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Thoughts on my first emperor level game?


May 21, 2007
As per the title, Im playing my first game at emperor difficulty after having a number of monarch no-brainer wins. I'd like some thoughts on the current state of the game and where I stand. I feel like I got a good start and just finished a successful campaign against the tech god. At the same time, I'm slightly concerned I might fall behind further in techs than I ever have been. Here are some screenshots of the map:

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During my war with mansa, Haynua asked me to switch to buddhism which I did, I was hindu. Mansa was kind enough to provide me with the Jewish, Christian, Hindu and Taoist holy cities. No temples have been built, but I have a great prophet sleeping in my capitol.

My current plan is to finish off Mansa Musa in 15 turns or so. After which I'd like to try and get a little more use out of my war elephants and remove Hammi from my side of the desert. I planned on settling 1SW of Eshnunna, and another on the peninsula SE of Eshnunna. At that point, I'll need to see what the other continent looks like to determine my path to victory. My preference is normally domination.

If anyone has any thoughts or tips, I would greatly appreciate it. I'd really like to win this game.

* Forgot to mention, I'm extremely tempted to launch a strike at the buddhist holy city and raze it because I think it's providing Hammi with a boatload of money.
The first thing that strikes me is that you could do with WAAAAAAY more workers. I would have chopped most of those forests long ago and built a lot more farms/cottages/whatever. I notice you seem to have Civil Service, but you're not making use of it by spreading your irrigation so your cities can grow. You've even got a whole load of non-irrigated food specials. At least make the most of it now by whipping/chopping a bunch more workers and maybe use the forests to finish off the markets and things.

Second, you can pack a lot more cities into that continent; particularly with the Dutch who can make full use of seaside squares - you really shouldn't be leaving a single coastal tile unused.

The Hague looks like a really good Heroic Epic city; I wouldn't be wasting that building anything but a constant stream of units.

I know you've just been at war down south, but you're asking to get invaded by Hammurabi in the north with so few troops. I'd bring some units up pretty quick smart.

You've got Open Borders with Hammurabi, but you've done almost no scouting over in that direction. I'd get a scout or chariot and explore immediately.

Other than that, you're looking like you're in a pretty decent position; tech-wise, you're not too bad, and you should be in a position to accelerate now anyway. I'd take the Philosophy/Civil Service trade with Huayna too, by the way.

EDIT: I wouldn't be too concerned with finishing off Mansa. The guy's dead in the water now, by the looks of it, and you'd be looking at a naval campaign which is probably more trouble than it's worth. I reckon you would be better to concentrate on filling out your own territory and developing for now, with an eye to knocking the stuffing out of Hammurabi sometime soonish.
Thanks for posting your thoughts, it's appreciated!

The first thing that strikes me is that you could do with WAAAAAAY more workers. I would have chopped most of those forests long ago and built a lot more farms/cottages/whatever. I notice you seem to have Civil Service, but you're not making use of it by spreading your irrigation so your cities can grow. You've even got a whole load of non-irrigated food specials. At least make the most of it now by whipping/chopping a bunch more workers and maybe use the forests to finish off the markets and things.

You're absolutely right about workers. I was hoping to pick up 5-6 from mansa, but was only able to get 2 to come over to the darkside. As far as civil service I just got it this turn, so thats why farms arent more widespread.

Second, you can pack a lot more cities into that continent; particularly with the Dutch who can make full use of seaside squares - you really shouldn't be leaving a single coastal tile unused.

I only just researched CoL during the war, so prior to that I was concerned about high maintence with a bit of rexing. However, just to add credence to your suggestion, not only did mansa found 4 religions for me, he was kind enough to build not only the great lighthouse, he also poured his blood, sweat and tears into The Colossus. So ya, harbor towns just became priority #1.

The Hague looks like a really good Heroic Epic city; I wouldn't be wasting that building anything but a constant stream of units.

That was my plan when I founded it, but the later the game gets the more I like it as an ironworks/world wonder factory. I haven't done the numbers yet, but just by looks it's base production could be ridiculously good once railroads come along. Certainly at this point in time, it would make a good heroic epic city, but I fear later on it's actually TOO good to be that as I would end up wasting enourmous amounts of hammers with overproduction.

At the same time, it's not on a river/lake for Willems UB. I'll have to take another look later on I think, to see if an oceanside city would make a better ironworks city.

