The polish translation of the mod shows properly the polish characters if a font from civ.org.pl is installed in the system. Currently the discussion board is down and it is not possible to install the required font. I rewrote all the texts form the folder \Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\MODS\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\Assets\XML\Text so as they could work on any Windows system without the need to install the additional font. This enhances the readability and overall impression, because the mod is nice and has to look so. I changed everything on the basis of the 1009 version.
Moreover, I corrected numerous mistakes of the shifts in texts which hadn't fitted the windows, I added some lacking translations, I deleted doubled entries in the files such as plik civics.xml , TAG: TXT_KEY_CIVIC_CASTE_SYSTEM which contained the doubled entries of <French>, <German>. In <Polish> it had multiple entries of the same text from the file Unist_pedia.xml . The same text appeared also in the file buildings_pedia. Therefore the files of this mod require further analysis.
I also added lacking files pertaining to espionage. Mostly, I copied them from the proper TAG of the original translation BtS in order to avoid errors.
There are still numerous texts requiring correction. I've been translating the mod for my ow use for a year now, however the changing versions of the mod induced me to send my work so as other people, especially from Poland, could play comfortably.
For the mass characters change I used Notepad++. I hope, I didn't change anything in the other languages, nevertheless it is worth testing them.
The mass characters change concerned: á = ą, â = ć, ä = ś, ë = ż, é = ź, Ä = Ś, Ë = Ż .
There are things, which I can't change on my own, e.g. when starting a new game, it is not possible to choose all from Game Speed, because the window is
too small. City Screen contains in the upper right corner the word "Employed" (Polish: Chorzy). During a battle there are announcements in the upper part of the screen e.g. "Influence 0,03%" (Polish: Wpływ).
The mod files with patches were placed here:
I will continue to correct and add the lacking elements of the mod in the sections <Polish>, however fearing the possibility of another mod version coming out soon, I decided to put out what is already done as it took me many hours.
Warning: Reichstag is overly powerful. I had 900 rounds of Golden Age with it.