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The Modder's Guide to Civ4

Weasel Op said:
If it's not working this way, you may need to clear your cache. Civ4 saves a lot of files in a cache folder and uses them instead of reloading the files, so sometimes changes don't appear as they should. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\My Games\Civilization 4, show hidden files and folders, and delete the cache folder. You may need to do this periodically as you make changes.

Weasel Op said:
snarko, do you know what the MODS folder is for, and what it does?

Not sure I understand the question. It's for loading mods?
Putting something in the mods folder makes that take the highest priority when the game is loading the files. Or second highest, after the cache. But you need to tell the game to load the mod instead of just having it load all the time, like in customassets or assets (assuming the file isn't read from somewhere with a higher priority obviously).
They can be saved but you can't load them. Not because there's something wrong with the folder itself, because there's something wrong with how the game loads mods (it's assuming the path has to start with mods\). Other then that it seems to work just like the normal mods one. Why they made two places? Don't ask me :p
Crossbowman said:
What???? and how????

I had to ask Windows Help how to "Show Hidden Files and Folders" but other than that it was a snap to clear the games data cache. BTW, it is the Applications Data folder that is hidden.

You reckon this having to clear the cache business is something they'll address in a patch? Doesn't seem to user friendly to have to find a hidden folder that only a MSC type person person would know about, and clear it in order to get the application to switch between mods.
Can someone teach me how to mod which civs are at war with each other for a scenario?
I've been fiddling around this weekend with some basic modding, and I've found that no matter what I do with the mod in "c:\program files\firaxis games\sid meier's civilization iv\mods\mymod", it won't load - I tested this by changing a barracks to give +100 health, then using the World Editor to give my city a barracks and it wouldn't show. And yes, I did clear the cache - several times in fact.

If, however, I put the mod into mydocuments\my games\Civilization 4\mods, it works perfectly first time.

Also, I think that the cannot load bug relating to this folder has been fixed in 1.09 because I seem to be able to load save games without any hassles.

Something I want to try tonight when I get home from work is to see if it is possible to create a worker task that will build a pipeline to bring water to a city's outskirts - similar to the old irrigate to city in earlier civs. It should be possible, but I will have to think closely about it.
I have read this usefull topic, but the directory tree in italian version is different. The Assets/art directory has only "interface" and "movies" directory.

Where the other directories? Where are the units?

What kind of files are the units animatione etc..? *.?
has anyone figured out how to import models? or is there a nif plugin that actually works for civ 4 yet?
Yesterday i have unpacked the files.

Thanks for help
hey all, this is probably a stupid question, but how do i get to the cheat code thing for the world builder? i read weasel's blurb about it and cant figure out what im diong wrong. im in c/program files/firaxis games/SMCiv4 and see the shortcut to _Civ4Config but its only that, a shortcut without anything being "shorcutted to" so when i try to double click on it nothign happens, and when i go to properties by right clicking it doesnt give a target.

so. what am i doing wrong and what do i have to do to fix it?

thanks in advance
Is it possible to import the NIF files into 3D studio?
is this "milkshake 3d" software (whatever that is!:)) available?
the models cant be too complex... surely if they can be opened and saved in more common modelling software they could be accessible. any body any ideas?
King Coltrane: The actual ini file is located at C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CivilizationIV.ini Try setting the file path (in the properties tab) to that.

white rabbit: I don't know much about models, but from what I understand the .nif models used in Civ4 are not standard .nif's (like the FLCs from Civ3 were not standard FLCs). They have features which current modelling programs can't read or save, so any imported models will not be fully compatible. Apparently it's possible to import static red primitives, but that's not very helpful. IIRC the plugin that the niftools team is working on will be used with Milkshape 3D (which is available free).
so it may be possible to download milkshake 3d? it cant be too complicated to use (i have knowledge of 3d studio, maya, rhino etc) ?
i think modding the unit graphics properly, either by manipulating the existing units or creating new ones (more effort, but easily doable if we know the peramaters of the model) is the way to create some awesome scenarios for civ 4.
presumably, the unit characters are polygon meshes (solids) with applied textures.. hence the "skins"
Ok I just found out that the 3d modelling package is easily downloadable
its called milkshake 3d, just type it into google

So... anybody understand how to access the models and where they are saved in your Civ 4 folders?
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