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[Translation of main mod] Help needed !

I used to have russian language enabled in RFC Europe, with the gamefont workaround
In the end I removed it, exactly because those problems on the city billboard and sign displays
How exactly did you guys manage to solve those?
We have by-passed the need for a Gamefont. The only parts that need a gamefont are the billboard and the signs. There is an engine option to render fonts into the billboard instead of copy/pasting the letter from the gamefont.
For the signs, we have simply drawed english texts into signs instead of displaying the locale text. Unfortunately, there is no way to use Russian into signs without using a gamefont, but using one would break the "international" generic behavior as we would need to make a gamefont for every encoding -_-. Signs doesn't worth that we remove some languages.
Wow, 225 translators. That's more than impressive :)
Can you add me as a reviewer in hungarian?
Cannot fix some typos in texts which were already reviewed before
I found that the character display is based on the windows main encoding.
"I found" :eek:
I spent ages figuring out that was the problem and that the many forum posts claiming the encoding to be latin-1 are all wrong as this is one of the encodings the game will never use. Dbkblk found this when I told him :p

The development thread is interesting reading and it reveals that the language support is a joined effort between me and dbkblk. Well dbkblk may have spend more time on the late stages, but the DLL code builds on top of my "pre-dbkblk" WIP, yet working fairly working attempt to add Russian support.

Unfortunately, there is no way to use Russian into signs without using a gamefont, but using one would break the "international" generic behavior as we would need to make a gamefont for every encoding -_-. Signs doesn't worth that we remove some languages.
I wrote code to use GameFont with both English and Russian with the same GameFont file. However it revealed a serious game limitation. GameFont can handle 286 characters for billboards/signs. If we start counting, then upper and lowercase will eat a lot. Even worse, the icons on billboards counts as characters as well, meaning each religion uses two characters (normal+holy city icons). The other icons on the billboards counts too. They add up and suddenly there aren't room for that many languages and some languages have more than 286 characters (Chinese, Japanese and so on).

It appears to be a silly limitation with no real technical reason, but it is inside the exe file and there isn't really much we can do about it :(
Yeah, we never found any real solutions for the gamefont file on the RFC subforums either
That's why I removed russian language support in the end
Might be interested in the development thread though. Can you give me a link?

BTW, in RFC subforums embryodead (Sword of Islam) already "found out" about the thing that character display is based on the windows main encoding. Unfortunately he retired since, but he told me this (and some other useful stuff connected to language handling) at least 3-4 years ago.
It's a shame there isn't enough interaction between different submodding sections of Civ IV...
Might be interested in the development thread though. Can you give me a link?
It's already posted on the last page in this thread.
If you want more detail, read the development thread here (it starts at page 2 or 3): http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=527371

It's a shame there isn't enough interaction between different submodding sections of Civ IV...
I agree. Even though the mods are different, the coding issues are very similar. There is an even bigger mental barrier between BTS and colonization, even though colo is essentially a reskinned mod with professions added. I wrote the Russian support for Colonization, but it ended up in a BTS mod anyway.

I added support for multiple code directories in Makefile 2.5 in order to make one directory, one feature and then it should be easier to move features between mods. At some point I will release a "package" for this, but I need to clean it up to be mod-independent first. However this will not solve the issue of lack of communication and shared knowledge.
It's already posted on the last page in this thread.

Somehow I missed the link there :crazyeye:

I agree. Even though the mods are different, the coding issues are very similar. There is an even bigger mental barrier between BTS and colonization, even though colo is essentially a reskinned mod with professions added. I wrote the Russian support for Colonization, but it ended up in a BTS mod anyway.

I added support for multiple code directories in Makefile 2.5 in order to make one directory, one feature and then it should be easier to move features between mods. At some point I will release a "package" for this, but I need to clean it up to be mod-independent first. However this will not solve the issue of lack of communication and shared knowledge.

Sounds great!
Will definitely look into it
"I found" :eek:
I spent ages figuring out that was the problem and that the many forum posts claiming the encoding to be latin-1 are all wrong as this is one of the encodings the game will never use. Dbkblk found this when I told him :p

The development thread is interesting reading and it reveals that the language support is a joined effort between me and dbkblk. Well dbkblk may have spend more time on the late stages, but the DLL code builds on top of my "pre-dbkblk" WIP, yet working fairly working attempt to add Russian support.
Oh! I feel so sorry about it. I wrote my message quickly and wrote that without thinking. Everytime i was asked about this, i mentionned you, except this one. Sorry. Note that I have used "we" in the second paragraph.
Of course, that solution wouldn't have been possible without your work and your time! You are even mentionned in the credits page ever since the website was created: http://anewdawn.sourceforge.net/pages/credits/
My apologies.

