With 4 remaining teams there is a chance of having a 2vs2 situation and that would in itself help balancing the game. Add a "drastic" solution and have Rik edit the gamesave and turn all BABE lands into water. Then it is a 4 palyer game with two "sides".
OTOH this recent discussion has rekindled my interest in the game somewhat. I think the solitude and lack of communication to be strong factors influencing my lack of enthusism. Then again I am stubborn as hell and hate quitting. The main problem right now is that I have let the position slip over the past 20 turns. The campaign vs. Council should have seen massive landings on several sites about 10 turns ago. Those forces now stand idle in the midst of BABE lands. Well, you never know, a few incidents like this and I mightstill be here next christmas.
OTOH this recent discussion has rekindled my interest in the game somewhat. I think the solitude and lack of communication to be strong factors influencing my lack of enthusism. Then again I am stubborn as hell and hate quitting. The main problem right now is that I have let the position slip over the past 20 turns. The campaign vs. Council should have seen massive landings on several sites about 10 turns ago. Those forces now stand idle in the midst of BABE lands. Well, you never know, a few incidents like this and I mightstill be here next christmas.