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TSG107 After Action

leif erikson

Game of the Month Fanatic
GOTM Staff
Feb 2, 2003
Plymouth, MA
Welcome to the TSG107 After Action Report thread. In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state victory date and score (preferably in the post title), as recorded in the Hall of Fame, and the most important: your path to glory!

STOP - Please do not continue reading this thread until you have completed and submitted your game.

Please use the Civ5 game submission page to submit your final, first play through, .Civ5Save file, saved AFTER the victory ceremony if you were not conquered (using the "Lemme play one more turn" feature.).

- Did you use your Musketeer?
- Did you use spying to your advantage?
- Did the map type help or hinder victory and how?
- How did the difficulty level affect your game decisions?
- Was Faith helpful to achieve victory? How?
- Did you utilize your Chateau? How?
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1705AD
Turns played: 251
Base score: 1336
Final score: 2672
Time played: 3:36:00

This time I am first to finish. ;)

I settled on place, did GL, NC. Next I bought two settlers and went for HG, Artemis, Barabudur. Went tradition, four cities. Growth was very fast. I beelined Edu (turn 105) and Astronomy (120). The only problem for me was Petra - someone did it sooner.
All the game I had a lot of money and a lot of aliied CSs. AIs were pathetic, they had just money for my salt. No problems with happiness, lot of Giolden ages. No war at all - I built only one archer and one scout during the game.
I finished with 51 votes, had to wait about 24 turns for Leader election.

Thanks for nice game.:)
Yet answer to Leif's questions

- Did you use your Musketeer?

- Did you use spying to your advantage?
Used spies just for CSs, next as Diplomats

- Did the map type help or hinder victory and how?
I suppose help, I had a lot of space and no friction with others

- How did the difficulty level affect your game decisions?
Imperor was just good for GL, NC way. In fact it would be interesting to play the same game on higher difficulty too. Is in it possible to do it? Just for fun - not as GOTM. I thought already several times, that some game would be perfect in Deiti, but cannot switch it.

- Was Faith helpful to achieve victory? How?
Yes, in the beginning it gave me a lot of money, next some allied CS, in the end two GEs and two GS.

- Did you utilize your Chateau? How?
I did a lot of Chateaus, but I do not know if it was neccessary - but they were nice.
Defeated by Celts about T135

I tried to expand too quick (taking the Silver mountain and a spot for a Petra city, which I got). I annoyed the Celts by denouncing them for getting tribute from a city state and forward settling, so I got DOW'ed. I didn't have quite enough composite bows to hold. I'm guessing Golem had a better tech level and didn't agro the Celts. Ah well.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 107
Date submitted: 2015-04-02 18:11:20
Reference number: 32526
Your name: x2Madda
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1902AD
Turns played: 322
Base score: 1324
Final score: 2068
Time played: 4:58:00
Submitted save: TSG107_End.Civ5Save
Renamed file: x2Madda_C510701.Civ5Save
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Turns played: 255

Settled in place, did early exnasion with 3 settlers, then ToA, HG NC etc. Had some trouble with barbarians early on that captured my settler twice so I was delayed when I had to retake them.

Other than that game went smooth no war etc.

In the end I had to wait 27 turns for voting for diplo leader, I really hate that :) Have to learn to time it.
Game status: Diplomacy Loss
Game date: 2020AD
Turns played: 440
Base score: 978
Final score: 978
Time played: 5:52:00

I don't usually play with difficulty this high so I didn't expect to win, but I'm surprised I held on for the whole thing. I figured someone would come along and try to destroy me so I focused more on military than usual, to the point where I couldn't afford more units. It wasn't enough though. On turn 157 Boudicca had my second city, Orleans, surrounded by pikemen; I had a Great General there but by the time I saw her units there was no room to build a citadel. (Maybe I should have bought some territory to push her away before she declared war, but I may not have been able to afford it.) She captured Orleans immediately and got Paris on turn 164.

I figured I was done for but her next stop was Lyon, which I had put in the south between a mountain and the ocean, and it turned out to be pretty much impenetrable, so that was lucky. I don't usually consider defense when choosing locations for cities. We made peace once she'd used up her units on Lyon and then I put all my effort into reclaiming my cities.

I finally got Paris back on turn 301 thanks to some nice frigates. Then along came Ashurbanipal, whose attempt to capture Paris for himself seemed to me like mere hubris. I destroyed most of his ranged units as well as all his melee units except for an almost-dead pikeman... and my jaw dropped as I watched him take the city with that pikeman. This included the destruction of my best frigate which I didn't even think to move out of the city. I got Paris back a few turns later but it was much worse off than before, and then we made peace. On turn 357 I resumed war with Boudicca and had Orleans back by 364.