I know you've just been at war down south, but you're asking to get invaded by Hammurabi in the north with so few troops. I'd bring some units up pretty quick smart.

I admit I don't have much experience with hammurabi, but I am pleased (+6) and share religion with him so I wasn't to concerned he'd backstab me. Big mistake you think? I do tend to take a lot of risks with my homeland defense except when the usual suspects like monty are on my border.

You've got Open Borders with Hammurabi, but you've done almost no scouting over in that direction. I'd get a scout or chariot and explore immediately.

Ya, I got some tunnel vision when I declared on mansa.

Other than that, you're looking like you're in a pretty decent position; tech-wise, you're not too bad, and you should be in a position to accelerate now anyway. I'd take the Philosophy/Civil Service trade with Huayna too, by the way.

Problem is he wants 545g with it for his troubles. :rolleyes: I'm more inclined to wait until I'm closer to liberalism hoping some other civs research it or trade for it.

EDIT: I wouldn't be too concerned with finishing off Mansa. The guy's dead in the water now, by the looks of it, and you'd be looking at a naval campaign which is probably more trouble than it's worth. I reckon you would be better to concentrate on filling out your own territory and developing for now, with an eye to knocking the stuffing out of Hammurabi sometime soonish.

The only reason I care to finish him is the -5 "we yearn to join our motherland" I'm getting in my 3 recently acquired cities. At the moment, that island is his only city. A 1 tile island, with a city on a hill... :mad:
Here's Hammi's territory and the trade that could be for philo. :lol:

His capitol is the buddhist holy city.

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I only just researched CoL during the war, so prior to that I was concerned about high maintence with a bit of rexing. However, just to add credence to your suggestion, not only did mansa found 4 religions for me, he was kind enough to build not only the great lighthouse, he also poured his blood, sweat and tears into The Colossus. So ya, harbor towns just became priority #1.
Holy moly, well that really seals the deal. Coastal cities EVERYWHERE!

That was my plan when I founded it, but the later the game gets the more I like it as an ironworks/world wonder factory. I haven't done the numbers yet, but just by looks it's base production could be ridiculously good once railroads come along. Certainly at this point in time, it would make a good heroic epic city, but I fear later on it's actually TOO good to be that as I would end up wasting enourmous amounts of hammers with overproduction.
Too good Heroic Epic city? Heh, that just means your generals aren't setting their sights high enough! I've never ever regretted making my best production city into a unit factory, but YMMV.

At the same time, it's not on a river/lake for Willems UB. I'll have to take another look later on I think, to see if an oceanside city would make a better ironworks city.
I'd be concerned about maximising production NOW rather than after dikes and ironworks, hence why I'd make it a HE city.

I admit I don't have much experience with hammurabi, but I am pleased (+6) and share religion with him so I wasn't to concerned he'd backstab me. Big mistake you think? I do tend to take a lot of risks with my homeland defense except when the usual suspects like monty are on my border.
Dunno much about the guy either, to be honest. But if I was Hammurabi and I had aggressive maces hanging around and tight borders like that, I'd attack you (nothing personal, you understand :p )

Problem is he wants 545g with it for his troubles. :rolleyes: I'm more inclined to wait until I'm closer to liberalism hoping some other civs research it or trade for it.
Maybe, or he might get CS in a trade from someone else, since everyone else seems to have it. This is utterly unsubstantiated, but I always find that researching a tech for one turn will often get you a big discount on the amount they want for it in trade. Anyway, you've got a big gold surplus, I'd be inclined to pay up.

The only reason I care to finish him is the -5 "we yearn to join our motherland" I'm getting in my 3 recently acquired cities. At the moment, that island is his only city. A 1 tile island, with a city on a hill... :mad:

Ouch. On the other hand, if you make friends with him again, you may be able to trade Paper with him for something and then get rid of him a bit later.

Hammurabi looks like he could really do with a kick in the bum sooner rather than later, or else he's going to become a monster. And he has an awful lot of juicy coastal land.....

By the way, how has your GP generation been going? If you haven't done much, it could be worthwhile going off on a bit of a tangent to aesthetics/literature while you generate a Great Scientist to bulb the rest of Education. Then you can get your Herioc Epic and a good GP farm going.
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