½ man, ½ amazing
What might be an interesting point in this thread: In some parallel universe, where everything happened EXACTLY the same as it did here, up till the point of you being conceived..
Would the same person be born in both universes?
What this question is comming down to is offcourse: has everything already been determined, or is there always some form of chance involved?
If you take this to a physics level, you might argue that everything has been determined. Thus if you'd know the position and velocity of every particle at one time, you'd be able to predict the next position/velocity of every particle at a time later.. Which means you'd be able to predict the future..
Offcourse it's impossible to know every particle, the point is that it would be possible 'if' you'd know...
On the other hand, there's still quantum mechanics with particles having a chance of being somewhere at some time..
Though wether this is just a lack in our theory and measuringmethods, I don't know..
I'm not trying to turn this into a religion thread, but I think there's more to it than just events having happened.. I beleve in some form of randomness..
Would the same person be born in both universes?
What this question is comming down to is offcourse: has everything already been determined, or is there always some form of chance involved?
If you take this to a physics level, you might argue that everything has been determined. Thus if you'd know the position and velocity of every particle at one time, you'd be able to predict the next position/velocity of every particle at a time later.. Which means you'd be able to predict the future..
Offcourse it's impossible to know every particle, the point is that it would be possible 'if' you'd know...
On the other hand, there's still quantum mechanics with particles having a chance of being somewhere at some time..
Though wether this is just a lack in our theory and measuringmethods, I don't know..
I'm not trying to turn this into a religion thread, but I think there's more to it than just events having happened.. I beleve in some form of randomness..