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The glorious Evolution of Master of Mana - The Red Desert of Cruoris / First screenshot of standalone version / Feedback needed

interesting !
how will the combat play out ?
like a card game (MtG) like ? zoomed combat; turn per turn, chosing action from a deck ?
a HMM like ? (zoomed combat, turn by turn per units/ unit stack, with movement
total war ? zoomed combat, real time combat ?
Civ 4 like ? map-level combat ?
intermediate : zoomed combat, turn by turn per player (civ like) ?
other ?
interesting !
how will the combat play out ?
like a card game (MtG) like ? zoomed combat; turn per turn, chosing action from a deck ?
a HMM like ? (zoomed combat, turn by turn per units/ unit stack, with movement
total war ? zoomed combat, real time combat ?
Civ 4 like ? map-level combat ?
intermediate : zoomed combat, turn by turn per player (civ like) ?
other ?
It's other. The battle system is quite unique. It is inspired by the role that generals played in battles before the worldwars. You can see examples like that in videos like this:
As a general you are not a micro manager. You cannot tell your units where to move or whom to attack in the heat of battle. But units have a deterministic behavior in battle, so you can make a plan based on that. Units gain ability points during the battle and you can use them to order them to execute abilities to modify the flow of battle. You could order your archers to shoot a volley at a high priority target or order your knights to rally the army and improve morale.

Units have 4 different behaviors: bruiser, ranged, skirmisher and assasin. Bruiser units attack the closest target and if there is no target in range they move to the closest enemy. Ranged units attack the unit that they can deal the most damage to. If they have no targets in range they will move towards the closest enemy. Skirmisher units attack the closest target and if there is no target in range they move to the closest enemy. However they will always try to attack from max range, so if their target moves towards them the will move back. Assasin units always target the weakest unit in the enemy army. There are also abilities that change the behavior of units during battle. For example Cavalry has a charge ability that allows you to change their target during battle.

It's probably easier when I make a video someday. There is a lot of depth in the battle system. All units are different and all have pros and cons. It's the complete opposite from civ where you only use the newest and shiniest units. You can also customize units by giving them unique equipment (that is procedurally generated) and attach battle captains to them. Caravan guard for example is a defensive tier1 unit. They have a payday ability that increases morale at the cost of a few gold coins. This makes them useful even in the mid to late game when you fight enemies that deal a lot of morale damage. Hellbats for example have a whisper of madness ability that does area of effect morale damage.
First iteration of the combat ability animations if finished now. Last thing missing for a demo is sounds and then a lot of polish. I have also improved the style of the mouseovers. It did not want to give them a minimalistic style like all other games use. I tried to make the background look like a page of some tome of forbidden knowledge about demon summoning.


thanks a lot.
generals is how Civ does it... you move battalions by unit types and then, either they win or not, no micromanagement.

regarding the mouseovers, i've to admit that it's hard to read.
most likely because I don't know what is relevant/important information or not.
but sometimes "better is worse than good".

or like Kael said.. Sometimes, you have to change the lore/the dreamed complexity, just to improve gameplay.
yeah, civ4 does not have that much micro when it comes to warfare.

as for the mouseovers, the question is: what is the important information for you? You should be able to play the game without mouseovers, but you might want to know something additional that doesn't fit into the gui. Like you open the city screen and you want to know why the unrest is so high and how you can reduce it. Then you mouseover the unrest rate and look for whatever information you want to know. The mouseovers inside of mouseovers are really nice, I wish we could bring that to civ4 :)
time for some more updates. I found a good style for displaying lists of things. Often times you need an interface where the player can select one out of X items. Many games just use small buttons and if you do not remember what the button does you have to mouseover all of it. On the other hand I want to the UI to be immersive and not look like glorified excel.

Here is the simplified tech selection screen. I made this screen so new players do not have to worry about a techmap with 250+ techs. The screen can be disabled in options in case you always want to use the techmap but I found it quite useful while playing.

This is from early game where you only have a few choices depending on where you start on the techmap. Lategame you probably end up with 15+ choices where it might be better to just use the techmap (by clicking "Show overview").


