Charming-snake learner
You have to know that english is not my first language. So if something is not clear, please ask questions, I'll try to answer and help you...
Notes :
Toft has made several UI/HUD colors. I used his mods to create mines. This tutorial is written by me, but his work represents 80% of what I know about UI/HUD modifications.
And, I listen historical members, Ryanth (I don't know him) was the first one who tried to mod HUD. Even if I never seen his work, I give him credits...
Notes :
Toft has made several UI/HUD colors. I used his mods to create mines. This tutorial is written by me, but his work represents 80% of what I know about UI/HUD modifications.
And, I listen historical members, Ryanth (I don't know him) was the first one who tried to mod HUD. Even if I never seen his work, I give him credits...
- To begin, download one of my Mods as an exemple :In those Mods the file "Resource\Themes\Civ4\Civ4Theme_HUD.thm" has been modified (lines 882 to 892). You won't have to do that.
If you have any problem with the advisor's icons at top-right of main interface, open this file in any text editor, search for "../Beyond the Sword/Resource/Civ4/HUD/HUD_BTS_icons.tga" and replace it with "Resource/Civ4/HUD/HUD_BTS_icons.tga".
- Unzip the folder in [Your Civilization IV folder]\Beyond the Sword\Mods"
- If you rename the unzipped folder or if you use it in an other Mod :
- Open the file "Resource\Civ4.thm" (with any text editor), and change the text to :
Code:// *** Control Bitmap Theme file // Set the resource resource_path "Mods/[B][THE NAME OF YOUR MOD][/B]/Resource"; // Setup common properties include "Mods/[B][THE NAME OF YOUR MOD][/B]/Resource/Themes/Civ4/Civ4Theme.thm";
- Open the file "Assets\XML\Art\CIV4ArtDefines_Misc.xml" and search for "DEFAULT_THEME_NAME". In the next line, change the "path" to :
Code:<Path>Mods/[B][THE NAME OF YOUR MOD][/B]/Resource/Civ4.thm</Path>
- Open the file "Resource\Civ4.thm" (with any text editor), and change the text to :
- To modify the color : Open the file "Resource\Themes\Civ4\Civ4Theme_Common.thm", and go to the line 204 (you'll find th line 203 by searching "// Used for backgrounds of Window and Menu/ComboBox popup")
The line 204, for the gold color contains :
Code:GColor( 239,209,111,150)
- Modify the 3 first values.
- You have to know that your work with the RGB system : the first value (239 here) is for Red, the second (209 here) is for Green, and the third (111 here) is for Blue.
- A RVB value may be between 0 and 255 (0 = don't add this color, 255 = maximum of this color, 20 = a little bit of this color, etc.).
- Some exemples of values :
- a RED could be : GColor( 240,10,10,150)
- a GREEN could be : GColor( 10,240,10,150)
- a BLUE could be : GColor( 10,10,240,150)
- a YELLOW could be : GColor( 240,240,10,150) (red + green = yellow)
- a MAGENTA could be : GColor( 240,10,240,150) (red + blue = magenta)
- a CYAN could be : GColor( 10,240,240,150) (green + blue = cyan)
- a BLACK could be : GColor( 20,20,20,150) (low values : near to black)
- a GREY could be : GColor( 100,100,100,150)
- a WHITE could be : GColor( 255,255,255,150) (hight values : near to white)
- Transparency :
Modify the 4th value ("150" in this exemple) to modify the transparency. Read here for more explainations (thanks dutchking and TAfirehawk).
- To modify the fonts : go to the line 371(find it by searching "with SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font")
- You'll find 5 sizes for the texts (form size0 to size4). Modify the font with your font(s). Each text size can have a different font : Why not have a special font for the titles (size4) for exemple ?...
- If you change the font to a new one, copy/paste your font file from your folder "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts" to "Resource\Fonts" if this font can be distributed (look at the copyright). If not, change your font.
You can find a lot of free fonts, for exemple on http://www.downloadfreefonts.com/