Scientific victory, 208 turn.
Liberty, 7 cities. Initially, 6 (1 - SP, 2 - on uranus between lake and Gibraltar, 3 - in a swamp between 4 salts, 4 - in the desert near wines and lake, 5 - on oil near the lake and oasis, 6 - on the jungle hill between the sea and the lake near copper), then built a granary and Pyramids (65) in the capital and added 1 more settler (near Amsterdam, silver, lake and rock).
I started with 3 scouts and 3-4 archers, and also built 1 or 2 jaguars, although I usually don't do melee units. About turn 20, I stole a worker from Mongolia with impunity, and when, after turn 50, I tried to press the "weak" Carthage, he suddenly had elephants and I had to retreat and defend myself in the city near wine for more than 30 turns before he agreed to a peace that was beneficial to me.
I had several games on deity/immortal that started very well, but as soon as I paused, immediately after it, 2-3 aggressive AI attacked me at the same time and everything ended badly. This time it was very scary for me to finish the first session,because north of the "copper" city was Mongolia with a bunch of units. And in the jungle to the south of it, there are 10-15 Atilla units between my cities (half of them are warriors, but the 2nd half are horse archers and battering rams, which could easily finish the game for me). Fortunately for me I came up with the idea to see if they want to fight among themselves. Genghis Khan did not want to, but Atilla was willing to start a war for just 1 salt. Therefore, I paused on turn 75/76, and when I continued, I immediately bribed Attila, after which his units gradually moved north. I relaxed as the danger passed and soon made a new pause on the 91st move. After that, between the 92nd and 93rd moves, Genghis Khan made peace with Atilla and attacked me, a turn later, Atilla and Wilhelm joined him... LOL.
All my units were hunting barbarians in the southern tundra at that time. Fortunately, on the 93rd move, I just saved up money for a trade ship and culture for the aristocracy. Instead, I bought a compbow and accepted the oligarchy, and instead of workshops I had to build walls. Fortunately, I did not see Attila - he was prevented from passing by the Mongol troops, of which there were a lot, but as is often the case with AI, they interfered with each other. I was very close to losing the city, but at the last moment a wall was built and 4-5 compbows came from the south. Wilhelm drew attention to himself, ruined a couple of improvements, but He did not pose a real threat to the capture of cities. Perhaps this was the only difficult moment in the game, then it was completely under my control. After a profitable peace with Genghis Khan and Wilhelm, Attila did not want to talk for a very long time, and when he spoke, he thought that I should pay for peace. During this time, I shot about 15 triremes in the Wittenberg Sea, so the war could go on forever. Finally, Atilla found a narrow road to my territory, I shot down his invading army, went on the attack and captured his town near the sugar (149 turn). Then I made peace with him on my terms.
Then I spent about 15 turns on the implementation of a strange idea-fix "liberate Brussels from Mongolia." why I needed it is difficult to say... Genghis Khan captured him again 15 turns before the end of the game

After the liberation of Brussels, I captured Amsterdam (174, Stonehenge, the Great Wall, MoM, Cathedral, Mosque and Theater) and Carthage (184, Oracle, Forbidden Palace). It was necessary to capture Carthage immediately instead of Brussels, before the capture of the FP, I had a limit of happiness from time to time. I didn't have time to rock conquered cities anymore, I just bought everything scientific buildings, left a couple of farmers, made the rest specialists.
In the end, it all came down to the time of the birth of the last GS and the lack of culture in order to close the tradition. What made it necessary to build Hubble by hand, not by an engineer. And all 6(7) engineers went to the parts SS. (I spent 1 out of 6 engineers on the Sydney Opera House (206) to "close" the tradition and buy 1 engineer for faith for the last SS part).
Finish : Apollo (203), last my own GS and the Porcelain Pagoda (204), Hubble and the Kremlin (205), Oxford (206, SS engine tech). Space Ships parts (206, 207, 208, 208, 208, 208),
other wonders : Pyramids (65) - Hanging Gardens (85) - Statue of Zeus (112) - Colossus (118) - National College (130) - Ironworks (137) - Pisa Tower (145) - Taj Mahal (164) - Sistine Chapel (165) - World's Fair (175-194) - Brandenburg Gate (198) - Broadway (208)
Some tech : Metal Casting (94) - Philosophy (102) - CS (106) - Education (117) - PP (134) - Industrialization (149) - Scientific Theory (162) - Astronomy (163) - Radio (173) - Plastics (185, 1 GS) - Railway (194) - rocketry (196, 3 GS) - Satellites (199, the finish of rationalism) - Modern Ballistics (202, 2 GS) - Ecology (204, 2 GS) - ... (205, 4 GS) - Nanotechnology (206/207)
Civics : Open Tradition (5) - Open Liberty (12) - Open Honor (16) - Republic - collective rule (31) - citizenship (~43) - Meritocracy (~60) - Representation (77) - Oligarchy (93) - Aristocracy (112) - Open Rationalism (134) - Secularism (150) - Order (158, national hero, young pioneers) - Working Faculties (162) - Humanism (174) - Free Thinking (175) - Skyscrapers (180) - Party Leadership (186) - Sovereignty (192) - Legalism (192) - Monarchy (194) - Scientific Revolution (199) - Space Pioneers (205) - Agricultural elite (206).
Religion : Mother Earth (12) - Tithe, religious center (63) - chorales, religious texts (88)
P.S. There was a strange situation in this game that I had not encountered before. At some point, Vancouver and Zurich started a war against La Venta. At the same time, all three of them were my allies! As a result, La Venta became part of Zurich, and I lost 1 ally in 50 turns before the end of the game.