Strategic Exploration​

Exploration in most 4x games is moving individual scout units over the map. It's great and fun in the earlygame but usually becomes tiresome really fast so that there are often automation options. I wanted to try something else for a change. One main idea is that you never fully explore the lands, there is always some mystery waiting to be discovered and secrets hidden that should not be forgotten. An experienced explorer will discover treasuries that a nobody would never notice.


  • Less static metagame. The way exploration plays out should not be the same in every game. The amount of xploration that you do in a game and your aims and priorities while exploring should change from game to game.
  • Exploration should provide fun and meaningfull decisions instead of micromanagement that mostly just ends up getting automated. Exploration missions should be tied to concrete goals rather than just removing the black parts of the map.
  • Exploration should provide opportunities for role playing. How do you treat the creatues you meet? Are you a conquerer or a liberator? Do you seek cooperation or domination?
  • Risk and Reward mechanics. The world holds many ancient secrets, but disturbing them can lead to real trouble.
  • Make Exploration powerful and rewarding and at the same time expensive and limited so that there is still exploration in the mid to late game.

Exploration Opportunities​

Instead of exploring the map tile bytile you explore through exploration opportunities. They are diplayed on the map and give a hint on the terrain that is still unknown. However the information is not always accurate, an exploration opportunity that shows a desert could be a 1 tile desert or a 30 tile desert. The information is accurate enough that you can make strategic decisions and inaccurate enough that exloring the terrain can still surprise you. Here is a screenshot of one exploration opportunity.


When you explore terrain there is a high chance that you find resources related to that terrain, so exploring forests yields lumber, exploring mountains yields stone or metals and so on. It's always a good idea to focus on exploring terrain whose resources you need the most currently. Grassland for example yields food which increases population so it's a good choice to explore grasslands in the beginning of the game or whenever you have a city that can support more population.


Exploration is not done my normal units but by explorer heroes. Explorers have certain skills that help on their exploration missions. They gain experience from exploration missions and become more powerfull over time. At the start of thegame you can select your first explorer and you will gain more when your Leader gains levels. There are also techs that allow you to select another explorer. In this screen you can select which promotion to pick for your explorer on level up.

Exploration Missions​

To use an exploration opportunity youassemble an exploration team. You decide which Explorer leads the mission and which units accompany him or her. You decide how theexplorer should treat inhabitants (aggressive/cautious/friendly) andyou can task the explorer to find specific things like resources,events or ancient ruins filled with treasury. There are also a few race specific options so you do not have the same options every game. Woodelves have different exploration methods than dwarves. In the exploration party screen you can see what effect all these options have on the expected results.


Exploration Results​

Once you send out an exploration party you have to wait a couple turns until they return with the results. Any unit you assinged to the exploration mission will not beavailable for military operations in the meantime. When the explorer returns the findings are displayed on the map.


Now you have a bit of a puzzle. Each finding will disappear after a few turns (indicated by the number inthe top right corner. You might not have enough time to deal with all findings since your leader and your explorers can only do one action per turn. So you have to decide which are most important for you. Resources you can retrieve by either the explorer or your leader. If you assign your leader to the task you can use on of his skills to try to get more resources. Only your leader can interact with events. You might find an artificier who offers to craft a powerful item for you for a price. Or you find a trade caravan that you can buy resources from cheaply. Well you can also just pay the iron price and take their stuff after battle. There is an event where you can hunt some monsters. That initiates a special battle where you cannot use your whole army, only your leader and his or her bodyguards.These battles are a lot more difficult and might not always be winnable. For example if your bodyguards use melee attacks and the monsters are flying. As compensation you get much better rewards from monsterhunts than from destroying monster lairs where you can use your whole army. Another event is where you come accross soldiers from another leader who got lost. You have the options to help them get back to their leader which gives you better diplomatic relations or you can try to convince them to switch sides and follow your cause from now on.

The event options are randomly drawn from a larger list so the event does not play the same every time. For example sometimes the soldiers might have some wounds and you can try to convice them to join your side using your medicine skill. Once you select an option a skill challenge is initiated and the results are displayed.


The events are always designed around empire building. You do not run around helping random inn keepers with their giant rats problems.
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