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Turnplay Log

Looking at the save, there are a few cities that can be whipped. Any size 5 coastal city can whip via barracks-harbor-library/cath. We also need to connect saltpeter to enable the musketman stepup for inland cities so that all cities size 5 can whip.

Hangar 18
Marmalade skies
Basement on a hill
Rockaway beach
Sweet Home Alabama
Streets have no name
Yellow Brick Road
Townes van zandt w/ worker add
There are a couple of others close to being whippable. We should hit 400 cpt shortly.

Then comes the hard part of whipping unis. With the FreeCouncil pace, it will be hard to get there pre modern age/pre bombers and carriers but we can always try!

We need lots more workers to add in. Something like 500. We really need to hasten uni building or just build workers and waste the shields in some of these uni cities that wont be able to get 10 spt.
Alright, thanks kc. Upgrades will be stopped for now and I'll send a note to Saber saying they can try to establish a trade route. We're a little short of 50+ workers atm so I'll see what I can do in the next few turns. We have no IA agreement with the Babes other than all the tech the GLib swap will give us. I think we should wait until Saber hits the IA at least before swapping the GLib for an even greater chance to get steam power. I'll use the short rush as you suggest to whip culture in the cities you mention and look for this the rest of the game. Forestry operations and eventually replacable parts plus unit disbanding should get those uni's up in time and Graceland for example will be able to resume worker production soon.
Thanks to kc I finally got the hang of whipping in a feudal rush. We trade world maps with Team Babe this turn and should be able to start trading next turn. We are still strong against everyone but the Babes and are expecting music theory in 6 turns. We are making 341cpt with an estimated win date of 1605AD while Team Free is making 123cpt. We have 754 gold in the treasury at 10% science losing 22gpt. Six towns were switched to workers without losing any shields and we have 39 workers now.

Hangar18, Marmelade Skies, Basement on a Hill, Rockaway Beach, Sweet Home Alabama, and Yellow Brick Road all short-rush libraries for four pop. each. Smoke on the Water short-rushes a cathedral for four pop. This should give us 362cpt next turn. At least six more towns will short-rush library/cathedral over the next four turns giving us at least 380cpt soon.
The Council has just sent a message inquiring into the intent of our exploring boats and asked they stay out of their cultural borders. No need for them to worry since they are unloaded. What should we tell them?

They have also put an offer of two luxuries on the table that we can accept by offering them 2 of ours or 1 luxury plus 20gpt. I think we should take the first option, but what do you think?
It would be okay. If they trade with their partner they should have all happies anyways. We probably benefit more from the happiness. We shouldnt trade any gpt to any of the scientific three to speed up their pace.
A fairly eventful turn. In production this turn:

Smoke on the Water=>cathedral-worker in 10
Hangar 18=>library-worker in 10
Rockaway Beach=>library-worker in 10
Basement on a Hill=>library-cathedral in 80 (backwards, I know)
Sweet Home Alabama=>library-worker in 10
Heartbreak Hotel=>worker-worker in 10
Streets with No Name=>library-worker in 10
Hotel California=>worker-unversity in 100
Guitar Town=>worker-worker in 10
Yellow Brick Road=>library-worker in 10
Marmalade Skies=>library-cathedral in 80 (also backwards)

Evermore, E Street, and Cariboo all whip libraries this turn for 4 pop. each. California Girls was working all coast tiles so a harbor was whipped there for two pop. A couple other cities working sea tiles and growing slowly were switched to harbors to be whipped next turn. On the next turn we will have saltpeter connected and be able to use musketmen as the step-up whip instead of harbors in all cities. We are now making 367cpt and will be making at least 376cpt next turn. This puts our guesstimated win date at 1535AD, fourteen turns less than last turn. Several other cities will whip libraries/cathedrals soon and a few universties will be built. How does the step-up go for universities and at what pop. is it feasible? Barracks-musketman-marketplace-colosseum at pop 10?

Many citizens that were unhappy were put back to work this turn allowing faster growth, but lowering our pool of scientists. Science is bumped to 40% temporarily to allow music theory in 5-turns. We have 732 gold in the treasury at -77gpt and 20% happiness. Team Saber is still building the Great Wall from F7 and a Council frigate was seen on the open ocean. Relative power between the teams is the same and we now have 42 workers with at least fifty expected by the time we get steam power. All improvements will be completed on our island soon.

Diplomacy was active this turn as we receive trade offers from both Saber and the Council as well as a nice world map from the Babes. The Council was sent furs and silks in exchange for their dyes and gems. Saber sent us wines and a duplicate gem in exchange for our luxes. We will have the benefit of 5 luxuries next turn. A message was sent to the Babes offering furs for incense since we both have silks. They also have two extra unconnected sources of ivory they should have available soon, and an offer was made for these for our expected extra gems or any other deal they may propose. Do we want or need horses and what would we be willing to offer for them? At any rate we should have 6 luxuries in 2-turns and 7 luxuries soon. That leaves only spices from Free who also have gems and ivory. Do we want to propose a trade deal to Team Free?

