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Turnplay Log

We are the ticking time bomb that the rest of the world has to battle to defuse. We can't do much to hurry the clock, we just have to build a safe place to hide the bomb in!

what risk of a space race victory before we go off with a cultural bang?
Well, they need at least 20 techs to get space victory. The Council has reported to the Babes that they can't research very fast, so Free would need to do most of the research on their own. They would need to get them at almost a 4-turn per tech pace to beat us and I highly doubt that is possible even trading tech.

However, they may be underestimating how fast we can get culture victory. Our cpt as it is now would put victory at 150+ turns and they may think that they can beat us. I do think it's curious that they went for electronics as their free tech, if they were not trying to reach the modern age. Maybe they are going to try for space. Maybe it will be too late for them to switch to war production by the time they realize they will come up short.
Hm, I think I know why Free went for electronics. Hoover and ToE has put them in a golden age. We may be a 90-turn time bomb, but Free is an 800-pound gorilla. The Babes have suggested making peace with Saber and getting them into an alliance against Free/Council. Saber needs military tradition for a GA, so that tech may be a bargaining chip for such a deal. Free could reach domination before we get cultural victory, so the other teams need flight badly as a defense against them if they are not going to try for space.
Fine - if we can bring saber onside then that would be good - the more distractions to the sound of our ticking the better! How much % land do we have when combined with Babe? are we near to 20% each? or is there more land out there to be discovered? A screenshot of the victory screen would be good.
In production this turn:

We Built This City=>colosseum-marketplace in 100
Sunset Strip=>worker-worker in 10

Palace of the Brine whips a university for 3 pop. We add 11 railroad tiles for a total of 26. We have 67 worked tiles left to railroad and 131 tiles total left to railroad. This should be done by 800AD at the latest. We have 64 workers with 13 left in production. Our cpt is 465 and will be at least 469 next turn. Our treasury is 123 gold at -3gpt and we can expect to go in the black soon with a market in DSOTM and a bank in Graceland. There are no changes in demographics or our military strength versus other teams.

I have taken some screenshots, but unfortunately cannot upload them to the site. My ISP has a server problem and some kind of block on CFC, so I'm using a proxy server and can't use most of the advanced functions of the site.
Sheesh, I can't even make longer posts than what's above.

To answer your questions, RF, we have 17% land and the Babes are #1 with 20%. There is only about sixty tiles left to claim by culture expansion. There is one possible city site on a small island owned by the Babes where a Saber town used to be. There is no more land left to discover as we have uncovered all the blackness of the sea. So 37-40% for both teams.

We have 18,226 total culture while Team Free is next with 5,996. They are only making 146cpt atm and imo are no threat to be at half our culture when we reach 100K. DSOTM is the leading culture city of the world and the only one that could be a threat for 20K, but the game won't last that long. Team Free leads in score and is pulling away in that regard atm.

I'll post screens again as soon as I'm able.
Yep. Once its clear we're over 1000cpt FREE will realize they have no choice but to attack. The good thing for us is we don't need carriers or marines. If we can somehow get to flight and enable cheap fighters and flak I don't think any of the teams can stop us.

Even if we don't get there, with the draft, pop-rushing, and an obscenely high unit limit (450+) they are going to at least wade through a lot of units to get to our buildings. They're going to need a LOT of bombers, 50-60 just won't do. Hopefully, the Babes will be a big distraction as well. It should be a blast either way.:)
We do of course have to make sure that Babe doesn't get invaded either - otherwise we could lose to domination, so we need to keep at least one ally substantially intact (two halves would also do!)
We get some good news on the tech front. The Babes are going to send us gold every turn to speed up research on the corporation. Then, we'll split research on refining and steel and one team will then research combustion with the other feeding gold. This way we have a pretty good chance to get flight by 1100AD, which may not be too late. Unfortunately, they only send 33 gold this turn. We bump science up to 40% and hire scientists to put corporation due in 15 turns with 153 gold in the treasury at -129gpt.

In production this turn:
Palace of the Brine=>university-worker in 10

E Street whips a harbor for 3 pop. and Kokomo rushes a harbor for 1 pop. We are at 469cpt but won't build any culture next turn. Six more railroad tiles are added and we have 64 workers with 14 in production. The Babes pass us in score as we drop to third. Team Saber is building Smith's in F7.
What is our projected win date with no more culture built? - what is it if we carry on building culture? Soon (and I am not sure if we have reached that point) we will be building massively to shave a turn or 2 off the win date. At that point it may be better to build military to protect what we have.

This culture thing is rather like a long drag race. There comes a point where going a bit faster doesn't make much difference (as you are going so quick anyway), it can only make you lose control.
The Babes send us 59 gold and we are forced to turn science to 0% hiring all scientists for corporation in 21 turns. We need more gold from them to speed research. Team Saber has completed Smith's probably with an SGL. We have 83 gold in the treasury at -74gpt.

In production this turn:
DSOTM=>marketplace-bank in 7
E Street=>harbor-worker in 10
Kokomo=>harbor-cathedral in 80

Ten more railroad tiles are added and we need 106-117 more with 64 workers and 15 in production to be fully railed. Graceland drafts two riflemen and disbands them for colosseums next turn in Dirty Old Town and Paradise City. We have 469cpt for an estimated win date 1485AD and will have at least 473cpt next turn. We can shave another thirty turns off that win date by building culture. Some cities are done with culture and can start producing military soon. Full production should come around 1000AD. We are still strong vs. all the science teams.
We get 56 gold from the Babes. We have to hire 5 tax-men to make ends meet but are still due for corporation in 20 turns at 0%science with 65 gold in the treasury losing 63 gpt.

