The Civ3 Blues

The only time when I dropped Civ3 completely, for almost 2 months, was when that horrible 1.17 patch came out. It ruined the fun experience for me :mad:

Since 1.21, no problems for me with entertaining myself with Civ3 :goodjob:
What really gets me is the huge maps. I love them but there always seems to be a point in the middle ages where I realize my victory is assured. I have tried changing sizes of maps and upping to emperor but for some reason I can't get a decent roll going. I think the whole boredom thing is down to having a strategy that works. The normal thing to do is repeat it. It takes a lot to jump out of the groove.
Actually finding that I'm enjoying losing cities now. Must have been on monarch too long.
Take a the History channel.
I agree with most feedback,

When you get bored, it's because you're always doing the same thing and you get caught in repetition, which leads to boredom.

Do something different, play on random settings. The fact that you don't know what kind of map you're on, you can't bee-line for certain tech right from the start.

From my experience, my greatest games were the ones where I accepted to be surprised/defeated in key moments of the game and don't reload before it happened. I mean, isn't this the whole point ? We yearn for the moment the AI surprises us or invades us when we're not ready, and when it happens, we just reload ? Not for me, try to survive that moment, and the fun will be back.

Recently, in one of my game (monarch on small map), I established a beach-head right between two (russian) enemy cities. For 5 turns, I send reinforcement like crazy and rush build wall, temple, library just to generate some culture. Note that my civ was doing really well on culture, so I wasn't too worried about my city flipping over them. At some point, the Russian attacks my city. I barelly survive, I send more troops and counter attack. Works well, capture one city and raze one. Then I go straight for the capital with my cavalry and start doing damage to the infrastructure there (cut the road). Then the russian attack one of my weaker cities and I lose it. This creates massive unhappiness in all my cities (war weariness). 90% of my cities revolt, including the newly captured city. What happens then ? Culture flip back to Russia. So here I am, with no city on their continent, all my troops are damaged and in enemy territory, and all my cities in revolt. Result: I sue for peace. They accept. This was awesome ! I got defeated brilliantly. Now I have to regroup and rebuild my next invasion force. We'll see what happens (can't tell since this is my current game).

Point is: try different approach, don't cheat (ie reload) and nice things, or at least different things, will happens in your game

-- TheNiceOne :

good signature, Skinny puppy, right ?
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