[Translation of main mod] Help needed !

Is there any way to disable FTA until the bugfix is released? I'm annoyed by AIs spamming FTA requests.
Uh, AI shouldn't spam requests anyway. FTA can only be requested and signed if two civs are friendly with each other: not even polite is enough. Anyway the only way to disable it is to deselect Advanced Diplomacy before starting a game.
I've just updated the translations :)
Just for the information, I've made a script which push english strings on Transifex automatically everyday (if a new rev is found), because Transifex wasn't grabbing the files correctly from Afforess' server.

Now, I'm quickly making a script which will automatically commit a new revision with updated language strings every month so we can ensure string update on a better frequency.

Everything is run locally on my PC, but that shouldn't cause any problem.
Just for the information, I've made a script which push english strings on Transifex automatically everyday (if a new rev is found), because Transifex wasn't grabbing the files correctly from Afforess' server.

Now, I'm quickly making a script which will automatically commit a new revision with updated language strings every month so we can ensure string update on a better frequency.

Everything is run locally on my PC, but that shouldn't cause any problem.
That's a great job!! Thank you dbk!
Just for the information, I've made a script which push english strings on Transifex automatically everyday (if a new rev is found), because Transifex wasn't grabbing the files correctly from Afforess' server.

Now, I'm quickly making a script which will automatically commit a new revision with updated language strings every month so we can ensure string update on a better frequency.

Everything is run locally on my PC, but that shouldn't cause any problem.

You might want to look into debugging your scripts some more. I think you accidentally gutted a couple of files. I found INTERFACE.xml, LEADERS_PEDIA.xml, MISC.xml, and STRATEGIES_PEDIA.xml had chunks of text missing in rev1029. I went into my working copy of AND and replaced the missing text in rev1030.
You might want to look into debugging your scripts some more. I think you accidentally gutted a couple of files. I found INTERFACE.xml, LEADERS_PEDIA.xml, MISC.xml, and STRATEGIES_PEDIA.xml had chunks of text missing in rev1029. I went into my working copy of AND and replaced the missing text in rev1030.
Thank you for the backup Vokarya. I'll check the script again!
as I post (maybe wrong) at http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=14441600&postcount=5407

there are lot of typing mistakes in German and, what is causing some problems, wrong charset issues:

maybe not only an UTF8-Problem, as by that wrong/invalid/empty chars get shown in game and when do a sav an try to reload:

There are several of such wrong chars, but this is the most problematic one:
Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\Assets\XML\Text\LEADERS.xml (2 hits)
Line 2341: <English>Suppiluliuma</English>
Line 2342: <German>Šuppiluliuma</German>

Same in other xml files

Looks for me as someone with Czech or French (?) keyboard typed the xml files w/o changing his keyboard charset

UTF8 in game cannot handle such, it converts the char as an unknown char => ?

the first char of Suppiluliuma in German does not exist in German language and by that is shown in game as ? and when store a sav as another invalid char, and when load the sav as two empty fields.

I made some times ago a total scan of all xml for such wrong chars and corrected them, but with the next svn update all got overwritten again and so lost.
You need to scan all xml for special characters (special in German version) and replace them by the English notation.

with quick search I found two just now:

F:\Civ_4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\Assets\XML\Text\LEADERS.xml (2 hits)
Line 2341: <English>Suppiluliuma</English>
Line 2342: <German>Šuppiluliuma</German>

F:\Civ_4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\Assets\XML\Text\RELIGIONS.xml (6 hits)
Line 1315: <English>Shinto</English>
Line 1316: <French>Shintoïsme </French>
Line 1317: <Finnish>shintolainen</Finnish>
Line 1320: <German>Shint&#333;</German>

for german charset look here:

don't find what is causing the wrong chars in naming/showing the sav files.
seems that there is used a ÿ = U+00FF instead an ü = U+00FC somewhere.


  • utf8-fehler.jpg
    728 bytes · Views: 208
  • utf8-fehler2.jpg
    848 bytes · Views: 248
  • utf8-fehler3.jpg
    737 bytes · Views: 248
What's the status of language translations?
Are the scripts working? Are they updated regularly?
Sorry but I have quite stopped working on this project since a long time. However, I took half a day to rewrite scripts and things and will try to update it more frequently (once a month).

@Dreifels: I will try to look into the german accent problem.
Sorry but I have quite stopped working on this project since a long time. However, I took half a day to rewrite scripts and things and will try to update it more frequently (once a month).

@Dreifels: I will try to look into the german accent problem.

Thanks Hadrien, I just can't keep up with translation. If you can do it even once every 3 months, that's enough for me. You simply do it if/when you have time. Thanks again, I hope you are well.

I am really sorry for the delay of answer. I have time to fix your problem now.

To translate (fix) the problem yourself, you have to translate the game from https://www.transifex.com/civ-a-new-dawn/and-main-mod/languages/
We cannot take text file directly anymore (would be time consuming for devs).

This german accents problematic was introduced a long time ago. Can you list me the letters that needs to be converted?
So, first, the ÿ shoud be ü. What else?

EDIT: Ok. I've seen you already fixed it on transifex and it doesn't get imported. I'll look into the code to fix this.

EDIT2: I have isolated the problem and it will be fixed with a new translation update soon.

Thank you for your feedback.
Last edited:
I don't know if this is the right place, but here I report.
Maybe you guys are using some of Russian translation patch and have forgotten to add the translation of the CIVICS.

Anyway, thank you for the great work!
Does that happen with English too?
If yes, than try re-installing the mod.
If no, than it's an issue caused by the translators, something that the mod devs are not responsible and in lack of language knowledge may or may not be able to fix.
here is a list of incorrect tags,

View attachment 501110
View attachment 501111
\Civilization IV Complete\Civ4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\Assets\XML\Text\MISC.xml (1 hit)
+ <Russian>[ICON_BULLE]Приводит к появленю Укрепленных Границ цивилизации</Russian>

translation bugs :)

Also the [COLOR WARNING] tag does not work, you need [COLOR_WARNING_TEXT] in 12 locations.
There are lots of tech names which are incorrectly translated to spanish. ¿Can I help you correcting those?
Some translations are really troublesome because different technologies have been translated using the same name. For example animal husbandry & weavery have both been translated as "ganadería". The same happens with hunting and slavery, both translated as "caza" (And to be honest I don't understand why slavery was translated this way, it's even offensive because it literally means "hunting"... so in the spanish version of AND you actually have a techonology called "hunting" which allows slavery. Weird.).

Also, can I translate those things locally? Will it mess my saved games or multiplayer ones?
Good evening, dear mod developers. I ask you to make me a reviewer of the Russian translation. The last transfers to it are calculated 5 years ago. Moreover, there are many inconsistencies and typos, but I can't change the checked lines, and the reviewers are no longer active in this community. The checked lines also have a lot of typos, so they need to be changed, but I don't have access to this. My nickname is DmitryO325.
Good evening. Today, while playing in Russian, I discovered a problem with fonts. See here:


However, if I paste these two Russian version files (GameFont.tga and GameFont_75.tga, file resolution is not supported), the problem is fixed.

Link: https://yadi.sk/d/YypNn43qoMjt4w

I noticed two versions in the mod folder with fonts: Latin and Asian.


I ask you to add a third version: Cyrillic.
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