Uncopains Extra huge euro 18 civs BTS 107 by 87


Apr 24, 2006
This is the best map i have come across which contains a great mediteranean for a great ancient age game. If you have seen this map no others measure up. So I had to convert it to BTS and make myself a game. I have had no sleep. Made a few modifications to map to keep some balance in the game.

Check out his thread to learn more about the map but wait until you have played the game.

Made a few modifications to resources so all civs have a chance but the civ to play is Rome.

Tried to be historic with civ selection based on early and late Roman history. I mean in a round about way.
I have placed civs on the map with a view to balance. Played a third of a game and I am happy.

The files contain two 18 civ games although only slightly different they should play out quite differently. I am yet to see how it goes.

Will also include the above two files for use with random resources so the game is replayable. This seems to be the case.
Here are the four files including the previously mentioned above. Settings are marathon, with choose religions so you have a chance to be a christian europe and no tech brokering. No tech brokering seems to keep the ancient age going longer.

All you have do to is unzip the files into your public maps folder in BTS.

I havent posted the map because it is so big and fun to explore, even though its an Earth based map you still need to explore it to get a sense of it. I thought it might wreck the fun to have an idea of the scale.

However, despite the size it still runs well on my moderate machine.
Files are in the next two posts.
I suppose I should have stated one of my main goals which was to create a game for Uncopains map which plays out random historical events. What I mean is a game where Egypt is likely on more than one occasion to build the pyramids, thus I changed the leader to Ramesses for his wonder building strength.

I also moved Greece over one spot to the West so that when on advance starts, Sparta is not built over the sea by the AI and in its correct position.

My second major goal was to make the map replayable which I think highlights that the advance start option is great for this because the AI does different things upon start up. For this I also included a file which gives random resources changing the game and from my experience becomes very strategic.

Despite the changes in files, all games a playable just different and two contain a different civ.

These two files I think are the best ones.

My recommended settings are advance starts for replayability.

Choose religions so you dont end up for example, the Hindu Romans every game.

Marathon to keep the ancient age going.

No tech brokering also extends the ancient age and i think makes for a better game.

and I prefer diety.

These are my two best files and this will be my lasy post for a while. Please let me know if you enjoyed it.

Starting positions

random resources
Cool map, I enjoyed playing it as the Byzantines. What about Russians to fill that huge gap in the east?
Download link not working.
I'd still love to try this one. Perhaps someone who downloaded it previously could upload it?
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