Term 6 DP pool


Retired Moderator
Jan 5, 2006
DP order this term, if I did everything right

Joe Harker
Game Play Session Scheduling Initiative

Any game play session must be publicly announced in the CivFanatics Civ4 - Democracy Game II forum at least 24 hours before the scheduled start of said game play session. Said announcement must include:
The date and time the game play session will start
The Designated Player for the session
A link to the sessions's game play instruction thread
The purpose of the game play session

Section 1
During each regular election cycle, a separate thread will be created during the nomination process for Designated Player (DP) Candidates. Any citizen that wishes to be a DP must declare so in a post in this thread. When the election polls are posted, a separate poll, in multi-choice format, listing each candidate will be posted. Citizens will vote their approval for a candidate by selecting their name.

A citizen may run for an elected office and apply to be a DP in the same term. The DP Pool does not count as an elected office.

Each candidate that receives a vote from more than 60% of the citizens that vote in the poll will be accepted as a DP for that term. The Election Office will put together a list of the Designated Players, ordered by the number of votes in support for that term. In the event of a tie, the order of posting in the nomination thread will be used. All DPs that actually ran a game session in the previous term will be put below those that did not, regardless of the number of votes. This list will determine the order that the DPs will be used for game sessions. If there are more game sessions than DPs, start again from the top of the list.

The DP Pool Manager is responsible for organizing the DP Pool, and tracking the schedule of DP's. Should the DP pool be empty, the DP Pool Manager is responsible for determining who will be the DP for each game session, using any citizen to serve as DP. The DP Manager may also post a poll requesting that DP be removed from the pool. This is a private poll, lasting 4 days. If more than 60% of citizen vote in favor of removal, the citizen is removed from the DP pool immediately.

Members of the DP pool may exchange places as they desire, so long as all citizens involved agree.

Citizen's Initiative - The Playing the Save Act of 4000 BC

Section 1 - Instructions

All official instructions must be posted in the current game session instruction thread. Instructions must be clear and defined. All sessions, including special sessions, must have an instruction thread.

Officials must post their instructions at least one hour before the scheduled start of the game session. Officials may make changes to their instructions up to an hour before the session, so long as those changes are clearly noted. Officials that do not post instructions for a game session are considered to have given the DP complete control over their area for that game session, even should they be at the game session.

Citizens may post instructions based on the results of completed initiatives. These instructions must be posted at least one hour before the scheduled start of the game session.

If an instruction thread has not been created for a scheduled game session when a citizen is ready to post instructions, that citizen may create a instruction thread for that session.

Section 2 - Playing

The DP for each game session, including special sessions, must maintain a log of their actions in sufficient detail that another citizen may generally recreate their actions.

During a game session, citizens are encouraged to comment and offer advice to the DP. The DP may also seek comments from citizens. The DP is not required to do so, and is not required in any way to follow any such advice.

The game session may last for as long as there are relevant instructions, until a posted instruction says to halt the session or when the DP decides to end the session. Once a game session is over, the DP must post a summary of that session, a detailed log of their actions, and a save in the instruction thread and in the summary thread.

I'm thinking of adding this rule as DP pool manager:
"If the DP doesn't show up within 1 hour of the scheduled start of the session and hasn't posted anything about his absence, any other member of the DP pool can pick up the save and play it according to the instructions. This DP has to post in the TCIT at least 1 hour before starting play though. This session will count as a session by the original DP for the play order."
I was going to say can i go near the end, bit of a hectic month ahead, plus holidays :)!, but i am last so it's ok!
Wow, I'm first! Looks like there was a one turn session on the 29th. That was the last one and also the last one of the term? What would be a good target for the first session of the new term?

I'm thinking of adding this rule as DP pool manager:
"If the DP doesn't show up within 1 hour of the scheduled start of the session and hasn't posted anything about his absence, any other member of the DP pool can pick up the save and play it according to the instructions. This DP has to post in the TCIT at least 1 hour before starting play though. This session will count as a session by the original DP for the play order."

This would apply only to online sessions, correct? If not, then how does one show up for an off line session?
I don't think it should count as the original DP's session. The idea should not be to punish the scheduled DP. Throwing them to the end of the line effectively means they lose their chance to play for the whole month, since we have more planned DPs than likely opportunities.

A DP could post "playing in 1 hour" even for an offline session, no?

