Test pitboss

We're done, over to the rest of you. :)
A bit busy at the moment for another game, but have fun anyway. :)
Once more to you guys. :)
Over to you guys for the second to last time. :)
And over to you guys for the last time. :)
Yeah, just. One more turn and I think you'd be gone. I probably could have done it earlier if I'd paid more attention - was kind of rushing through. ;)
Well, I can finish the game happy with the knowledge that a Hindu nation has made it to Alpha Centauri, where I hope that can spread the good word. If it can't be Indian people on the spaceshipsships, at least their beliefs have survived.
Only 378 espionage points to switch religions... they definitely didn't balance that at all. (It's even worse for civics.) ;) If I didn't have Cristo that'd be only a few hundred EP's for anarchy - insanely cheap for a huge amount of damage. Regardless it still gives -1 happiness per city and -2 XP per unit.

Civic and religion switch missions should really be banned in all unmodded games, IMHO. We hadn't specified it here, and that was part of the reason I didn't capture cities on other continents until now, but it really should be standard in all games.

Anyway, obviously it doesn't make much difference on the last turn of the game, so I'll let it slide here. :p Although I should point out that not a single one of the cities on my home continent has Hinduism, so the spaceship would have been built and populated by an entirely non-Hindu populace. ;)
Game over! Thanks for the game everyone, it was certainly a unique one. Never quite had a map like that before, and it was quite an even battle right until near the end while the participation was strong.

Particular thanks to Elkad and Nabaxo - they were both very loyal allies right to the end, and I feel both deserve their share of the credit for this victory. I couldn't have done it without them. I particularly enjoyed planning and coordinating many military strikes with Elkad in tense situations - I learnt quite a few things through our many discussions, so thanks Elkad. :)

Thanks also to everyone else who played right to the bitter end - Irgy, 2metra, Dave - and those who almost made it - Donovan, BCLG. It's certainly not easy to continue playing in a game once you feel that it's lost, but thanks for your perseverance anyway. I still maintain that if you'd all pulled together right until the end you would have stood a chance at turning things around, but it would have required quite a lot of effort and coordination - perhaps more than it was worth to some of you given the time commitment and low odds. In any event, thanks for making the vast majority of this game a tense and exciting battle.

I've attached the replay file below, in case anyone's interested in taking a look.


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