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Three questions on religion


Sep 22, 2007
Even though its "beta", this is a really interesting mod. The balance between melee, cavalry, archers is well implemented and the tech tree / resource system look intriguing.

However, without a manual, i am having a few playing difficulties. Sometimes i am not sure if its a "working as intended design", bug or if i am just failing to understand some fundemental game concept. I play FFH2 a lot but not sure if that helps. My main questions is around religion.

1) Playing as Britonia - i have raced to "Words of Salvation" in order to found the religion. Even though (i think) i was first to research it, the religion screens says it has not been founded. In fact, the last two games i have played, i have been unable to found a religion or even convert to a religion founded by somebody else - What am i missing?

2) are some factions agnostic? Playijng as the Kurgan tribe, i had relgions within my cities but was not able to adopt them as a state religion?

3) Does adoption of a religion change allignment?

Any help, greatfully received...
To #1, I dont know. As to #2 and #3 I am geussing yes. Since they based WHFB off FFH, I am geussing they kept those.
im glad you like the look of it Willgar :)

to answer your questions:

1) in order to found a religion you must first build the religion specific wonder, similar to those like the song of autumn and stigmata of the unborn in FfH2. however in order to build these you must first get the construction tech (i believe) and the religous tech. not sure if i phrased that well, so if your still confused ill try explain it again :)

2) some factions are agnostic, the vampire counts (vlad voncarsetein etc) are agnostic, but i believe no other civs are. i think the thing with the kurgan and hung is that they are limited to being only able to convert to Chaos Gods, but i may be wrong. pleop will have the final answer as hes the guy thta implemented religions :)

3)religions shouldnt affect alignment, but i could be wrong...

hope that helped! :D
Founding a religion doesn't automatically give you the benefit of a holy city. As PL explained you'll need to build the shrine in order to get a holy city for a religion(next version elven religion won't get a holy city at all). However in this mod it won't be beneficial to get other religions than the civ you play is designed for that's why you should be blocked to adopt certain religions as statereligions (- however I don't remeber to actually already have been doing this so I'm a bit confused about that now.:confused:)

Whatever, what I'm aiming at is a gameplay where you are more concerned with keeping unwanted religions out of your empire instead of founding as many as possible.(certain civics, denying open borders, inquisitors should be several ways to help with that-allthough not yet implemented smoothly). What's also not yet implemented but planned is giving you negative effects when alien religions you have no use for spread into to your realm.

Religions still could change alignment but it won't have much impact in this mod as you won't have that much freedom in choosing your religion...
Thank you for the answers chaps, explains a lot. :) Is there a manual or wiki that explains a bit about the warhammer mod?
I dont think so because this is still Beta with only a few people working on it.
Tho there is no specific wiki for this mod, there are wikis for WH in general. Search google for them, as it's rather hard to reach them from wikipedia.org.
there is no manual out ... YET. once the mod is in a stable state i plan on designing a manual for it. in the mean time, feel free to ask questiosn here and ill try answer the best that i can :) and also, as Rocklikeafool said, there is a lot of warhammer fluff and information o nthe web, so if your curious about the backgrounds of civs or characters, youll most likely be able to find somehting about them out on the net :)
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