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Term 1 - Nominations for Domestic Leader

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Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
These are the traditional duties and powers of all councilmembers:

Post polls and discussions to determine citizen desires for departmental policies, plans and agendas.
Cast a tie-breaking vote in the polls determining their departmental policies, plans and agendas.
Formulate departmental policies, plans and agendas based on citizen feedback.
Formulate departmental policies, plans and agendas of their own in the absence of citizen feedback (forum outage, low participation, etc).
Convey these policies, plans and agendas to the President for play in the game.
Call Legislative and Override Council Votes.
Vote in Council Votes of all types

These are the duties assigned to the domestic leader:

Organize decisions about settler placement.
Organize decisions about wonder building.
Organize the science/tax/luxury rate.
Organize departmental and provincial budgets.
Governor of cities that do not have a provincial governor.
Call a Mobilization Council Vote to determine if the economy should be mobilized.
Organize mapping of Provincial Borders

Please Accept or Decline any nominations you receive.
I'll nominate Cyc & Eyrei
I nominate myself and Accept
Ill Second Chieftess
I'll third CT.

edit: I 2nd Cyc
Welcome back!
Im glad to see CT is seeing the light and not leaving.
Seeing as how this post is the least-contested of the council posts, I hereby nominate myself and accept my nomination for this post. And I'll nth CT, second Cyc and third FortyJ. Manambaresse!
Ill Third Noldodan.

BTW, watch out for the elves that snuck in there last night :scared:
I would like to thank you gentleman for your support. It is indeed an honor for me to receive this nomination.

Unfortunately, the Big D doesn't stand for Domestic this time around. It stands for Decline. For two reasons mainly. 1. I simply don't have the time to put into a Leadership position, and 2. There is a large supply of trust-worthy candidates to fill the positions. I will be a mere citizen, if that's possible for me :) .
Originally posted by CivGeneral
Ill Third Noldodan.

BTW, watch out for the elves that snuck in there last night :scared:

AHHHH! And cyc, I'm sure you can survive being a citizen for one term.
I would love to have more experience in the Domestic Department even if only a deputy. I will nominate myself and accept. Also, I don't mean to be rude or power-hungry, I am just running for three positions to broaden my experience in the DG. Of course if I win more than one, I will only keep one.
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