After that I figured my only chance at victory was to conquer all of Boudicca's cities, and once I had a bunch of Great War Bombers I was able to easily take three of them, including Kyzyl which I liberated. Unfortunately, if predictably, this resulted in happiness down to -25 so I had to make sure Lyon didn't run away. I also had severely negative gold because Ashurbanipal kept being belligerent and destroying my cargo ships.

Eventually Pocatello did what I was trying to do and used the money gained from conquest to pay off city-states (even Kyzyl, those traitors!) and win his own diplomatic victory.

- Did you use your Musketeer?
I trained several of them and they were useful because Boudicca had Great War Infantry and I hadn't even gotten Riflemen yet. I'm not sure I would have put up much of a fight if I only had musketmen.

- Did you use spying to your advantage?
Being able to steal technologies from my betters was probably the only way I could stay alive.

- Did the map type help or hinder victory and how?
I imagine it would have been worse if everyone was on the same land mass, because then even more civilizations would see how weak I was and come try to grab me.

- Was Faith helpful to achieve victory? How?
Papal Primacy was useful for getting city-states as friends but obviously didn't help enough to make them my allies.

Oh, also, this was another map where we were surrounded by salt and iron, so that was really helpful for faith even though I had to wait until 25 faith before I could get my pantheon.

- Did you utilize your Chateau? How?
My automated workers built a bunch of those. I barely even thought about culture buildings, instead relying on cultured city-states for my new policies. I'm sure the chateaux helped a little too.
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1919AD
Turns played: 339
Base score: 3256
Final score: 4859

This didn't go too well, I didn't invest enough on science so the first world leader vote wasn't until t339. I had way too much culture and tourism in the latter stages, and my main concern was trying to delay cultural victory so that the vote would come first. The vote came 5 turns before I was influential with the last AI, the Shoshone, but I had to disperse all my great works to puppet cities and eliminate the theming bonuses a long time before the end.

Boudicca had almost wiped out Byzantium before she attacked me on t153, but her army was easily pushed back with 6 (or 8, don't remember) Xbows. Her Great Wall was a bit of a pain, but I eventually got Edinburgh and let Kiev take her last (puppeted, former Byzantine city SE of Kiev) city to finish her off. I attacked the Assyrians once I got Artillery and Great War Infantry, Liberated a Byzantine city east of Assyrian Capital, gifted Theodora an infantry unit so she took the last Assyrian city to wipe him off the map.

I was friends with Siam and Morocco, and helped Siam wipe out Japan (I took the capital). Morocco and Buenos Aires(? the CS on the Isthmus south of Siam and north of Shoshone and Morocco) were wiped out by the Shoshone, so once I got enough CSs away from the Shoshone, I declared war on him, Liberated Moroccan cities (kept the cap with its wonders once again) and the CS. I stayed at war with he Shoshone, but kept the action at minimum so that I wouldn't lower his cultural output (to keep my influence over him below "influential").

- Did you use your Musketeer?
- Yes, they were quite helpful in conquering the Celts and their Great Wall.

- Did you use spying to your advantage?
-Yes, sent them to several CSs to rig elections and prevent coups, kept one in Paris to try to eliminate tech stealing

- Did the map type help or hinder victory and how?
-I think it helped, no need to fear an attack from more than one direction in the early stages.

- How did the difficulty level affect your game decisions?
-I played sloppy once my empire was set up, no need to really fear the emperor-level AI.

- Was Faith helpful to achieve victory? How?

-Not really, my religion was small (poor faith output, late enhancing) and cathedrals didn't help much.

- Did you utilize your Chateau? How?
I did, but in the late game I had to avoid working Chateau-tiles in order to get a diplomatic victory.
Turn 304 victory.

I still have no idea how ya'll manage to tech so fast in the upper stages of the tech tree.

As far as wins go, I built so many wonders, starting with Great Library and Stonehenge. I only legitimately lost a few.
What the...?! How do some of you guys tech so fast? I finished this game after 358 rounds but after half of it, France was already so powerful that the game was already won. I kicked the 3 other Civs off my continent till the end of renaissance and built a wide empire. One continent was mine, on the other I had 2 cities. My economy was stronk, I only had to wait and tech and wait and vote. In the end I had around 11k gold and no unallied citystate left to pay for.

I settled at the river southeast of the starting point, beelined HG to get a big Paris and even after that I could still try to build GL, but was beaten 4 turns before it was finished :-( I concentrated teching on military to get rid of the closer civs. With their cities I conquered many wonders I had tried to build. The other civs hated me throughout the game. Domination would have been the faster way to go here.

