Term 5 - Province of Sérliënorë

May I humbly suggest as follows:

Groton: switch to army, always army
Mûre: factory, market, tank
Grand Bricolage: switch to market, granary, factory
Oldenburg: courthouse, market, aqueduct (mm for production)
Exile: aqueduct, market, ironclad (to kill the barb galleys)
Rubanovka: factory, granary, library, market, university
Sambhava: aqueduct, factory, university
While there's no governor for this very important province, I suggest building airports, especially in Groton, and surrounding cities. These will be airlifting points.
The Following is a Joint Plan between the Department of "Defense" and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
This plan calls for the following:
Increased output of defensive units by all able cities. Definition of "able"- Ability to create a shield per turn output of 30 shields (a 3 turn infantry). If there is not a drastic increase of defensive units, MIA will begin a draft, drafting units in every major (greater than or equal to size twelve, or an "able" city) city if need be for three consecutive turns.
MIA and DOD would also like to start abandoning any city that does not have a great wonder in it. We would like to keep the canal that was captured last chat, but all upcomming Zulu cities with the exception of Zimbabwe are to be raized by order of the MIA and DOD. The DP has discression to keep a port city to get the Ivory flowing, however.
The City of Groton is to start work on Battlefield Medicine.
That is all for now
I do not desire any drafting done in my cities. If the Judiciary should decide that another has the right to do so, then they shall do so. But if my people are being oppressed, I will cease military production and switch to city improvements.
Yeah. We will read them brainless militarists the riot act! :D

Rush Jobs
Please Rush the Airport in Sambhava and the Ironclad in Exile ASAP.
Do you really think this is necessary? Rushing the airport is darn expensive (and it can be built in 5 turns), and I would question the need for a 2nd ironclad, much more the need to hurry it .....
Governor, I would like Groton to continue building tanks, and modern armor. (to atleast get a total of 8).
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