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The Order of the Knights Templar

1W of horses looks fine to me. 1N of horses as Pigs suggest is fine too or even on the horses.

Save Great Artist for Golden Age after NE is complete and CS is in for Bureau switch.

I'd get out 1 to 2 extra swords. We will lose some with those cities on hills.

I'd pull a worker off Nicaea for help up North or roading to barb cities.

We could put 1t into Monarchy and trade Aesths for it...then Music>Currency
Played. Didn't see lymond's post before doing so, but I think it went fairly well.

We made these rather nice trades, of which the first was announced, but the latter two were rather pleasant.
Spoiler :

Meanwhile teched music (got the GA), a bit of CoL and we're a turn away from CS. That has left us here:

Settled 1W of the horses. And managed to get the 2 eastern barb cities with 2 extra workers. The southern one Charlie was so nice as to soften up defenders. The northern one was defended by warriors, although a southern archer came to the unsuccesfull rescue. Got it with chariots and unlocked HE in the process.

North-eastern territory:

Meanwhile Ragnar declared on Cyrus. Cyrus asked for help but was declined. Ragnar did not, luckily, as I wasn't sure what to answer. He was in WFYABTA mode at pleased, but then climbed to friendly so he trades again. Cyrus was very helpful with currency however. We're still at war with Mansa, while GK and Sal are also having their differences.

Gold city got the Parthenon. Constantinople the NE. Stopped as it was about time, but also because a GS was born. He bulbs Philo, but note Charlie has that already.


  • Jacques de Molay AD-0250.CivBeyondSwordSave
    218.9 KB · Views: 104
Excellent stuff, Nocho. Great trades.

For the next guy, I think we need some more workers. Maybe 2 pop a worker in Thess into another settler. No specific spot for settler yet but maybe something far NE.

Trade Aesths to Sal for 100g and Lit to Rags for 90.

Could try building Sistine in Nicaea as well for kicks. Whip a Monastery into it. (that was great that we got Parth...I didn't expect it)

The 2 barb cities are pretty decent. The remaining one looks like crap unless there is seafood, but may be worth keeping for resource, farm FP.
nice update we are number 1 in GNP and 2nd in land.
our army is crap however.
We are lucky that all war mongers are warring each other at this point...

propositions for next set:
- peninsula seem to stop at the edge of our vision, we could settle one more city post in NE to get the stone and occupy the whole land (before someone else have the idea)
- it would be great that nicea would built a cathedrale or sistine or both for culture war against charly.
- last barb city is crap but someone else will try to get it one day. I wouldn't objet to stock pile some army nearby and only try to get it when an IA soften it. After that we should raze it unless sea food.
- some courthouse may also be needed in nicea and NE
- calendar via tech or trade is the new objective i have in my mind, we have 3-4 ressources to use.
btw we have ivory at this time :) we should built some phants for defence and higher our power level. At this point, AI just laught at us :/ worst one is twice bigger that us.

I'm not against to bulb philosophy, it a quite a tech to exchange. but a GA after bureaucracy coulb be interesting.
We've still got a GA for a GA. If we're going for a standard cuirassier stomp then is it worth considering bulbing philosophy then researching nationalism for Taj while generating GSs for paper/education.

Obviously explore north east coastline for seafood before thinking about settlement.
Am I up?
According to last posted roster that would be Tachywax, with you on deck. But since T hasn't been around for a while, I guess nobody minds if you post a got it. As long as it won't interfere with your sgotm dedication, of course. :D
Let's give Tachy a day to chime in. She may surprise us
according to the most recent news, she is a man... :mischief:

Actually, Tachy has never stated this...only "it", which makes things pretty obvious :lol:
That's because Tachy only refers to itself as "it". It puts the lotion on its skin :lol:

Yep, we may want to do a skip
Lymond likes to be surrounded with imaginary female neighbourhood. He tends to forget I'm in fact 50% troll, 50% typical CivF user. It's completely coincidental (if that word exists) my turnset happens now and I click on this succ. game, so perfect. I'll start the prep. tonight. 100% chance.
The few I'll see before logging off for the moment being: Scythian has a juicy worker around. What we might to is investing 6 worker turns in roading the forest grass hill 2S of Scythian and that nearby forest SE and use a chariot (the warrior in the newest city can replace the MP chariot) and because forests are a barrier thwarting fill 2 :move: from chariots, when the barb worker will start to farm the FP, then we take on him swiftly.
Nicomedia should have at least one farm. You see to speed up next growth.

The chariot from Bactrian should pillage that brown cottage first and then fogbust westward.

Traded gold with Saladin for 5 gpt.
Tried to beg Ragnar some of his 90 gold.
Christian missionary 4 goes back to Tessalonica for converting it to Christianity.
Attempting to please Charlemagne even more to snatch Philo if possible. Aachen is probably working on MoM right now...
Once I get Philo, I'll switch to bureau+pac for maximizing GPeople during the 8 turns GAge.

Will try to spawn one GMerchant...so I can make a trade mission with Mansa's ToA city...which of course ensues with peace. Not really sure why a DoW was made on him seriously. A chance he's not a guy holding grudges.

I guess the cuirassier path was chosen after all. So, I go towards that path, ignoring Machinery...so to bulb Lib...

Traded with Charlemagne Lit for 40 gold. Still no fair trade bonuses.
Done the same with Ragnar. Also Cyrus because I like that dude.

Traded Aesthetics with Saladin. I don't really fear Worst Enemy hit with Mongolia since that tech is worth little. And 110 more gold so valuable. It is possible I give some to Charlemagne next turn to bump him to FRIENDLY.
I lower the slider to max gold while still getting CS next turn.

I wonder if the chariot doing the scout job could try to snatch some workers from Mansa from backdoor so to get a free peace treaty instead of pony up some 45 gold...


Excellent, we got a timely +1 from resource sharing. So, we are at +10. I think we need +11 IIRC. So some gold gifting in hope to make him FRIENDLY and trade Music+CS for Philo+Calendar if possible.

Ah, it only cost me 40 gold and I got FRIENDLY Charlemagne.

This screen pleases me. Charlemagne is not knowing his AI will make him at my mercy...
Excellent deal.

And then I begged him 90 gold. I don't like to give in fact. Give it back b****!

Spoiler :

I traded horses with Cyrus for 6 gpt.

Since my neighbours are now harmless (Genghis is busy), I'll switch to Caste System while the GA along pacifism and CS. Let's do it now.

Prague has invested 288 :hammers: in possible MoM. Let's start it somewhere to get some lil fail gold.

Ok, I'll continue tomorrow...getting late.
Tachy said:
Not really sure why a DoW was made on him seriously

I accepted Rags request to join in his war. No penalty on our end and no threat with distance and Mansa having closed borders with everyone to our West. I also considered at the time the possibility of bribing others, especially GK, to boost diplo and keep us safe. That did not pan out though.
No one takes my turnset yet btw. I barely had time to play recently. Will attempt to finish either tomorrow or after tomorrow.
No problem, Tachy.
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