In production this turn:
Dirty Old Town=>colosseum-marketplace in 100
Paradise City=>colosseum-marketplace in 50
The Watchtower=>worker-colosseum in 40
Marmalade Skies=>worker-university in 200

Woodstock whips a university for 3 pop. We are at 473cpt and will be making at least 477 cpt next turn. We have 66 workers with 13 in production and add another 11 railroad tiles. There are no changes in demographics or the relative strengths of the teams. Boats from the science teams that were shadowing our territory have moved away.

Team Saber has sent us a note saying they are concerned about the position of Team Free and are working with the Council to resist them. They suggest a ban on trade with Team Free as a means of slowing them down. If true, they may be forced to do all their own research. We are awaiting word from the Babes to see if it is ok to sell the military tradition, possibly in exchage for gold and peace with the Babes.
Sadly, the Babes forgot to send us any gold this turn and we were forced to turn research down on the corporation. We have 2 gold in the treasury making 1 gpt for corporation at the minimum 44 turns with seven scientists. Hopefully, they will send more gold soon.

Also on the diplomatic and intelligence fronts, we are attempting to work out a deal between Saber and the Babes. The Babes will give Saber Military Tradition in exchange for peace and gold and then gift us the gold to speed our research. We have also offered chivalry to Saber, but I don't know if they will be interested in this. Saber is building MoM and Universal Sufferage in F7. We have also spotted a Saber infantry unit, so they already have replaceable parts and rubber. We remain strong against the science teams as they haven't built up much military yet.

In production this turn:

Sugar Mountain=>cathedral-library in 5
Woodstock=>university-worker in 10
T for Texas=>worker-university in 200

Rock Lobsterford whips a university for 3 pop. We add another 11 tiles of railroad with 67 workers and 13 in production. We have 484cpt and will have at least 488cpt next turn. More whips and culture doubling comes soon and we will shortly have banks at both DSOTM and Graceland while Sugar Mountain adds more income with growth.

Thanks for the kudos, Rick. Btw, if anyone is interested in jumping in on diplomacy, feel free. Things are picking up in this area and we could use more communication to speed deals along.:)

Apologies for no screenshots, I've still not been able to connect to the forum except via proxy.
We accept 63 gold from the Babes and they promise to send even more when they get replaceable parts in a few turns. We hire more scientists for corporation due in 17 turns with 66 gold in the treasury losing 65 gpt. Team Saber is no longer building wonders in F7 and we are still strong versus the science teams. There is no word of any deals in diplomacy yet.

In production this turn:

Rock Lobsterford=>university-colosseum in 120
Cariboo=>worker-university in 200
Pete's End=>worker-colosseum in 18

CBGB's whip a university for 3 pop. We are making 488cpt and will be making at least 492cpt next turn. Team Free is a distant second at 152 cpt. We lay another 11 tiles of railroad and now have less than 35 worked tiles left to rail with 69 workers and 11 in production.
In corrupt towns the key is to maximise surplus food, so if you are working a hill (or other 1 food tile) then you are better off whipping that guy away (barring happiness problems) with a short rush because the next person will grow quicker.
Thanks, RF. I've been paying more attention to growth rates and when to whip rather than just whipping everything down to 1 pop. or letting towns use 1 food tiles.

In some bad foreign news, the Council now has music theory and is building JSBach's in F7. I'm afraid we wasted a lot of gold on that turkey if they beat us. DSOTM could build it in 18-turns, but they probably will build it next turn if they are showing it in F7. Still no news on the diplomacy front although the Council is talking directly with the Babes now, so a deal may still happen. It appears our luxury deals with Saber and the Council are about to end. We'll see about renewing these deals, soon. We remain strong against all the science teams.

In production this turn:

Graceland=>bank-factory in 11
Scarborough Fair=>worker-colosseum in 60
Love Shack=>worker-university in 200
CBGB's=>university-colosseum in 60
Basement on a Hill=>worker-university in 200

GWOF whips a colosseum for 2 pop. We have 492 cpt and will be making at least 494 cpt next turn. We have 72 workers with 8 in production and laid 12 more tiles of railroad. We should have all tiles railed by 800AD, especially if we get replaceable parts from the Babes. We receive 73 gold from the Babes and hire all scientists and bump science to 10% for corporation in 11 turns. We have 74 gold in the treasury losing 69 gpt.
As expected, the Council builds JSBach's cathedral. It would have helped some, but mostly its bad news since we could have saved our gold to research these IA techs. We got caught with our pant down on that one.lol Everything remains unchanged in diplomacy and power. The Babes send another 74 gold, but still have not got replaceable parts which at least Saber has. This allows us to keep science at 10% and the corporation is now due in 9 turns as we have 79 gold at -74gpt. The luxury deals apparently don't end unless negotiated since there have been no turns left for the last two turns on the lux deals with Saber and Council.

In production this turn:
GWOF=>colosseum-marketplace in 50
Abbey Road=>worker-colosseum in 120

Graceland drafts a rifleman and will grow back to size 12 next turn. This gets disbanded in Altamont Raceway and a cathedral is whipped for one pop. Stone Pony whips a university for 3 pop. We will have at least 501cpt next turn. Our total culture is now 21,672 while Team Free is next with 7051. We whip shields into many towns and maximize growth everywhere except where we are building workers or the extra citizen wasn't needed for growth. Our ships continue to scout the coasts of the other civs, updating our map of their improvements. We rail 8 more tiles, including two hills near Sugar Mountain which will grow to size 10 next turn. Our 73 workers have about sixty useful tiles left to rail.
Is it worth continuing with the colluseums? - our maintainance is already way high - would it be better to build workers rather than colluseums and use those to join and rush where we are building better cultural buildings? - or are we at a stage where it is essentially only colluseums left?

Can we (plus our allies) stop a diplo victory?
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