Thoughts on a new type of HoF game


Jul 13, 2013
HoF games that are not GotM or G-Minor/G-Major require a user to generate a unique map each time. This amount of rerolling can get a bit tiring at times.

After reading the thread it would be cool if we could submit a new type of HoF game where the map is from a user who has already played it but others could challenge it to see who can get the fastest time but still be under HoF rules of no reloads. Kind of a cross between a deity challenge and a HoF game. Anyone submitting would have to signify this type of game so that when the HoF team sees "Session 2 starts" as the very first thing they know it is a reply of an existing map.

I'm not sure what this new type of HoF would be called but I think it would generate a lot of interest.

I wanted to propose this as well,as map settings plays too big role,and as result luck can play bigger role then skill,and this suppose to be a skill game.So what staff could do,simply upload map,let people download it and play,and then submit it back.
Can't really do this since we are setting to enforce one map, one time.

No reason someone can't do this informally in the forum, though.

Yes but people barely find time to play official hof,getting them to play nonofficial would be like mission impossible.Tho i am totally hooked up.
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