Traders and Merchants

I disagree.

In the UK, from the age of 16 anyone can try and join the army. Try being the main word, as some do not succeed.

But to join an elite unit - SAS. You have to be in the army first and be very good. Even then a lot who try to join do not get into the SAS ( as well as being considered unsuitable, unfortunetly some do die in training).

So you do need unit limits. Otherwise you can end up with more units in the elite groups than in the regular groups. Which is way out of balance.
1) We're talking about merchants, not military.
2) You make a good argument for ensuring that 2 standard military units of the type the unique is 'like' must exist to enable you to train one of the elite form. THAT sort of unit limit would make sense. To me it just tends to mean that those elite are all you build and you've gotta keep your needs to within 15 units of a type.
Any bugginess you point to, I believe must be due to a lack of understanding how the grouping mechanisms are designed to work. Nothing is random about it but if you group groups you are layering your grouping and that can lead to frustrating results. To clear all that, group all and then ungroup all.

The stack attacks have been fixed and that fix may be costly in that it could be why we are having to disable all combat animations to avoid crashes at the moment. I will be looking into this as my main next bug to address. But do test stack attack and let me know if it is still bugged in some way.

Yes, maybe you are right and I've discovered that method for freeing up units from smaller groupings, it's just that I do remember it not always working properly but maybe it's because of something I did but didn't notice at the time. Anyway I'm not using stacks that much other than when getting armies across bigger distances. In battle it's more useful to group a smaller number of same kind of units than a whole stack if I group at all. But if I am to use stack attacks do I have to disable defensive combat animations too? And is it fixed on version 36 or do I need svn to have it working? Because while I've disabled it for when I attack anyway I still find it useful to have for defensive battles, otherwise I'd have to scroll to through a long event list to find out which units have been attacked between turns.
But if I am to use stack attacks do I have to disable defensive combat animations too?
I'm working on fixing that right now if I can just make a breakthrough somehow. The crashes are happening in the exe and are NOT giving me much in the way of clues as to why or how. It all goes right and then whatever goes wrong happens out of sight. Very frustrating. But I have a method to fix this and it's just going to take time as it's a serious evaluation of revisions to pinpoint when and where the problem was introduced.

And is it fixed on version 36 or do I need svn to have it working?
Stack attack on the latest patch would work. SVN is easier.
Gah! Now I can't find the the name of the general defense bonus tag for terrain and for terrain feature because I think having a general one and then having the fewer ones which should not get it having the negative would be easier to see in the help and pedia for the units.

edit sort of found it but it is an all not split between terrain and terrain features so may not be a s useful as I thought.
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Gah! Now I can't find the the name of the general defense bonus tag for terrain and for terrain feature because I think having a general one and then having the fewer ones which should not get it having the negative would be easier to see in the help and pedia for the units.
Um... aside from being a little confused by the syntax of this comment, are you saying this regarding promotions or units or on the actual terrains and features?
Um... aside from being a little confused by the syntax of this comment, are you saying this regarding promotions or units or on the actual terrains and features?
I am trying not to think about my interview tomorrow to convince the hospital to go ahead with my operation the week after.

You mentioned I should use iDefenseCombatModifierChange instead of listing all the terrains and features but then realised I was not giving all the same value.

However I am giving most the same value so if I use iDefenseCombatModifierChange and only put in the adjustments for those few extra then the help text for the promotion will be easier to understand for the player.
I am trying not to think about my interview tomorrow to convince the hospital to go ahead with my operation the week after.
Understood, my friend. I know you've got some stress there. Hopefully, it goes well for you but I can imagine that 'going well' will create some new anxieties also. You gotta just get in and get past this stuff asap if you can. I'll cross my fingers. Let me know what they say.

However I am giving most the same value so if I use iDefenseCombatModifierChange and only put in the adjustments for those few extra then the help text for the promotion will be easier to understand for the player
So you're saying 10 on iDefenseCombatModifierChange but another +5 on FeatureDefenses or TerrainDefenses such as:
where you want some extra? That's a good idea as long as you don't mean to include everywhere. If you're meaning to say everywhere but cities, you might want to counter the base benefit in iCityDefense.
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