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The enemies of your enemies is your friends.


Oct 6, 2010
Sometimes AI and I have a same enemy.As the saying,we should be friends.In civ3,the AI will always be nice to see me in the diplomacy board,and willing to trade with me to defeat our common enemy.But in civ5,it's unacceptable that if i try to sign a pact of secret against the AI's enemy,they always reject even they are at a disadvantage.
I find AI never choose their ally and enemy according to the circumstance.They just dislike they neighbors and human player.
I wonder why the AI has retrogressed.Why not just transplant the excellent code ?
Agree. It was essential to the formation of blocks in Civ III and IV, it made them appear in the most natural way.
Sometimes AI and I have a same enemy.As the saying,we should be friends.In civ3,the AI will always be nice to see me in the diplomacy board,and willing to trade with me to defeat our common enemy.But in civ5,it's unacceptable that if i try to sign a pact of secret against the AI's enemy,they always reject even they are at a disadvantage.
I find AI never choose their ally and enemy according to the circumstance.They just dislike they neighbors and human player.
I wonder why the AI has retrogressed.Why not just transplant the excellent code ?

Agree. Usually on my games there's one big AI civ destroying everything and can't make any deals with the other civs against him.
Ditto. Diplomacy is so broken right now it's a joke. I started a new game over the weekend on Immortal. The game started out normal like with my Chinese horsemen pruning my neighbors. Getting close to the Modern era and only 5 real superpowers left and two of them I can't declare war on because of the stupid peace bug....
Civ 5 AI is like a pub dog - all smiles one minute, snapping your hand off at some percieved slight the next. There's no sense trying to 'play' them - occasionally it feels like you are, but then it turns out you were just getting lucky.

On another point, has anyone found the AI tends to be more aggressive towards certain leaders? Whenever I play as Napoleon, I get warred on by at least 2 civs within the first hundre-odd turns. I don't know if it's to do with his culturiffic special ability, which might trigger the AI's 'he's expanding too fast, let's cheat out a bunch of units and kill him' response. :(
At this point I don't even bother with Diplo.

Civ 4 at least you knew where you stand with em.

This one is completely baffling me.
I am currently in an immortal game, where the Ottomans and myself (Germany) are fighting against the English.
Note, the war is still going on, and now Suleiman comes along and asks me for a pact of secrecy against the English.

Things like this are really killing any fun.

P.S: Forgot to mention that I entered the war following Suleiman's invitation, so no way that he may have "overlooked" me fighting on his side.
The most annoying thing about diplomacy is going to war for a player when they ask and backstabbing you.

The aztec were being beaten by the english. I was kinda friends with the aztecs so they ask me to declare war against the english. Couple of turns later aztecs declare peace with english and shortly after the aztecs announce I annoy them .....

Bad AI or just devious....
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