SPs: Tradition: full tree, Patronage: Scholarship, Rationalism: Full tree and Order for the 25% tech bonus from fabrics.
Religion: I didn't get one (I didn't try, went for culture and SPs instead). I later used the neighbours religions for pagodas and mosques.

- Did you use your Musketeer?

Hell yes, I used it hard against Theodora and Assurbanipal. Boudicca was already dead when I got the musketeer.

- Did you use spying to your advantage?

Most of the time I had the tech lead, so i couldn't steal but I used the spies to get some city states and in the end additional votes through globalization.

- How did the difficulty level affect your game decisions?

I scouted much at the start. When I saw my close neighbours and their difficulty advantage, I already thought, I'd have to play a tiny 4-city-France. So I took the Tradition tree. On lower diffs I'd have tried to outsettle the AI but on Emperor I had to attack them for space. I only attacked because Boudicca gave me the opportunity. She attacked Constantinople and I helped Theodora. Then I conquered the Celts.

- Was Faith helpful to achieve victory? How?

Not at all given that I didn't found a religion.

- Did you utilize your Chateau? How?

I built them whereever I could. In a wide empire, the chateaux give a ton of culture points.
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1952AD
Turns played: 372
Base score: 1986
Final score: 2683

Not a great time at all, probably spent too much time fighting instead of focusing on getting better research and wonders. Actually managed to forget to build the Forbidden Palace but it wouldn't have helped my time much.

- Did you use your Musketeer?

Yes, had several wars with the Celts and Assyria who were both PITAs until I lost patience and left them both with little crappy cities.

- Did you use spying to your advantage?

Yes, for rigging elections, we were the tech lead (or pretty close) for most of the game so no need for stealing. Forgot to use diplomats but managed to ally all the CS except Tyre that was captured by the Shoshone but was in an akward place to liberate.

- Did the map type help or hinder victory and how?

Our location meant that we only had one 'front' to worry about which made things a little easier.

- How did the difficulty level affect your game decisions?

Went for more early wonders than I would ordinarily.

- Was Faith helpful to achieve victory? How?

Yes, founded first religion which meant we got the pick of the tenets which helped a lot.

- Did you utilize your Chateau? How?

Yes, was fun planning where to build chateaus to get the maximum number for the handy gold and culture.

- stride
first time i take this gotm challenge, it has been fun

turn 232 (44 votes out of 42 needed)

- Did you use your Musketeer?

no i didn't even produce them, i hate units and to me civ would be much more fun if i it didn't have wars at all, i just bought/produced 4 units to giht barbs, 1 warrior 2 scouts and 1 archer, then when i got astronomy used one of them to explore, no one DoWd me, so fine, i dind't start any either, of course, boadice was a pain in the a** to everyone else but me, but she didn't finish out completley any other civ, so the 8 of us finished as well as the 18 CS

- Did you use spying to your advantage?

not at the beggining, i ued it as diplomats from the begginng, only in the last 20 turns i tried to get the 3 CS i couldnt get earlier, knowing that only 2 spies (i ALLWAYS counterspy) was working good enough

- Did the map type help or hinder victory and how?

i didn't like that ther was no coastal river next to the desert, i finally staied where i spawned so i forgot about petra

i couldn't find tiro untill the first election was over, but the problem i guess was that i didnt build any ships, i could find (though not gain) the other 17 in time, so, not bad i gess, i built the 3 cities coastal on that inner sea

2nd one south of lhasa (turn 87) after i had gl nc hg oracle some production buildings (stable, lighthouse etc...) and the national culture building

3rd one on the snow/toundra to the east on turn 210 (i forgot about developing small buildings on the other 2 cities and wanted to have some national wonders first

- How did the difficulty level affect your game decisions?

i didn't aim ToA at the beggining (GL- NC-HG and i built the units in the middle of those) cos i feared i wasn't gonna make it, but surprisingly i finally built on turn 97 or something, before haggia sophia, i knew i could make any other wonder on time due to the low diff level, i guess it only affected me cos of barbs, i hate war and i hate barbs, its a distraction, so i'm really lame against them

i lost alhambra by 2 turns on my second city (allways use my 2nd city for culture) though (so i lost 15 turns there)

i hate standard pace, by the way, i allways play on quick pace my self unles going deity against more than 6 civs

- Was Faith helpful to achieve victory? How?