@AbsintheRed: Yes, 225 translators :) This is a good amount and they are doing a good job! The most active are the Brazilian and the Czech teams. That said, the amount of work is really large.
You are already part of the hungarian team.
@AbsintheRed: Yes, 225 translators :) This is a good amount and they are doing a good job! The most active are the Brazilian and the Czech teams. That said, the amount of work is really large.
You are already part of the hungarian team.

Yeah, I saw that, thanks.
But I asked if you can add me as a reviewer, as I couldn't fix some typos as a translator.
Or you have special rules before you promote anyone to reviewer?
If you need reference, check RFCE ;)
Or you have special rules before you promote anyone to reviewer?
I misunderstood the request :) of course you can, it'll be done in a minute.
Oh! I feel so sorry about it. I wrote my message quickly and wrote that without thinking.
It's ok. Keeping track of correct credits in every single post is a hassle and I know I fail once in a while too. Personally I try to write about the code and avoid words like "me", "I" and "we", unless it's clear that we refers to everybody involved like "we need to figure out how we want X to work". This way I avoid "hate-posts" about accidentally stolen credits. Having said that, I kind of suspect that I do it anyway, but usually nobody complains about it.

Personally what matters most in this case is the fact that I wrote code, which ended up in a good working solution used by plenty of people. It tells me that I was right in working on this even though it ended up in the "wrong" mod :lol:
Hi everyone, I joined the translation team for German language. (My username normally is NaturalBornKieler but this forum does not allow more than 15 characters or so)

In fact, the German translation is already pretty advanced. I'd like to make improvements. In the starting post @dbkblk says that
You can use this formula to change subject or verb conjugation: [NUM2:un:une:des:des]

Can I find a somewhat more detailed description of how the conjugation works anywhere, possibly with some examples? The missing conjugation is what makes the German translation still a little "bumpy". (which was also true for the original Civ4 German translation, for that matter)
The polish translation of the mod shows properly the polish characters if a font from civ.org.pl is installed in the system. Currently the discussion board is down and it is not possible to install the required font. I rewrote all the texts form the folder \Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\MODS\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\Assets\XML\Text so as they could work on any Windows system without the need to install the additional font. This enhances the readability and overall impression, because the mod is nice and has to look so. I changed everything on the basis of the 1009 version.
Moreover, I corrected numerous mistakes of the shifts in texts which hadn't fitted the windows, I added some lacking translations, I deleted doubled entries in the files such as plik civics.xml , TAG: TXT_KEY_CIVIC_CASTE_SYSTEM which contained the doubled entries of <French>, <German>. In <Polish> it had multiple entries of the same text from the file Unist_pedia.xml . The same text appeared also in the file buildings_pedia. Therefore the files of this mod require further analysis.
I also added lacking files pertaining to espionage. Mostly, I copied them from the proper TAG of the original translation BtS in order to avoid errors.
There are still numerous texts requiring correction. I've been translating the mod for my ow use for a year now, however the changing versions of the mod induced me to send my work so as other people, especially from Poland, could play comfortably.
For the mass characters change I used Notepad++. I hope, I didn't change anything in the other languages, nevertheless it is worth testing them.
The mass characters change concerned: á = &#261;, â = &#263;, ä = &#347;, ë = &#380;, é = &#378;, Ä = &#346;, Ë = &#379; .
There are things, which I can't change on my own, e.g. when starting a new game, it is not possible to choose all from Game Speed, because the window is
too small. City Screen contains in the upper right corner the word "Employed" (Polish: Chorzy). During a battle there are announcements in the upper part of the screen e.g. "Influence 0,03%" (Polish: Wp&#322;yw).

The mod files with patches were placed here: http://www.filedropper.com/rand1009
I will continue to correct and add the lacking elements of the mod in the sections <Polish>, however fearing the possibility of another mod version coming out soon, I decided to put out what is already done as it took me many hours.

Warning: Reichstag is overly powerful. I had 900 rounds of Golden Age with it.
Is translation project still alive or there's no point in dedicating time to it?
Is translation project still alive or there's no point in dedicating time to it?
It's alive, just not being updated lately. We probably push in a new update once Vokarya is done with its tech tree changes and once I've fixed the Free Trade Agreement and PBEM bug, before we publish a new full installer file.
45°38'N-13°47'E;14310526 said:
It's alive, just not being updated lately. We probably push in a new update once Vokarya is done with its tech tree changes and once I've fixed the Free Trade Agreement and PBEM bug, before we publish a new full installer file.

By the way,FTA bug is very painful:sad:.(Off topic,I know)
Is there any way to disable FTA until the bugfix is released? I'm annoyed by AIs spamming FTA requests.
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