as I post (maybe wrong) at
there are lot of typing mistakes in German and, what is causing some problems, wrong charset issues:
maybe not only an UTF8-Problem, as by that wrong/invalid/empty chars get shown in game and when do a sav an try to reload:
There are several of such wrong chars, but this is the most problematic one:
Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\Assets\XML\Text\LEADERS.xml (2 hits)
Line 2341: <English>Suppiluliuma</English>
Line 2342: <German>
Same in other xml files
Looks for me as someone with Czech or French (?) keyboard typed the xml files w/o changing his keyboard charset
UTF8 in game cannot handle such, it converts the char as an unknown char => ?
the first char of Suppiluliuma in German does not exist in German language and by that is shown in game as ? and when store a sav as another invalid char, and when load the sav as two empty fields.
I made some times ago a total scan of all xml for such wrong chars and corrected them, but with the next svn update all got overwritten again and so lost.
You need to scan all xml for special characters (special in German version) and replace them by the English notation.
with quick search I found two just now:
F:\Civ_4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\Assets\XML\Text\LEADERS.xml (2 hits)
Line 2341: <English>Suppiluliuma</English>
Line 2342: <German>
F:\Civ_4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\Assets\XML\Text\RELIGIONS.xml (6 hits)
Line 1315: <English>Shinto</English>
Line 1316: <French>Shintoïsme </French>
Line 1317: <Finnish>shintolainen</Finnish>
Line 1320: <German>Shint
for german charset look here:
don't find what is causing the wrong chars in naming/showing the sav files.
seems that there is used a ÿ = U+00FF instead an ü = U+00FC somewhere.