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i allmays get the same panthon + tennets -> god of the king, +1 gold, +15% growth + 15 % production and deffenders of faith, those are pretty usefull tennets, so i guess it did help me

however I REALLY MESSED UP, i forgot about early inquisitors so i had to buy them for 400 and 800 each, plus i bought them late so i had to buy 2 GP cos boadicee allways atacked with 2 GPs herself

other i forced globalization buying a GS cos i was 3 turns late for the election and 2 GE one for the telescope or whatever and the otherone, the turn before i finished because i wanted the com tower

- Did you utilize your Chateau? How?

some of them but i haven't done any micro at all n this game so i don't know if the palace selected them from the beggining, mainly i used them cos i hate usless mines, however i had to dismantle one of them to build an archeological improvement


i allways play the same way, so don't know, start with liberty + tradition, finish liberty to get a 2nd GS before rennaisance, and open the diplomacy one, then finish the science policy tree then some freedom tennets and then finish tradition

i finished 1st in the 3 obvious ones, pop litteracy and aproval, and 2 after boadicee on anything else, includding military (thanks to the gifts from CS)

the worst was that the congress didnt promote any cultural cotations, although marroko, who was doing pretty well in culture, was allways propossing, and i had to pass world religion and ideology so that was a bummer, the first thing they passed was the tech bonus for the ones behind but i didn't put it out cos there was no chance they could get me, none of them fot to atomic era at the end even with that help

and that i didnt find tiro earlier, that was a throwback too, maybe if i had i would have won on the first election on turn 315 where i had 38 out of the 42 needed

its nice this challenge i will sure do the next one and maybe som old ones
first time i take this gotm challenge, it has been fun
Welcome to CivFanatics and GOTM. :wavey:

Congrats on your win and best of luck in future. :thumbsup:
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1906AD
Turns played: 326
Base score: 1894
Final score: 2913

Thanks for the game :)
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1850AD
Turns played: 295
Base score: 1428
Final score: 2420
Time played: 3:54:00

- Did you use your Musketeer?
Didn't build a single one

- Did you use spying to your advantage?
Stole two technologies worth 3 turns of research and was eclipsing everyone else since then

- Did the map type help or hinder victory and how?
Plenty of space to settle in and abundant resources. So I guess it helped.

- How did the difficulty level affect your game decisions?
Being it emperor, I decided to wonder spam...

- Was Faith helpful to achieve victory? How?
Yes. Had plenty of faith. Bought lots of GS, GE and won all the faith CS quests.

- Did you utilize your Chateau? How?
Yes, built it next to every luxury.

Went with 5 cities and built NC really late (turn 110 or so). But managed to build 5 wonders by then (MoH, GL, Stonehenge, Oracle and HG). That kickstarted my economy and I managed to catch up eventually. From there it was smooth sailing. After bulbing to information era I had one unused GS and won with 52 votes and 4000 spare gold and faith each, so I guess I could have won earlier if I managed it better...
Got pwnd by the Celts around turn 150. Threatened them few times because they took tribute from CS's. Guess there's not much use in pledging protection. Also I snagged tiles right next to theirs. And so they overwhelmed me. Bloody Celts.
Got pwnd by the Celts around turn 150. Threatened them few times because they took tribute from CS's. Guess there's not much use in pledging protection. Also I snagged tiles right next to theirs. And so they overwhelmed me. Bloody Celts.

if you are to try again, boadicee is really way more up to attack assur and theodora than france since they are much closer, try settling coastal, or, if you really want that desert try building there gw before theodora does or at least take your units there from the beggining, in my game theodora stupidly settled there after settling next to kizil? the CS south, once boadicee gained control over it they completly forgot about me (but for those GPs)

i also answered rough to boadicee when she came to complain, you mean you did that or did you dennounce her to gain more influence? i never dennounce nor accept any embassies to avoid DoWs

anyway, don't try so hard on the CS on your continent, once you gain advantage in science and culture you will surely control every one of them

the problem is in the other continent, morocco controls most CS there, pocatello is usually keen on CS but in this partivular game they've got no chance against morocco due to their lower science and way lower culture
Welcome to CivFanatics and GOTM. :wavey:

Congrats on your win and best of luck in future. :thumbsup:

thank you

i've taken a look and i think i'll try some occs, i love it specially on MP since they are much quicker (i don't really like civ, i've spend hundreds of hours on it, but i don't like it, lol, that's why i want it to be as fast as possible and why i hate moving units around)

so i'll try 73, 80, 93 and 105, although 93, the celts one, is the one i am most confident on and india seems almost impossible to me
Well, that's me done-all but wiped out by The Celts during the Middle Ages. I didn't stand a chance!!!

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