T255 domination victory.
Once I got over the disappointment over the lack of
schwung in the early game (losing Colossus and Chichen, lacking growth, happiness, and gold), the game proceeded smoothly once I got my colosseums and city connections up. For my religion I went Earth Mother (no great pantheon available - I considered pasture culture but it was taken) Initiation Rites and Religious Community. When founding, many other decent beliefs were still available (like pagodas), but by the time I enhanced it was slim pickings. I was hoping for some passive happiness like +1 happiness from shrines, but there was nothing like that, so I picked Feed the World. Not that I built a single temple all game, but at least I had the shrines. Swords into Plowshares was still there though.
I suspected this game would be all about Navigation timing, so I was aware of the possibility of tactics like building Oxford, or using a Liberty finisher to rush it, but quite frankly my game was not ready for it. In the T200 shot below I still have barely any gold, my cities are stll tiny, and I don't have any boats out yet. Anyway, Oxford was still a 5-turn build (selected in London for purposes of the screenshot). I suppose in an ideal game you would have 6 galleas raring to go, 600 gold in the bank, and Oxford completing to start the conquests. Fast forward to turn 210 and I'm finally happy to go: the first Ships of the Line are rolling of the line, my happiness and gold are finally under control, and my cities are looking a little less pathetic.
Six iron within range of the starting position was not much, but on the other hand not many frigates were needed to subdue the AI. My first capital was Sukhothai (Great Lighthouse), still at 19-strength, and even sending two ships of the line felt like overkill. That was a theme in my game: the AI had very weak cities (one or two managed to get near 35 strength, but most were still in their twenties), and very few units to defends their lands, let alone their waters (I saw one dromon and one galleas all game, plus a couple of triremes and one Byzantine caravel late game). Honestly, I had expected more from Emperor AI. Sure, they managed to steal some early wonders from me (Chichen and Colossus annoyingly both in Gao), but otherwise they just sat there being irrelevant.
The following capitals went in more or less the following order: Brazil (Petra), Ottomans (Notre Dame), India (one ship of the line, 3 longbows, 2 of which purchased from Sukhothai), Byzantium, Aztec, Babylon, China, Songhai. I had seen that Gao was coastal, so I only realized belatedly that it was iced off and I needed the land army to capture it. Approaching from China, the lands around Gao were actually somewhat tricky to conquer. Thankfully, I had been building longbows for some time, so I could afford to sacrifice some units to kill whatever defenses he had.
Looking back, I'm still not sure how this game should be played. Perhaps it is possible to tribute to some city states in the early game? I anyway felt that I should have built some triremes to explore, and perhaps one or two would have been enough for tribute? The social policies I'm also not sure of. Putting all the initial policies into Liberty gives a very quick start, but then you are stuck with Liberty (and it's not like we will be making use of the settler production policy), and it delays Maritime Infrastructure. On the other hand, you do get a Liberty finisher, which can be used to rush Navigation, if your game is ready for it. Also, it could be good to get the Pyramids. Will I try again for a faster time? Maybe.