Test pitboss

Launched the spaceship and saved the game afterwards this time. Will pass the save onto Dave so he can bring the post-launch game up.
Yeah, done... sorry, wasn't around when Dave brought it up and there were only a few hours left on the timer on our side. If you need more time, feel free to pause to get your proper 24 hours. :)
Your turn... :)
By the way, at this point in the game now that everyone has nukes, I suggest we go with the standard practice of letting everyone log in after military moves so they can clean up with their Workers if needed. (Only moving Workers, nothing else.)

Otherwise the problem is much the same as with air raids: player 2 can always reconnect his resources before the build phase goes through, but player 1 can be perpetually denied his critical resources for builds. It's not a fair situation when that's the case.
I enjoyed mopping some dozen Elkad units, but I dont think this game have any more meaning - me and Irgy are the only 2 players logging in from our team and we are clearly overwhelmed even now, cant think what will happen when the ICBMs start to fall :lol::crazyeye:
At least it'll be over quickly. Multiple critical cities have fallen already this turn, and we haven't finished yet. ;)

And yeah, it's a bit disappointing that your teammates kind-of deserted you towards the end, but I guess there's not much that can be done now. May or may not have changed the eventual outcome, but would have certainly made it a lot tougher. Oh well. If any of them want to come back briefly for a good old fashioned nuke fight, it'd make things a bit more interesting. :)
They deserted us far earlier from the end - if I can say it more poethical - they deserting us have brought the end.
Over to you again.
And over to you once more. :)
Again over you guys. :)
We're done, over to you...
Sorry guys, I just lost the point in waiting 10 minutes to log in transferring the huge map just to see my shrinking and going-to-disappear once being great empire and having no more uranium and having no allies who are actually loging to be able to gift me uranium (except Irgy, who needs his too) even the fun factor of nuking is gone for me.

As I missed 2 turns already, I officially concede the game and also officially congratulate you for the very strong play and uncontested victory. :trophy2:
No worries, I think you were eliminated by Elkad this turn anyway. Thanks for playing this far anyway. Sorry you didn't have much help from allies in the end.

Only a few more turns to go now.
What the hell!?!

Sorry, I felt stupid :) I did not realized I've been eliminated. What a way to know you've been eliminated. Nearly as embarrassing as to see on CNN that the country you are president is at war ;)

One of you I hope to meet in another pitboss we just started and then he is going to pay for the sins of all 3 of you, hahah :devil:

Anyway, gg, guys.
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