shipcrafting --> Expeditianary Force/Mariner Tradition(only Numenor?) (also has prerequisites from the normal sea techs)
  • Shaft mining --> expert mining -->mithril working (only Longbeards?) (also has prerequisites from the normal mining techs)
Looking at the latest tech tree (third attempt in the main post) a lot of these more advanced techs are already there as normal techs. Do we want to keep these all as normal techs or can we move some to the civ specific techs?
Not sure. I thought we left those there and now we are coming up with extras. What does everyone think?

Contruction --> Advanced Contruction --> Watchtower Construction
Mithril Working --> Mithril Smithing
Mining --> Expert Mining --> Shaft Mining

Something along those lines I figured.
I'm a bit at a loss as to what we're trying to do now. What is the list of techs that need to be added and who will be able to research which techs? Adding them in the techtree will probably follow quite naturally from that (and the names).
I think we are still trying to come up with Civ Specific Techs, but it is starting to get confused I think. We need to sort that out.

My Idea was to have Specific Civ Techs only available to that particular Civ. Also for Alignments & Religions.

Berenthor seems to want to add more Techs to the Core Tree that activate certain Buildings/Units & add Civ Specific Techs (Correct me if I am wrong here Berenthor).
Yes that was my idea as well but instead of having one tech for each civ specific, I would make a group of techs that can be researched only by a group of civs. The techs you just named are they normal techs for everyone or only the first is normal and the others are civ specific? What I was saying in my post was to have those as groups of techs. Say for example Gondor and Numenor get some techs for their superior construction. Than they would get access to Advanced Constuctions --> Multilevel Construction and maybe something else were we can put the units/buildings we want only them to be able to research. We can also say that Numenor and Arnor and Gondor can do advanced construction for the fortified wall and then Gondor can as an extra do the Multilevel Construction and maybe something else as well, Arnor can do the Watchtower construction and Numenor has some extra seafaring techs. This way we can really combine them without adding to many extra techs. Also not every civ has to have equally many. I'll post this in the new thread as well.

As for the techs you listed, are they standard techs or civ/group specific?
Construction, Mithril Working & Mining are already in the Core List. The others would then split off into the Civ Specific List.

Construction: Everyone
-Leads to
Advanced Contruction: Numenor/Arnor/Gondor (Fortified Walls)
-Leads to
Multilevel Construction: Gondor (Stronghold)
Watchtower Construction: Arnor (Watchtower)

That kind of thing.
I think the core is pretty much done.
Pariah brought up a good point in another thread. Should Bronze Working come before Archery? I am not sure if we want to change things around or not, but it is an interesting choice. If we leave it, I am fine. I can also understand switching them perhaps.
we could simply move Archery to Age of the Stars, which would solve that problem (maybe move BW to First Age?)
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