There don't seem to be any contentious issues in the game that haven't already been polled, so I'd ask that the next session be scheduled with just enough delay for the new officials to do their instructions.
There don't seem to be any contentious issues in the game that haven't already been polled, so I'd ask that the next session be scheduled with just enough delay for the new officials to do their instructions.

How soon after the scheduled time would you like it to actually be played? No need to give your answer in picoseconds. Days will do.
Yes, how soon, give us an answer now, do not ignore the citizen input.
Hmm, that's an interesting question.

I'd trust you to adapt the scheduled time to your RL schedule. I'd trust you to ask for a swap or skip if you felt an unreasonable delay would result. I'd be concerned for you if it went more than a day without any indication of progress, and I'd look to citizen input on what we should do if it continued to go longer.
Instructions must be posted until 1 hour before the session's begin.
So, a 24 hours notice looks enough to me.
Best regards,
I see three issues of contention here...

A.) How long after the scheduled time does the DP have to actually play the save before another citizen can take over?

ie. Turnchat (online session) scheduled for July 27th at 1800 GMT, if the DP fails to show up can another DP in attendance play the session at 1900 GMT instead? Should this be allowed? and if so how much time should the original DP be given to start the session.

One issue with this I have though, is what if the original DP is unable to get access to the internet for a planned online session, so instead does an offline session (as far as I know there is nothing to legally prevent this). Then we have 2 different saves that were played, one from the original DP in an offline session, and another one by another DP who played their own version in an online session.

B.) Should the above "time" rule apply to Offline sessions as well?

Some have proposed a sort of 1 hour forum notification to allow it to apply, however that sorta ignores the reasons why someone would do an offline session. Sometimes you don't have internet access 1 hour before the session is played, and only have access for a short period after you actually have time to play it, thus requiring the offline session.

C.) Should the DP be Punished if he fails to show up in time (as described in A)

Should the original DP be pushed to the back of the priority list, essentially taking away their chance to play for the month? Or should their priority remain the same and they'll be able to play the next session.

What about the DP that took over for the original DP, and actually played the save? Should they maintain their priority? Should the session they took over count as one of their sessions, thus moving them to the back of the priority list.

If Online sessions were required, this would be a little easier to apply. We used to do something simular Civ 3 DGI and II when we had a chain of command system and online sessions were assumed. However, we shouldn't require online sessions if we're going to give everyone an opertunity to become a DP and play the save.

Also should it be instituted, DP's shouldn't be punished unless they make a trend of being late.

Of course then there's the question of what happens with those in attendence expecting the online session...

They decided to show up in the chatroom to watch the session and discuss, however the DP has not shown up to play the session or tell them he can't do it. Should they be able to take up the save at some point and have their own session since they showed up?

Part of me says yes as I think back to the old Chain of Command system where online sessions were assumed and if the primary DP wasn't there it would go down a chain of candidates.

But Part of me says no, because we don't have that system, and we don't want to have 2 theoretically legitimate saves at once.

In order for such a law to be implemented though all of the below must be satified in the law
A.) A DP officially announces if a session will be offline or online
B.) If a DP is unable to preform an online session (after announcing the session as being online) he may not start on offline session.
C.) Define exactly what point may another DP take up the save in the absence of the original DP
D.) Define hat will occur if the original DP does return in the middle of the other DP's session.
I think you need to check out my new initiative, Falcon. Your first issue is dealt with there.
I am away from the 13th to the 22nd, with the possiblity of giving instructions on the 21st.
Wow, I'm first! Looks like there was a one turn session on the 29th. That was the last one and also the last one of the term? What would be a good target for the first session of the new term?

This would apply only to online sessions, correct? If not, then how does one show up for an off line session?

Target date: what about the 4th-5th?

About offline sessions, I think this covers it (although it definetly needs to be made clearer :)):
"and hasn't posted anything about his absence". If the session was scheduled as offline, than that explains the DP's "absence", as he's playing the save offline :p (by the way the DP still has to check the forums maximally 1 hour before starting to get the latest instructions), if the session was scheduled as online, and the DP can't go online, he shouldn't play to avoid double saves.

Shall I strike the rule about it containing as the original DP's session?
When I play an offline session, I post a "playing now" in the session thread. Almost all of the people who play offline do so because they don't like the chat, or because they can't run the chat and civ on their system. For the very few who don't have an internet connection on that system, they can post a confirmation on their other system that they're going to play. :)
There's a question posted in the game play instruciton thread asking how many turns I plan to play. Back in the day 10 turns was standard uless something came up in game that the DP felt should be discussed in the forums. Is that still the rule of thumb we're using?
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