The world map has some useful information. There are a few unexplored areas we are sending ships to now, but it appears that there are no unsettled islands. From the map we can see that all the science teams had gems on their home island as well as both horses and iron. All of the settled islands have a strategic resource and/or a source of ivory and it appears that Team Babe has captured at least one of these from Saber. The Council has also had one city destroyed on their home island as can be seen in the following screenshots.

BattleDamageOne.JPG BattleDamageTwo.JPG

The other civs have much unworked land and in the Babes case, even unconnected cities. They have less cities, less workers, less culture and all but the Babes have less units as most of our "strong" army compared to the science teams is warriors. As republics, they are probably trying to stay under unit support to maximize science, but less cities equals less corruption. The Council should be having some problems with war weariness by now which will only be alleviated temporarily by luxury deals. There are two unsettled city sites. One is a plains on the Councils homeland as seen below, while the other is the destroyed Saber city seen above. Most importantly, the first railroad in the world was spotted as seen below indicating that at least Team Free has both steam power and coal. I will check each turn for evidence that other teams also have coal which would make a GLib swap soon most beneficial. Team Saber is still in the middle ages, but has reported that they will be entering the IA soon. It might be possible to get all the first tier IA techs on the swap.:D Five turns from now when we complete music theory and Sugar Mountain its bank would be ideal, but a little longer wait may net even second-tier techs.

OnlyUnclaimedCitySite.JPG Free'sBurgeoningRailroad.JPG
How does the step-up go for universities and at what pop. is it feasible? Barracks-musketman-marketplace-colosseum at pop 10?

Nope - just keep rushing once you get to pop six (or sooner - the objective is to keep your surplus food per turn as high as possible so you grow as fast a possible - but watch the unhappiness) - You rush whatever you can reach to use your population. e.g. with 6 pop and 20 in the bucket rush a musket (pop now 4) switch to a market rush that (pop now 2) switch to a col, rush that (pop now 1) then switch to a uni. - if the city can take that much unhappiness.

Coluseeum (120) to Uni (200) will need a pop of 8 (perhaps 6 if you can fill the bucket with 20 while the pop regrows) unless there is a 160 I have forgotten about. That also spreads out the whip unhappiness. There may be other reasons for letting the cities grow but that isn't one of them.

If the city is not totally corrupt you may also want to consider putting 10 shields in the bucket, rush a settler and wait for the next 10 to make a total of 40 - helps sometimes.
Thanks RF and kc. It's nice to have such experienced feudal rushers on the team.:) I haven't been putting shields into cities without actually building something that turn. I will do so from now on.

A bank is 160 shields, but requires us to build marketplaces. Should I aim to do that before building universities? We'll be swimming in luxuries soon and they would help some with maintenance costs. Or would that put universities too far off? Hospitals, police stations and airports also cost 160 shields each, but we may never be able to build them in time. Rushing from 120 to 200 is a big jump.
Indeed banks dont make sense. We are stuck probably rushing to 100 shields and waiting for the pop to go back up to rush the rest of the unis.
You are right. You then need to wait until either 8 pop, or you have added 20 shields and got to pop 6
Getting horses from BABE should be a priority since the swap of Great Lib will make FREE and COUNCIL come for us, especially FREE, with the military we have we could then invade one of their islands or even mainland in return and protect our continent with horsemen-cavalry upgrades with less units....

Getting some money is essential too....selling music theory to SABER....if they would even be interested of course...

So it will be for sure:
SABER going for BABE
COUNCIL going for BABE
leaving only FREE and GONG, as soon as FREE realizes it can outproduce us and we get all their techs from the swap, they´ll just put 1+1 together and realize we are just waiting to be killed, so lets start preparations for a possible defensive war against FREE.

As soon as unis are finished in core go horsemen production asap or even republic after a coupple whips...
I think the Babes are sending us horses. I'm not so sure Free can outproduce us since we can whip horsemen for 1 pop. all over the island and right now Free is weak to us. We shall see. We may eventually go republic but right now it would cost us a great deal of unit upkeep. The GLib swap should be coming up in about 5 turns.
The Babes send us horses, incense, military tradition, and a world map in return for furs and a world map. They already have gems so those are not sent. They must be trading with Free for these. Our people love us so our palace gets a new expansion. Saltpeter is connected and we have 43 workers to complete 4 more mines and 2 roads, the last improvements we can make until steam power. We have 7 more workers in production to give us 50 by then.

