What did you think about before starting the game, what was your approach to this game?
- How I could leverage the UA toward a science victory
- Go tall, try for a religion using Stone Circles, gift GWAMs to maritime CS for permanent food boost
Where did you settle and what did you build first?
- Moved warrior east and saw some cows to SE so crossed the river due east w settler and settled on the river between deer and marble
- Build a scout first, then monument, shrine, second scout, worker, settler, second worker, second settler, Temple of Artemis
How did the Huge map size affect your early decisions?
- Went with a scout before a monument to get scouting going as there’s going to be a lot of it
What tech path did you follow and why?
- Pottery first to push for stone circles, then Animal Husbandry as not enough production tiles to rush Great Library
- Calendar for the incense, then archery as barbs started encroaching on Stockholm
- Writing, then mining & masonry followed by push to Mathematics for Hanging Gardens
What Social Policies did you choose?
- Tradition, Oligarchy, Legalism, Landed Elite for growth, Aristocracy for attempt at ToA, Monarchy on T86
What Wonders did you try to get and did you get them?
- Temple of Artemis on T76 in Stockholm
- Hanging Gardens in Sigtuna as not on fresh water, but it got built elsewhere likely in a capital
- Oracle in Stockholm
~T10 met Byzantium scout in the east, discovered lots of desert in the west and met Prague first
~T15 more desert in the SE, free pop from ruins in the south
~T35 Met Sidon first and found Old Faithful, met Willy’s warrior in NW nr Sidon
~T40 Moroccan scout found Stockholm
~T45 Met Ormus for 15G, witnessed Byzantine settler captured by barb camp in SE, finished writing and got an embassy w Willy for Prague
T47 Captured the aforementioned barb camp and gave Byzantium their settler back
~T50 settled Sigtuna on the mountains in SE nr where barb camp was, but Byzantium gets their revenge on me being a dick to them by taking Stone Circles
T52 Great Library built somewhere, Islam founded by someone
T55 Met Colombo
T57 Bought an archer in Stockholm as barbs getting annoying and can use it to clear camp for Ormus; Eastern Orthodoxy not founded by Byzantium
~T60 Took incense pantheon as backup, found Braga in the north to meet Portugal
~T70 Settled Helsinki nr incense in north clearing camp for Ormus & Sidon. Switched from Mathematics to Bronze Working as Sigtuna not ready for wonder building
T81 Polynesian scout found Stockholm
~T85 Catholicism founded elsewhere
T87 cleared camp for Prague and captured Zanzibar worker
T92 Beaten to Hanging Gardens by unmet civ
T96 found Brazil in the north
EDIT: Formatting