In production this turn:
California Girls=>harbor-university in 200
Evermore=>library-university in 200
E Street=>library-university in 200
Cariboo=>library-university in 200
Beach Party=>worker-universtiy in 200

Ring of Fire whips a harbor for 2 pop. and St. Alphonzo's whips a harbor for 3 pop. Townes van Zandt whips a cathedral for 2 pop. Many towns are whipped up to 120 shields for about 4 pop. each via barracks/musketman/courthouse/marketplace/colosseum. Most of our scientists are put back to work so science is bumped to 60% to allow music theory in 4 turns. The luxury slider is no longer needed with 5 luxes and is turned off. We will have 6 luxuries next turn and the Babes promise to send ivory as soon as they connect their extra sources. We have 656 gold in the treasury making -126gpt temporarily.

There is no change in relative power versus the other teams and F7 reports Team Saber is still building the Great Wall. No other railroads are seen as Team Free still has the only one. We are now making 376cpt and will be making at least 379cpt next turn. At least one library and one cathedral will be whipped next turn to bump this to 385cpt while Team Free remains at 123cpt.
Ramblings: I think all corrupt cities with less than 40 shields should make workers if at all possible from now on out. Maybe we could ask Babes or someone to sell us slaves to add in too. We can probably produce 75-80 workers every ten turns (35 from corrupt areas, 40 from 2-,3-, and 4- turn worker factories. Steam Power and 500 workers is all that prevents us from victory... 40 turns from now we should be at 1000 cpt easily if we do that. Then 30-40? turns from victory? Probably not enough without gaining some new land somehow (possible solutions- endgame peace deals, nonaggression pacts and sneaking in some settlers and workers when someone dies).
We can now make cavalry and have six luxuries. This will rise to seven luxuries when the Babes connect more ivory. I'm thinking of sending a note to Team Free asking to trade furs for spices.

In production this turn:

Ring of Fire=>harbor-worker in 10
St. Alphonzo's=>harbor-worker in 10
Love Shack=>worker-worker in 10
Townes Van Zandt=>cathedral-university in 100

We switch 5 cities to worker and now have 44 workers with 15 in production. Only two more mountains need mines and then worker actions are done until steam power and coal. Team Free continues to build up its railroad while Team Council shows no evidence of starting one. Team Saber is still not industrial and is currently building the Great Wall. There is no change in relative power among the teams as we are strong against everyone but the Babes. Town Called Malice whips a cathedral for 3 pop. and Whiskeytown whips a library for 4 pop. Several other towns whip shields into their box. We are making 379cpt now and will be making at least 385cpt next turn. This puts our estimated win date about 140 turns from now. Science is bumped to 70% for music theory in 3-turns when we are expected to trade the GLib. We have 526gold in the treasury and are losing 144gpt atm. All but 5 of our towns are growing in one or two turns.

Now that workers will be idle in two turns, should we go ahead and add them in for whips or stockpile them for steam power? If not, they can at least begin forestry operations chopping shields into towns.
I would say yes to the forrestry ops. It seems a waste to add them, whip them, and rebuild them for rail. If we are fortunate we will get rail in a few turns once we swap the Glib, so we will need all the workers then. How long will it take to rail the entire island?
We have to whip! Time is very limited! With the others getting luxes they can do fast cooperative research and Babes wont do as much research as us so we have to whip asap! We dont have enough territory to wait around til rails to whip as we have no place to expand. 50 cities*14 cpt=700 only, and we will only have culture doubling in select cities to get us over 1000 and then it is a waiting game. I dont think we need to add a great number, but a few here and there to help out is fine. That being said, we need to produce more of these guys.
But we should get rails from the Glib trick right (one known to have rails, hope for one more)? which is in about 3 turns right? if that is the case then rails for more food is more important than whipping and rebuilding. If I am wrong on either of my previous assumptions then it blows the analysis out of the water. but I figure it is worth waiting the 3 turns for the GLIb before whipping.
Babes have two ivory connected, but have still not sent any. I hope they send it soon. Team Saber is still building the Great Wall and is not yet in the industrial age. We are still strong versus everyone but the Babes. No sign of railroads yet from the Council.

In production this turn:

Town Called Malice=>cathedral-worker in 10
Whiskeytown=>library-worker in 10

Motor City Five whips a cathedral for 2 pop. and Sin City whips one for 3 pop. Basement on a Hill whips a harbor for 3 pop. We are at 385cpt and will be at least 391cpt next turn. In the next two turns a few library/cathedral will be whipped and DSOTM will complete our first university. Team Free is at 138cpt with about 1/3 of our culture.

Two towns switch to worker, one with 2spt. We have 44 workers with 20 in production. I've started forestry operations on a few squares and a single worker add-in should whip a university at We Built This City. Others may be whippable soon. The science slider is lowered to 50% for music theory in 2 turns and we have 372gold in the treasury losing 118gpt.
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